Este obra cuyo autor es Sergio Cobos Arco está bajo una licencia de Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional de Creative Commons.
Publicado: 22 de agosto de 2015 em Sem categoria

At left hand.
-And other movement :to touch the big finger at right hand with the litlest one from left hand ,then rotate right hand onto left hand and cover heart place,this is the key to enter intraterrestrial realm and epsylon eridani helpers
-Tonight war ships captains from “Argos” “Troi” “Europe” and “America” are joining together our war-mother-city-ships with total power.
-The Inner Sun: as at Sunrise film,inhabited and full of life,human life,mountains,rivers,oceans
-The thing is clear: The governments all around the globe want to breakthrough fast, so REGRESION from out democracy,and same time high economic development,tht´s not possible but with a total obedience by all of us,“slaves”for them.But we are not slaves ,and now we are part a big´s part revolution movement since “15M ,global against-system movement ruled by the Anonymous Resistence.So governments had to dis-miss-their-own-selves and make future nomimal dictatorship´s pre-phase ,while we are at false democracies,”dis-falsed” by people´s,and so all system is reversing and is re-“bunkerizing”,The Resistance is taking strong,but our bases are there sine 7 years ago,firmnessly,and all bases are fluctuing no more,they cost MILLION YEARS to take them!,we come back to ur unknown places,we hide,to act at right moment,not before, not later,ALL TOGETHER.
Because we dont believe in that democracy,but total unanimity;they are who must beging to get afraid of us,by all crimes made,and after fallen maskes.They only have a GLOBAL TOTALISM TYRANY,and people is waitng them, with THE GLOBAL RESISTANCE, because we konw next step,and we are taking it in its right place,we konw,missings,tortures,and all kind of stuff:crimes,..,but its too late for them.We are ready,we were ready for this too….hehe!!!.I found this conversation,look!:
“-Now we can discuss the ancient “alien spaceship” and “the City” on the farside of the Moon. Did you go inside the spaceship? How big was it and what did you find inside?
-We went inside the big spaceship, also into a triangular one. The major parts of the exploration was; it was a mother ship, very old, who crossed the universe at least milliard of years ago (1.5 estimated). There were many signs of biology inside, old remains of a vegetation in a “motor” section, special triangular rocks who emitted “tears” of a yellow liquid which has some special medical properties, and of course signs of extra solar creatures. We found remains of little bodies (10cm) living in a network of glass tubes all along the ship, but the major discovery was two bodies, one intact.
-a kinda of Ancestral Technology
-Thats it!! An ancestral exotechnobiological mothership,with many biological and all that stuff,u know,in deep space all is very ancient,all beings are very ancestrals, and we seem antz for them for our age average,its simple!.And all,wars,ships,cultures,are very ancient,its not as movie films, metal ships or new super futuristic motherships,no!,all is very essenctial and human beings from earth seems very ridiculous…there are another human races very ancientstoo, but human race age average is always the same.”
-Keep pn,keep on,show me more!!!:

Into an Insektonotronix there should be several levels
“You have waken up the levels ,Congratulations!!! L-evels are integrated inside an Epsylonanian Cycle or Insektonotronix [Epsylonotronix].
Mixtification of Epsylon Eridani´s Pyramid by Level´s Awakening :
LEVEL I=NEXUS :”The protein that killed human race”: “A Virus ”
“The eternal smile”…HEHE!!!
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