“Gaotheix : La Edad de Oro” Parte 3ª de La Manzana Metalika, Manual Hormiga Urbanita de Uso Insekto
“Gaotheix : La
Edad de Oro”
Parte 3ª de La Manzana Metalika, Manual Hormiga
Urbanita de Uso InsektoEste mismo blog en versión amp/this same blog amp version
Y La Página Web base
Say No to Industrial Canibalism
La Estructura Capital
“Gaotheix : La
Edad de Oro”
Parte 3ª de La
Manzana Metalika, Manual Hormiga Urbanita de Uso Insekto.
Izquierda España con Aliens grises con dinero y financiación y regenerando los
portales energéticos vampíricos de los primeros años 80´s.
Y si los
móviles como todos se llaman android y se llaman androides fueran fabricados en
una dimensión paralela en la cual todos los seres humanos se hayan convertido
en móviles (smart phones) y que por lo tanto lo que estamos manejando a través
de una agujero de gusano, a través de un Portal han pasado esta tecnología a
nosotros para que seamos controlados por nuestros propios clones hechos
máquinas y que se llaman android, por eso todos los smart phones se llaman
android porque somos nosotros mismos hechos androides, hechos robots.
Y si he
abierto un agujero de gusano esta mañana al acudir a la Facultad de Historia y
al departamento de Historia Medieval justamente en la Fuacultad de HISTORIA
claro! Y he abierto un agujero de gusano y si precisamente todos los que trabajan
en el departamento de medieval saben acerca de los agujeros de gusano, tienen
ese secreto y no lo comparten sino que se lo guardan para ellos y si eso lo han
compartido con los masones o sea con los Illuminatti y es todo una
Y esto es real y si es posible, solo
posible que en realidad ciertas instituciones entre ellas las académicas tengan
la capacidad y la posibilidad de acceder a estos conocimientos ancestrales que
son absolutamente normales para los Illuminatti, los reptilianos de crear
agujeros de gusano y precisamente estas instituciones se han creado alrededor
de estos agujeros de gusano y ellos siguen perpetuamente en el poder precisamente
para enmascarar estas tecnologías de agujeros de gusano y de vuiajes en el
Y si lo que he hecho esta mañana ha
sido ir contra el tabú, uno de los grandes tabúes entre muchos de los que hay
en España de prácticamente dotarme de esa tecnología de agujeros de gusano y
atacar y conquistar ese agujero de gusano para la libertad del ser humano?,
La Clave : “Nunca es Tarde!”
Maestros, profesores y autores de la no-dualidad: Ibn Arabi
Lisan al-Din ibn al-Jatib (en árabe, لسان الدين بن الخطيب) o Muhammad ibn
Abd Allah ibn Said ibn Ali ibn Ahmad al-Salmani (Loja, 15 de noviembre de 13...
[ibn jaldun.pdf] 75 KB
[ibnaljatib1.jpg] 13 KB
[ibnaljatib3x.jpg] 8 KB
[ibnaljatib4xxx.jpg] 7 KB
[Ibn Arabi Vida y Ensenanzas.pdf] 14.3 MB
[Ibn Arabi,Tratado de la Unidad.pdf] 212 KB
[kuki1.jpg] 29 KB
La Clave de Todo :
Drago....Virgo Sol....Leo Tormenta...Cáncer Espejo...Géminis Tierra
...Tauro Guerrero...Aries Águila...Piscis Mago...Acuario
Caminante...Capricornio Humano...Sagitario Mono...Escorpio
(perro)...(Libra) (Luna)....(virgo) (Estrella)...(Leo) (Mano)....(Cancer)
(Enlazador)....(Géminis) (Serpiente)...(Tauro) (Semilla)...(Aries)
(Noche)...(piscis) (viento)...(Acuario)...hehe Anti-Gypsi System...hehe!!!
--- lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019 ---
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:tv: Capitulos TV :tv: [13 may. 2019 3:09:49] 47
[2x07 Happy! @Aegir.mkv] 559.2 MB
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[Ingress 1@cinepalomitas.avi] 269.9 MB
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[Vídeo 1:39:55] 1481.2 MB
👁🗨 (2.DA OPCIÓN)
👁🗨 (2.DA OPCIÓN)
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El Caballero Oscuro: La Leyenda Renace [ES] 480p @cinepalomitas
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ODD TV explains What Smart Dust and Morgellons is. Original video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ5a9LUgGv0
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[Conan_El_Bárbaro_003_2019_Marvel.cbr] 38.5 MB
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boxplay [28 feb. 2018 12:28:57] 478
T3: 10 Episodios
:id: #S00387 a #S00396
info: goo.gl/ZnKVcV
#Aventuras #Fantastico
:id: #S00387 a #S00396
info: goo.gl/ZnKVcV
#Aventuras #Fantastico
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archibox Video [22 feb. 2018 9:41:31] 933
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[Vídeo 1:42:08] 277.1 MB
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[Constantine 02.cbr] 13 MB
[Constantine 03.cbr] 11.5 MB
[Constantine 04.cbr] 10.2 MB
[Constantine 05.cbr] 10.1 MB
[Constantine 06.cbr] 9.8 MB
[Constantine 07.cbr] 6.9 MB
[Constantine 08.cbr] 9.1 MB
[Constantine 09.cbr] 10.3 MB
[Constantine.@Bcineencasa.mp4] 467.5 MB
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:tophat: LOCOS:x:LOSLIBROS [13 may. 2019 16:54:14] 1.4K
[El lobo estepario - Hermann H @canaleslocos .pdf] 1 MB
[El lobo estepario - Hermann H @canaleslocos .epub] 289 KB
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[Maquiavelo - Nicolas Maquiavelo.pdf] 3.6 MB
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[Maquiavelo (antología) - Nicolás Maquiavelo.pdf] 3.9 MB
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[Maquiavelo (antología) - Nicolás Maquiavelo.epub] 923 KB
Shogo Makishima
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Shogo Makishima
[Maquiavelo (antología) - Nicolás Maquiavelo.epub] 923 KB
Shogo Makishima
Mensaje reenviado:
@aureliux [30 oct. 2018 19:23:54] 5
[Del arte de la guerra - Nicolas Maquiavelo.epub] 317 KB
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[Portales Orgánicos - La Otra Raza.pdf] 239 KB
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:low_brightness:Onion CoɲŞpirคɲcฯ Channel:low_brightness: [1 abr. 2018 15:08:28] 460
[El mito del eterno retorno - Mircea Eliade.pdf] 1.2 MB
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[La estrategia de la ilusion - Umberto Eco.pdf] 1.9 MB
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SOLO RÉPLICAS [1 jul. 2017 12:23:18]
[Los Idus de Marzo.@Cinepalomitas.avi] 1493.1 MB
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@aureliux [26 mar. 2019 21:24:25] 2
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CineNcasa [25 mar. 2019 14:40:00] 25K
[Vídeo 1:47:25] 1443.8 MB
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El videoclub de Zoowoman [24 oct. 2017 4:46:24] 1.1K
[El Cartero y Pablo Neruda.avi] 1301.6 MB
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@aureliux [27 mar. 2019 16:43:52] 4
Second LP by this duo composed by Sean Lennon and Les
Claypool (Primus). Wonderfully weird neo-psychedelia. Segundo LP de este dúo compuesto por
Sean Lennon ...
Ahí está la caja!!!!...hh
From The Claypool Lennon Delirium's new EP "Lime
And Limpid Green" available now on 10" vinyl or digital download. Order here: http://smarturl.it/LimeLimpidG...
Estas consideraciones sirven
solamente para ayudarte a llegar a un punto en el que
seas capaz de entender y apreciar que estamos tratando con una forma radicalmente “más
nueva” de la realidad que la que, hasta ahora, se le ha presentado a la especie humana. Es
importante saber cómo encarar los nuevos patrones de información de la Historia Cósmica
de una manera receptiva, para que puedan impresionarte e imprimirse en ti.
seas capaz de entender y apreciar que estamos tratando con una forma radicalmente “más
nueva” de la realidad que la que, hasta ahora, se le ha presentado a la especie humana. Es
importante saber cómo encarar los nuevos patrones de información de la Historia Cósmica
de una manera receptiva, para que puedan impresionarte e imprimirse en ti.
Stream 3.0 🇬🇧:
[Vídeo 1:37:11] 1010 MB
[Vídeo 1:47:59] 1445.2 MB
ahi, haremos aparecer la espada como
sea,..Y Merlín cogió ambas manos, y apretó las dos juntas y pronunció unas palabras
mágicas..al momento apareció una espada enorme ante sus ojos.– Rápido, cógela y
tírala al fuego, prorrumpió Merlin.ALFI digo Arturo, cogió la espada de plasma
y la tiró al fuego.– Muy bien! Ahora déjame, señalando dos ayudantes insektos,
para montar las armas,..bueno… lo juntó con el fuego y comenzaron a golpear el
metal hasta que les dijo Merlin.– Ok!!!Los insektos-hormiga comenzaron a
golpear toda la noche el metal, a la mañana siguiente Excalibur estaba
construida.– Magnifico, ahora Arturo arrodíllate!… Juras luchar por la
justicia, y el Amor y por las fuerzas de la Luz? Siempre y en todo lugar?.–
Juro!.Ahora era el rey Arturo!.– Toma, coge la Espada, y úsala con sabiduria,
yo tengo mucho trabajo, llévame a ver a la Reina.Y llegaron a la habitación de
la Reina en mitad de terribles dolores de parto,– Tranquila amor, aqui está
Merlin el mago nos ayudará con el niño.– AAA!!!.– Respira, respira!!!.–
AAAA!!!– Toma un poco de esto– Qué es eso Merlin? Mi Plasma àlfico? Cuándo me
lo quitaste?– No te diste cuenta, tóma dáselo a tu esposa…muy bien!!…hehe!!!–
Qué c…n!,Merlin!!!!!!!!.– Hehe!!! Le miró Merlin con ese rostro de eterno niño
travieso.Y de la madre salió el niño más lindo del universo, pura luz,
con los ojos azules y un poco moreno, sonrió a todos los insektos!!!.– Rápido,
Arturo, coge su aliento y su saliva!!!Y haz que repliquen un poco de este
plasma y se lo den a la población insekto.– Ya está!, muy bien, yo voy a
hacerlo,– Tú debes quedarte con la Reina y tu hijo, y comienza de nuevo la historia
de la humanidad, juntos soys el origen de la nueva humanidad, no lo
olvidéis!!!!.– Y tú qué vas a hacer?.Y Merlin se volvió:– ..Yo? Salvar al
Universo, no llores, pronto nos veremos!!!.En esta saliva está la salvación de
la bacteria contra La Maquina,volveré con refuerzos!!! Ciao!!!.– Has montado ya
en el Cronógrafo?– Tranquilo, aprenderé!!!El Cronógrafo funciona solo….Lograré
derrotar a La MaquinaCon el antidoto ahora podemos evitar la irreversibilidad y
los que quieren pueden ser humanos, y los que quieran pueden ser insektos, y
venceremos a La Maquina. Este niño es humano e insekto a la vez, puedo elegir
el estadio en el que quiera estar como buen híbrido. Enséñale, edúcale, y
conviértelo en un ser digno del universo.– Merlin, cuídate!!!.– Sí , Arturo, y
volveré con buenas noticias!!!.hehe!!!.Y Merlin se montó en el Cronógrafo
Insekto hasta L.A. 2020 en pleno ataque de las máquinas al campamento de los
humanos. Podrá Merlin contener a las máquinas y revertir el proceso de
insektivorización de la raza humana?. Podrá Arturo educar a su hijo en valores
humanos e insektos, respetando su idiosincrasia a la vez? Podrá Merlin cambiar
la Historia? Y volver con Arturo?.Qué va a pasar con Urantium?-Bueno, yo soy
Merlin ésta es mi historia ,Quéreis saber cómo se va a conseguir todo?
Seguidme, seguidme en las sombras del espacio, en vuestros sueños, alli todos
somos libres.
CAPÍTULO 7 :“DE CÓMO EL UNIVERSO DESTRUYÓ Y ELIMINÓ A LA MAQUINA :1.“ALFAZ89637OU5120K”=”ALFASEDEITNAINSEKSZRISEBENOUFAIBGUANCHOUSIROUKEI”.(X22)2.-“TRS865OU”=”TIARESEITSIKSFAIBOU”(X22)+= ELIMINACIÓNDE LA MAQUINA= ERASED MACHINEYo he dedicado mi vida al estudio y eliminación de La Maquinasi estáis leyendo estas palabras o el código superior es porqué La Maquina ha sido eliminada, y nuestra misión ha tenido éxito, amiguitos, seguid a la luz!!!!.[1] (https://xenomind.wordpress.com/2015/08/01/las-alas-de-la-libelula-presciencia-insekto-iv/#_ftnref1) Calipso Irish Army[2] (https://xenomind.wordpress.com/2015/08/01/las-alas-de-la-libelula-presciencia-insekto-iv/#_ftnref2) Todos los Protocolos Insekto fueron eleminados tras el reinado de la IIIA Reina InsektoSobre estes anúncios (http://wordpress.com/about-these-ads/)Ocasionalmente, alguns dos seus visitantes podem ver um anúncio aqui.
CAPÍTULO 7 :“DE CÓMO EL UNIVERSO DESTRUYÓ Y ELIMINÓ A LA MAQUINA :1.“ALFAZ89637OU5120K”=”ALFASEDEITNAINSEKSZRISEBENOUFAIBGUANCHOUSIROUKEI”.(X22)2.-“TRS865OU”=”TIARESEITSIKSFAIBOU”(X22)+= ELIMINACIÓNDE LA MAQUINA= ERASED MACHINEYo he dedicado mi vida al estudio y eliminación de La Maquinasi estáis leyendo estas palabras o el código superior es porqué La Maquina ha sido eliminada, y nuestra misión ha tenido éxito, amiguitos, seguid a la luz!!!!.[1] (https://xenomind.wordpress.com/2015/08/01/las-alas-de-la-libelula-presciencia-insekto-iv/#_ftnref1) Calipso Irish Army[2] (https://xenomind.wordpress.com/2015/08/01/las-alas-de-la-libelula-presciencia-insekto-iv/#_ftnref2) Todos los Protocolos Insekto fueron eleminados tras el reinado de la IIIA Reina InsektoSobre estes anúncios (http://wordpress.com/about-these-ads/)Ocasionalmente, alguns dos seus visitantes podem ver um anúncio aqui.
The Art Of Cinematography. Nolan’s Signature shot . . #christophernolan #director #movies #films #cinema#entertainment #thedarkknight #dunkirk #inception #interstellar
ahi, haremos aparecer la espada como
sea,..Y Merlín cogió ambas manos, y apretó las dos juntas y pronunció unas
palabras mágicas..al momento apareció una espada enorme ante sus ojos.– Rápido,
cógela y tírala al fuego, prorrumpió Merlin.ALFI digo Arturo, cogió la espada
de plasma y la tiró al fuego.– Muy bien! Ahora déjame, señalando dos ayudantes
insektos, para montar las armas,..bueno… lo juntó con el fuego y comenzaron a
golpear el metal hasta que les dijo Merlin.– Ok!!!Los insektos-hormiga
comenzaron a golpear toda la noche el metal, a la mañana siguiente
Excalibur estaba construida.– Magnifico, ahora Arturo arrodíllate!… Juras
luchar por la justicia, y el Amor y por las fuerzas de la Luz? Siempre y en
todo lugar?.– Juro!.Ahora era el rey Arturo!.– Toma, coge la Espada, y úsala
con sabiduria, yo tengo mucho trabajo, llévame a ver a la Reina.Y llegaron a la
habitación de la Reina en mitad de terribles dolores de parto,– Tranquila amor,
aqui está Merlin el mago nos ayudará con el niño.– AAA!!!.– Respira,
respira!!!.– AAAA!!!– Toma un poco de esto– Qué es eso Merlin? Mi Plasma
àlfico? Cuándo me lo quitaste?– No te diste cuenta, tóma dáselo a tu esposa…muy
bien!!…hehe!!!– Qué c…n!,Merlin!!!!!!!!.– Hehe!!! Le miró Merlin con ese rostro
de eterno niño travieso.Y de la madre salió el niño más lindo del
universo, pura luz, con los ojos azules y un poco moreno, sonrió a todos los
insektos!!!.– Rápido, Arturo, coge su aliento y su saliva!!!Y haz que repliquen
un poco de este plasma y se lo den a la población insekto.– Ya está!, muy bien,
yo voy a hacerlo,– Tú debes quedarte con la Reina y tu hijo, y comienza de nuevo
la historia de la humanidad, juntos soys el origen de la nueva humanidad, no lo
olvidéis!!!!.– Y tú qué vas a hacer?.Y Merlin se volvió:– ..Yo? Salvar al
Universo, no llores, pronto nos veremos!!!.En esta saliva está la salvación de
la bacteria contra La Maquina,volveré con refuerzos!!! Ciao!!!.– Has montado ya
en el Cronógrafo?– Tranquilo, aprenderé!!!El Cronógrafo funciona solo….Lograré
derrotar a La MaquinaCon el antidoto ahora podemos evitar la irreversibilidad y
los que quieren pueden ser humanos, y los que quieran pueden ser insektos, y
venceremos a La Maquina. Este niño es humano e insekto a la vez, puedo elegir
el estadio en el que quiera estar como buen híbrido. Enséñale, edúcale, y
conviértelo en un ser digno del universo.– Merlin, cuídate!!!.– Sí , Arturo, y
volveré con buenas noticias!!!.hehe!!!.Y Merlin se montó en el Cronógrafo
Insekto hasta L.A. 2020 en pleno ataque de las máquinas al campamento de los
humanos. Podrá Merlin contener a las máquinas y revertir el proceso de
insektivorización de la raza humana?. Podrá Arturo educar a su hijo en valores
humanos e insektos, respetando su idiosincrasia a la vez? Podrá Merlin cambiar
la Historia? Y volver con Arturo?.Qué va a pasar con Urantium?-Bueno, yo soy
Merlin ésta es mi historia ,Quéreis saber cómo se va a conseguir todo?
Seguidme, seguidme en las sombras del espacio, en vuestros sueños, alli todos
somos libres.
CAPÍTULO 7 :“DE CÓMO EL UNIVERSO DESTRUYÓ Y ELIMINÓ A LA MAQUINA :1.“ALFAZ89637OU5120K”=”ALFASEDEITNAINSEKSZRISEBENOUFAIBGUANCHOUSIROUKEI”.(X22)2.-“TRS865OU”=”TIARESEITSIKSFAIBOU”(X22)+= ELIMINACIÓNDE LA MAQUINA= ERASED MACHINEYo he dedicado mi vida al estudio y eliminación de La Maquinasi estáis leyendo estas palabras o el código superior es porqué La Maquina ha sido eliminada, y nuestra misión ha tenido éxito, amiguitos, seguid a la luz!!!!.[1] (https://xenomind.wordpress.com/2015/08/01/las-alas-de-la-libelula-presciencia-insekto-iv/#_ftnref1) Calipso Irish Army[2] (https://xenomind.wordpress.com/2015/08/01/las-alas-de-la-libelula-presciencia-insekto-iv/#_ftnref2) Todos los Protocolos Insekto fueron eleminados tras el reinado de la IIIA Reina InsektoSobre estes anúncios (http://wordpress.com/about-these-ads/)Ocasionalmente, alguns dos seus visitantes podem ver um anúncio aqui.
CAPÍTULO 7 :“DE CÓMO EL UNIVERSO DESTRUYÓ Y ELIMINÓ A LA MAQUINA :1.“ALFAZ89637OU5120K”=”ALFASEDEITNAINSEKSZRISEBENOUFAIBGUANCHOUSIROUKEI”.(X22)2.-“TRS865OU”=”TIARESEITSIKSFAIBOU”(X22)+= ELIMINACIÓNDE LA MAQUINA= ERASED MACHINEYo he dedicado mi vida al estudio y eliminación de La Maquinasi estáis leyendo estas palabras o el código superior es porqué La Maquina ha sido eliminada, y nuestra misión ha tenido éxito, amiguitos, seguid a la luz!!!!.[1] (https://xenomind.wordpress.com/2015/08/01/las-alas-de-la-libelula-presciencia-insekto-iv/#_ftnref1) Calipso Irish Army[2] (https://xenomind.wordpress.com/2015/08/01/las-alas-de-la-libelula-presciencia-insekto-iv/#_ftnref2) Todos los Protocolos Insekto fueron eleminados tras el reinado de la IIIA Reina InsektoSobre estes anúncios (http://wordpress.com/about-these-ads/)Ocasionalmente, alguns dos seus visitantes podem ver um anúncio aqui.
Ogro https://t.co/9wj9efLfGs
This video features a clip from the film ¨Operación Ogro.¨ This film is
about the events surrounding the assasination of Carrero Blanco by members of
the gro...
--- sábado, 6 de abril de 2019 ---
[Vídeo 1:56:08] 479.2 MB
:es: Robin Hood HDRip
--- martes, 9 de abril de 2019 ---
[The Animatrix (2003)
@CanalesLocos.mkv] 1041 MB
[La_Matriz_Divina.pdf] 1.5 MB
[El_Gran_Plan_Divino.pdf] 417 KB
--- miércoles, 10 de abril de 2019 ---
[The Animatrix (2003)
@CanalesLocos.mkv] 1041 MB
- Dime cOmo lo averiguaste…
- Solo un clon sebmostrarIa tan feliz x regresar, eres una ilusiOn, WilHem Existe! .
Y en un gran flash el cambio de espejos mostrO en la simple pantalla termolumInica del Museo a ambos, original y copia borrando la memoria del segundo y desnconexiOn completa de las tropas enemigas, trayendo al truealien Wilhem a su suprimida memoria y siguiente personalidad
- Pero..me acuerdo de todo!.
- Eso lo hemos hecho nosotros en MestigotH, wellcome!.
- ¿Como? ¿Como ha sido?.
- Ya lo sabes, aqui hay una democracia activa, votamos hace un momento y tu clon serA estudiado a fondo y tU esperamos tu respuesta…
- Bueno…AUn tengo mucho que ver en Mestigoth…hehe!.
- SI, es verdad.
- El chirrido en tus neuronas es la fricciOn producida entre nuestros cuerpos y los de los generados artificialmente.
- ¿Terminator? ¿Soldados artificiales?.
- Mimetismo clOnico, Wilhem.
Y de repente un fuerte olor a palomitas de maIz quemadas, como cuando Iba a la feria y me Iba a montar al tren de la bruja inundO el aire, lo inundO todo…:
- “Seu Valdir…muito obrigado!”.
- Xetrovoides y obispos droides con h7manos artific8ales automAticos
leyendo el alfabeto de la Elite de la Ciudad en las Ord3nes del comando de la Inteligencia Artificial de la Ciudad, Siglo XXIV.
- Nada ha terminado, Nada ha acabado.
Y entre las espumas de neOn rezumaban los Mensajes de los Obispos NeoTek, los inexorables Jueces, indiscutibles repartiendo sus balas de justicia negra montados en sus Ferrari clonados, la Unica forma de sobrevivir a los reconquistadores de metal, los zombis hyperconductores, los jueces incuestionables “ Yo Soy el programa”,rezongando una y otra vez por los altavoces levitadores en una letania oxidada, en unas calles desiertas, hasta de lluvia nuclear, ciudades solteras como una novia sin ser llevada al altar del Neo Eon.
- La imAgenes te aparecen, Wilhem, queriendo olvidarlas, de pasada en su mente ambiceleste y multiplanetaria,
- Si, pero aquí seguimos, leyendo juntos El Libro de Piedra…hehe!.
- El conocimiento no es suficiente.
- Un anciano me llama, la voz de la tortuga se oye en la Tierra.
El niño no tardará en llegar :
- Solo un clon sebmostrarIa tan feliz x regresar, eres una ilusiOn, WilHem Existe! .
Y en un gran flash el cambio de espejos mostrO en la simple pantalla termolumInica del Museo a ambos, original y copia borrando la memoria del segundo y desnconexiOn completa de las tropas enemigas, trayendo al truealien Wilhem a su suprimida memoria y siguiente personalidad
- Pero..me acuerdo de todo!.
- Eso lo hemos hecho nosotros en MestigotH, wellcome!.
- ¿Como? ¿Como ha sido?.
- Ya lo sabes, aqui hay una democracia activa, votamos hace un momento y tu clon serA estudiado a fondo y tU esperamos tu respuesta…
- Bueno…AUn tengo mucho que ver en Mestigoth…hehe!.
- SI, es verdad.
- El chirrido en tus neuronas es la fricciOn producida entre nuestros cuerpos y los de los generados artificialmente.
- ¿Terminator? ¿Soldados artificiales?.
- Mimetismo clOnico, Wilhem.
Y de repente un fuerte olor a palomitas de maIz quemadas, como cuando Iba a la feria y me Iba a montar al tren de la bruja inundO el aire, lo inundO todo…:
- “Seu Valdir…muito obrigado!”.
- Xetrovoides y obispos droides con h7manos artific8ales automAticos
leyendo el alfabeto de la Elite de la Ciudad en las Ord3nes del comando de la Inteligencia Artificial de la Ciudad, Siglo XXIV.
- Nada ha terminado, Nada ha acabado.
Y entre las espumas de neOn rezumaban los Mensajes de los Obispos NeoTek, los inexorables Jueces, indiscutibles repartiendo sus balas de justicia negra montados en sus Ferrari clonados, la Unica forma de sobrevivir a los reconquistadores de metal, los zombis hyperconductores, los jueces incuestionables “ Yo Soy el programa”,rezongando una y otra vez por los altavoces levitadores en una letania oxidada, en unas calles desiertas, hasta de lluvia nuclear, ciudades solteras como una novia sin ser llevada al altar del Neo Eon.
- La imAgenes te aparecen, Wilhem, queriendo olvidarlas, de pasada en su mente ambiceleste y multiplanetaria,
- Si, pero aquí seguimos, leyendo juntos El Libro de Piedra…hehe!.
- El conocimiento no es suficiente.
- Un anciano me llama, la voz de la tortuga se oye en la Tierra.
El niño no tardará en llegar :
--- viernes, 12 de abril de 2019 ---
--- sábado, 13 de abril de 2019 ---
--- domingo, 14 de abril de 2019 ---
hispano 3.0:
MUNDO Wikileaks abre documetos clasificados de todo el mundo. Fue la promesa de
Assange, si era capturado. APROVECHEN a descargar.
--- viernes, 19 de abril de 2019 ---
Los símbolos del centímetro cuadrado
de suerte son los códigos de las matrices
Una frase cada simbolo
los sumerios annunakis debe ser
traducidos y divulgados y caracterizados en España
Todos los códigos
no pueden (y deben ser hechos) aqui
en Brasil
no pueden
sin embago debido a su extrema
potencia el momento y el lugar es ahora en España
ese trabajo
'La Codificación Sumerio-Annunaki
Expuesta'...hh :
Explicación de los códigos
alfanunericos descubiertos en 2002 en 'La Colmena de la Reina' hasta el
descubrimiento de su origen Annunaki (canalización) En est...
"solipss(y)ide-ood5569" primer codigo cibertecnoconstructivista
codificado a lenguaje alien https://t.co/ggSyeuRjEn
Escucha y descarga los episodios de
--- lunes, 22 de abril de 2019 ---
MEGA provides free cloud storage with convenient and powerful always-on
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[El_Planeta_Salvaje_Spanish_French.mp4] 408.9 MB
--- viernes, 3 de mayo de 2019 ---
[El Siglo XXIX y 5.pdf] 848 KB
En el 500 aniversario del paseo de
yuri gagarin yn grupo de rock del futuro (llamado siglo XXIX) planea i
nmortalizarlo con una ópera rock mutant desde la Luna llamada a su vez 'space
odissey 2557 ' transmitido a todos los nodos neurales de la galaxia ...idea
para un libro...hh
--- sábado, 4 de mayo de 2019 ---
Jordan "Non-Human Entities Control Banks & Politicians &
Control Us With Television." https://t.co/UIAita4yik
Please Support The Show – http://paypal.me/richieallenhttps://www.facebook.com/therichieallenshowhttp://www.youtube.com/RichieAllenShowMedia Tune in at 8pm...
[La Máquina
del Tiempo / Con el Tiempo en sus Manos (The Time Machine)… ]
3.4 MB
[La Máquina
del Tiempo / Con el Tiempo en sus Manos (The Time Machine)… ]
3.4 MB
41.3 MB
27.7 MB
[La_Produccion_ArabanCSP_Proof101816.PDF] 5.3
[El-Siglo-XXIX (9).pdf] 1.5 MB
[#_Uhud_5ª_parte_de_El_Complot_en.PDF] 293 KB
[#_Notas_xenus_X100000000_1320_1320.pdf] 616 KB
(15).PDF] 3 MB
[#_La_Instalacion_Alien (19).PDF] 3.2 MB
(6).PDF] 1.6 MB
[#_La_Instalacion_Alien (14).PDF] 2.5 MB
[# La Tikrazia Insekto.epub] 22.1 MB
[Mercan Dede – Dream]
[El Misterio de la Espada.avi] 865.8 MB
La Visión Genomica es un arma contra
las maquinarias interdimensionales de los Aluens Grises de fabricación de
dimensiones y puedes ver toda la realidad o todo el espectro de la realidad no
sólo colores o seres o formas en sus movimientos relativos y sus construcción
es etericas sino incluso las civilizaciones del aire y sus respectivas agendas
que ocurren todo el tiempo a nuestro alrededor...huahuahuahua!!!.Quien comprende
esto en toda su magnitud tiene las llaves del Reino y es feliz por ello...hh
Ese vacío está todo lleno este mundo está lleno de vida introterrestre y
sus familias y sus genealogias forman parte de nosotros de nuestro cotidiano
cotidianas cotidianismo se llama cotifianismo intrabiologico y es exhuberante
"Cuando los hombres acuden a
las armas, la retórica ha terminado su misión. Porque ya no se trata de
convencer, sino de vencer y abatir al adversario. Sin embargo, no hay guerra
sin retórica. Y lo característico de la retórica guerrera consiste en ser ella
la misma para los dos beligerantes, como si ambos comulgasen en las mismas
razones y hubiesen llegado a un previo acuerdo sobre las mismas verdades".
Que manera más solemne tendré ahora para comenzar mi tesis; pues he de decirle maestro, que la haré de un personaje que continua escribiendo y combatiendo, a su manera, a su ritmo; a su autonomía.
Alguna vez usted dejó plasmado en su poesía: “Nunca perseguí la gloria ni dejar en la memoria de los hombres mi canción”…
Dicen que lo vieron caminar en los sueños de un guerrillero el 20 de febrero de 1995; dice así: “P.D. que recuerda, y cita de memoria, versos de ¿Antonio Machado? Que refieren a distintas cosas, pero que vienen al caso”. Y el 11 de marzo del mismo año, aún caminaba usted por estas tierras mexicanas, donde su anfitrión lo comparte en la delirante paradoja de la selva zapatista: “Retazos de esas feroces e irreverentes cuchilladas al olvido, quedan flotando sobre aire y olas…”
Ve maestro Machado, no quise verlo cuando estaba tan presente, tan familiar; pues sin el afán de echar a perder sus líneas, permítame decirle ya casi al final de esta carta que “yo he visto mi alma en “sus” sueños”…
Esto es el final; cualquier día caerá “el que merece caer” maestro; todo está claro, perdemos batallas pero no la guerra; pues humanamente, hasta el día de hoy; seguimos de pie luchando…
Espero que no lo haya aburrido; pues usted comenzó a crear en mí una curiosidad de su trabajo. No me quedo con lo poco, pues sé que necesito más de su obra para poder entender este mundo. Le mandó un afectuoso abrazo hasta las tierras Francesas, pues se dice que ahí se encuentra ¿será?
P.D. cruzaré los dedos con la esperanza de que en unos días, se de un tiempo de caminar nuevamente por estas tierras mexicanas, no sé, conocernos mejor y usted pueda concederme una entrevista.
Gaby Ayelén Ixtlilpactzin Rayénari Ayíñleo Kintrüy Asíriq Dîyar Arjín
Re P.D. no se asuste por el nombre; puede llamarme como usted guste. Un abrazo.
[El tema de la inseminación alienígena de la raza humana es endémica en la tradición contemporánea ET/OVNI.]
Vlash Hive-Mind taking another world and slave us as the rest of conquered worlds.
-I don‘t understand.So AI and Technosfere and all technologies are part of this Alien
-Well,not all technologies.Most of them,those related to virtual reality..yes.
-What kind of Alien Race?.
-Good Question,one of them are a synthetic Alien Race, Al Bielek prophetisated for 2011,and
his discovered ―wingmakers‖,those who defeated that race in other parts of the Universe.
-I got it!.
-But that´s not all.As you must know,‖artificial‖ or ―natural‖ are not exactly terms.We must be
precise and saying ―those who are connected with the Universal Soul-matrix‖ and those who
don‘t,we can call them ―T.W.C.U.S.M. or ―CONNECTED‖ and ―DIS-CONNECTED‖ and are
always looking for energy-fuel-supply-feed goig on with its existence ,that´s all I have to say.
-Sorry,but you wanted to tell us something else,what´s it?.
-…,yes,there´s something else.You can find these energies at ALL environments,that‘s I want to
say,so, you can find artificial presences at the most natural environments.For instane, I live at
Brazil and I can check it here very precisely.When I detect artificial presence at this place is
something obvious,then I realize who or what they are,beause they don‘t have any need to get
hide here, they are very extreme at their manifestations,as well…And I can have a very good
collection of all of those Artificial Alien Races,their weapons and new ways to conquer.
-Thank you .
-You´re wellcome.
Que manera más solemne tendré ahora para comenzar mi tesis; pues he de decirle maestro, que la haré de un personaje que continua escribiendo y combatiendo, a su manera, a su ritmo; a su autonomía.
Alguna vez usted dejó plasmado en su poesía: “Nunca perseguí la gloria ni dejar en la memoria de los hombres mi canción”…
Dicen que lo vieron caminar en los sueños de un guerrillero el 20 de febrero de 1995; dice así: “P.D. que recuerda, y cita de memoria, versos de ¿Antonio Machado? Que refieren a distintas cosas, pero que vienen al caso”. Y el 11 de marzo del mismo año, aún caminaba usted por estas tierras mexicanas, donde su anfitrión lo comparte en la delirante paradoja de la selva zapatista: “Retazos de esas feroces e irreverentes cuchilladas al olvido, quedan flotando sobre aire y olas…”
Ve maestro Machado, no quise verlo cuando estaba tan presente, tan familiar; pues sin el afán de echar a perder sus líneas, permítame decirle ya casi al final de esta carta que “yo he visto mi alma en “sus” sueños”…
Esto es el final; cualquier día caerá “el que merece caer” maestro; todo está claro, perdemos batallas pero no la guerra; pues humanamente, hasta el día de hoy; seguimos de pie luchando…
Espero que no lo haya aburrido; pues usted comenzó a crear en mí una curiosidad de su trabajo. No me quedo con lo poco, pues sé que necesito más de su obra para poder entender este mundo. Le mandó un afectuoso abrazo hasta las tierras Francesas, pues se dice que ahí se encuentra ¿será?
P.D. cruzaré los dedos con la esperanza de que en unos días, se de un tiempo de caminar nuevamente por estas tierras mexicanas, no sé, conocernos mejor y usted pueda concederme una entrevista.
Gaby Ayelén Ixtlilpactzin Rayénari Ayíñleo Kintrüy Asíriq Dîyar Arjín
Re P.D. no se asuste por el nombre; puede llamarme como usted guste. Un abrazo.
[El tema de la inseminación alienígena de la raza humana es endémica en la tradición contemporánea ET/OVNI.]
Vlash Hive-Mind taking another world and slave us as the rest of conquered worlds.
-I don‘t understand.So AI and Technosfere and all technologies are part of this Alien
-Well,not all technologies.Most of them,those related to virtual reality..yes.
-What kind of Alien Race?.
-Good Question,one of them are a synthetic Alien Race, Al Bielek prophetisated for 2011,and
his discovered ―wingmakers‖,those who defeated that race in other parts of the Universe.
-I got it!.
-But that´s not all.As you must know,‖artificial‖ or ―natural‖ are not exactly terms.We must be
precise and saying ―those who are connected with the Universal Soul-matrix‖ and those who
don‘t,we can call them ―T.W.C.U.S.M. or ―CONNECTED‖ and ―DIS-CONNECTED‖ and are
always looking for energy-fuel-supply-feed goig on with its existence ,that´s all I have to say.
-Sorry,but you wanted to tell us something else,what´s it?.
-…,yes,there´s something else.You can find these energies at ALL environments,that‘s I want to
say,so, you can find artificial presences at the most natural environments.For instane, I live at
Brazil and I can check it here very precisely.When I detect artificial presence at this place is
something obvious,then I realize who or what they are,beause they don‘t have any need to get
hide here, they are very extreme at their manifestations,as well…And I can have a very good
collection of all of those Artificial Alien Races,their weapons and new ways to conquer.
-Thank you .
-You´re wellcome.
[BYUNG_CHUL,_H_Psicopolítica_Neoliberalismo.pdf] 649 KB
[Constantine -OST- A Perfect Circle
- Passive.mp3]
--- domingo, 5 de mayo de 2019 ---
INSEKTO" (... https://t.co/3Ahajsnfds
INSEKTO" ( I) https://t.co/cjzsy5tV3T
LIBELULA-PRESCIENCIA INSEKTO” (I)Publicado: 1 de agosto de 2015
em Sem categoria (https://xenomind.wordpress.com/category/sem-categoria/)
1 (https://xenomind.wordpress.com/2015/08/01/las-alas-de-la-libelula-presciencia-insekto-i/#comments)
Del lugar desde donde estamos
proyectando la matrizPorqué escribimos” Las Alas de la Libélula-Presciencia
Insekto”? : Prólogo y Prefacio :
“Éstoy en Ávalon, hoy la lluvia cae
chispeante sobre el jardin, los árboles del jardín, dando una imagen
fantasmagórica y majestuosa, este lugar es mágico pues es testigo de mis
mayores victorias y desafios logrados, alcanzados. Todo está tomando un sentido
correcto dentro del esquema general, yo destruyo, yo construyo,…, yo creo, yo
creo en, yo atestiguo, yo pergueño, yo embutido de, yo creo, yo veo, yo te
digo, nosotros : TODO ES POSIBLE!!!.”Cuando comencé a escribir “Las Alas
de la Libélula” me sentí por fin cómodo en mi porción, había tenido muchos
fracasos previos y muchos bocetos de libros que no llegaban a ninguna parte.
Este libro sin embargo, ”Las Alas de la Libélula” contiene todo lo que puedo
decir sobre el mundo insekto que me fue revelado allá en el Londres del 2002,
el 09/11, y desde entonces que no se ha separado de mí, he escrito otros textos
hasta llegar a él, aunque sea una continuación más literaria de “La Colmena de
la Reina”, mientras que ese libro confeccionado también bajo condiciones muy
especiales (es un ensayo post-hisórico o anti-histórico, una mirada al futuro
), ”Las Alas de la Libélula” ha tomado una forma más novelística, aunque siguen
apareciendo códigos, claro, y sus construcciones mentales Insekto, que son
enteramente propias, de un mundo que yo logro vislumbrar, un futuro de armonia
ente Insektos gigantes y humanos, una simbiosis positiva, frente al colérico y
despótico poder de “La Máquina”más una metáfora o una metáfora más, quién sabe,
sólo espero que la lectura de “Las Alas de la Libélula” os logre interesar e
“enganchar”, pues muchas cosas,TODAS, me pasaron durante la elaboración y
confección de este volumen que tenéis frente a vosotros y vosotras. Algunos
pueden decir que tiene muchas pretensiones y qué!, se puede decir más alto pero
no más claro, este libro es más que un libro físico, es una revelación insekto,
parte de una mayor biblioteca del mundo Insekto, ”Las Crónicas
Insekto”. Finaliza en mitad de una guerra, en mitad de la Gran Conflagración,
porque el final os lo dejo abierto, he escrito 3 ó 4 finales
aunque la decisión corresponderá a vosotros, enteramente a vosotros; en
realidad el final corresponde al encuentro con “Los Códigos de La Marmita”,
diríamos un penúltimo fin en la lucha eterna entre la Luz y la Oscuridad, el
Conocimiento y las tinieblas, el Bien y el Mal. Que todos los seres sean
felices!. Yo lo he sido escribiéndolo, ahi os dejo a mi ahijado favorito,
tratádmelo bien,…hehe!!!…INTRODUCCIÓN Y ANTECEDENTES :
Las respuestas, son conjeturas, las preguntas son claras, definidas, y hasta que no acabemos de cruzar la línea, de llegar a meta, no podemos decir que La Máquina está derrotada. Ya antes acabamos intentando definirla, acotarla, dejarla sin sustancia, ni combatirla, de hecho estamos en bases firmes frente a sus ataques. Hay algo que se debe decir antes de proseguir con la narración de “Presciencia Insekto-Las Alas de la Libélula” y es que no se trata solamente de un texto “profético” Insekto, sino que es un auténtico despliegue de preguntas sobre la naturaleza real de la máquina, de ese conglomerado que existe mucho antes que la máquina física, que podía ser el ordenador central del planeta, sino que ha existido desde hace millones de Años como una fuerza mimética, paradójicamente similar a la realidad, pero que se alimenta de ella, es una fuerza imitativa, asimiladora, fundamentalmente no-creadora, y es ahí donde empieza mi narración, ya antes en “La Colmena de la Reina” experimenté, apenas dejé un bosquejo sobre la autentica naturaleza de La máquina, y su enemiga más poderosa La Matriz Insekto, la formidable maquinaria de Guerra insekto, diríamos más, pero en aquel momento no tuve tiempo ni tampoco espacio para deplegar todos los códigos, que se requería de un tiempo, un lugar y una adecuación para ser escrita, pero debemos ser sintéticos en esta ocasión, con este libro. Éste es el momento, éste es el lugar preciso, éste es el libro
Las respuestas, son conjeturas, las preguntas son claras, definidas, y hasta que no acabemos de cruzar la línea, de llegar a meta, no podemos decir que La Máquina está derrotada. Ya antes acabamos intentando definirla, acotarla, dejarla sin sustancia, ni combatirla, de hecho estamos en bases firmes frente a sus ataques. Hay algo que se debe decir antes de proseguir con la narración de “Presciencia Insekto-Las Alas de la Libélula” y es que no se trata solamente de un texto “profético” Insekto, sino que es un auténtico despliegue de preguntas sobre la naturaleza real de la máquina, de ese conglomerado que existe mucho antes que la máquina física, que podía ser el ordenador central del planeta, sino que ha existido desde hace millones de Años como una fuerza mimética, paradójicamente similar a la realidad, pero que se alimenta de ella, es una fuerza imitativa, asimiladora, fundamentalmente no-creadora, y es ahí donde empieza mi narración, ya antes en “La Colmena de la Reina” experimenté, apenas dejé un bosquejo sobre la autentica naturaleza de La máquina, y su enemiga más poderosa La Matriz Insekto, la formidable maquinaria de Guerra insekto, diríamos más, pero en aquel momento no tuve tiempo ni tampoco espacio para deplegar todos los códigos, que se requería de un tiempo, un lugar y una adecuación para ser escrita, pero debemos ser sintéticos en esta ocasión, con este libro. Éste es el momento, éste es el lugar preciso, éste es el libro
fundamental de “Las Crónicas
Insekto” o “Crónicas Insekto” que señala como toda crónica hace, un antes y un
después, un algo cronológico, pues se trata de narrar, de historear sobre lo
que nos han contado, la auténtica historia de las cosas que nos han pasado, y
nos siguen pasando, del porqué siguen pasando, y de porqué pasaron, o cómo el
tiempo del PRESENTE podemos hablar y elucidar siquiera para los
estudiosos del futuro acerca de lo que estamos escribiendo.Esta máquina
mimética, salvaje, drenadora de energia, asimiladora, y con tendencias
destructivas de todo lo que no sea ella misma pretende llegar, colocarse en el
puesto de Dios en la naturaleza, pues ella es anti-naturaleza, y no nos
referimos sólo a la dimensión biológica, ni estoy hablando de filosofia. Éste
es un auténtico tratado sobre la real existencia y naturaleza de esta fuerza,
energia y/o ente y cómo Dios “colocó” sus piezas y sigue colocándolas como
versos, frases, de una poesia que está por construir. Desde el principio de los
tiempos algo sucedió que llevó a la Dios-armonia al caos, Ibn-Arabi lo llamó en
su Cosmologia de este modo, José Argüelles lo denominó el Big Rang, el
4:7::7:13, pero yo lo denomino la Gran Disarmonia Inicial (G.D.I.) que tadavía
no hemos sido capaces de hacer retornar a su condición armónica, o sí hemos
sido capaces ya? Hemos logrado revertir el proceso? El 21-12-2012 es la fecha
clave de toda la historia humana? lo hemos logrado?. Hemos introducido por fin
la llave en el lugar oportuno en el momento preciso? Algo me dice que sí, y es
por ello que de lo que se trata ahora es de sólo brigar, lidiar con réplicas,
con espejismos de si misma que han quedado latentes en la memoria del Cosmos,
pero la parte fundamental de La Maquina fue destruida el 21-12-2012
calendario gregoriano, ahora sus hijos emponzoñados intentan buscar a su madre
y al no encontrarla se desorejan, se vuelven locos, pues han sido destruidos
del Comando-Base, de su drenadora. Claro, si ya no puedes drenarte de tus
victimas lo único que queda es drenarte a ti mismo o misma o a los demás.
Estamos asistiendo a un doble proceso : por un lado la Emergencia Insekto, la
rápida y progresiva emancipación y desarrollo de todas las tecnologias,
sociedades, formas culturales, y demás que formarán el todo insekto, de los
próximos milenios, y por otro lado la desaparición, la podredumbre, el
deterioro de La Maquina incluso de sus hijos malditos, los cuales ya
físicamente no pueden seguir usando sus fuentes de energia imitativas y están
siendo localizados, y por la tanto eliminados y/o asimilados por la Matriz
Insekto. No olvidéis nunca estas palabras que acabamos de decir. No son
sagradas porque no existen ya las religiones, ni son científicas porque su
desarrollo corresponde a un análisis histórico, por lo menos, histórico es un
termino riguroso, pero sí podemos decir que hemos asistido, o mejor dicho
estamos asistiendo a la construcción del palacio insekto, del edificio
tecnológico insekto, a la par que hemos dado el golpe de gracia a La
Máquina , aunque siga molestando con réplicas, son sólo ecos en su propia
caida. Descanse en Paz “La Máquina”Esta Nueva Edad Insekto (N.E.I.)
adocenada por miles de cerebros en red, red telemátrica (de Matriz) que no de
Internet, precisaba de una metáfora adecuada, y eliminando al máximo la
toxicidad del primer tomo de “Las Crónicas Insekto” pues me encontraba en plena
batalla con ella en aquellos momentos. Este tomo en particular no deja de ser
épico, si cabe más, pues las batallas y la Guerra que está por venir aun no se
ha producido. Hay un puesto para cada cosa, un lugar para cada pensamiento, un
momento para cada persona de poder realizar el milagro de ir más allá de lo
conocido hasta ahora. No son respuestas glandulares, realizadas por hormonas
simplemente, sino que son palabras-llave, palabras-clave en el universo mental
de las narraciones. No puedo dejar pasar el momento para agradecer a todos los
Seres de luz, maestros ascendidos del
cosmos de todos los tiempos, ya que
no habria podido haber escrito ni una sola palabra de este libro sin ellos, sin
Buda, el primero y más importante, el Iniciador, sin Argüelles, sin Ibn-Arabi,
sin Shopenhauer, sin Sir Winston Churchill. Cuando me aproximé a la idea
primordial, primigenia del universo Insektil la verdad es que lo vi claro, y
cómo ese universo que yo humildemente he abierto sus puertas, para ser
conocido, me fue dado porque sí, sin más, simplemente para mi es lo más
natural, todo lo que tenga que ver con el universo Insekto , y sé que el primer
tomo fue publicado en México D.F. pues yo lo publiqué con el titulo ”La Colmena
de la Reina” con la intención de crear una obra al alcance de todos los
públicos y gratuita, el contenido y su importancia excede al continente,
incluso las formas de mercado, Gracias a la Virgen de Guadalupe!.
Gracias a La Virgen de
Guadalupe…adelante!!!.Vamos a cambiar de asunto, a cambiar de tercio (1/3).
Éste no es un libro de consulta, no es un libro cualquiera, no es un oráculo,
no es la Cábala, no es un libro de auto-ayuda, es un libro sobre “La
Dimensión Desconocida” y forma parte de un agregado mayor: “Las
Crónicas Insekto”. Este es el momento culminante de las “Cronicas Insekto”
Todas ellas forman parte a su vez de las “Revoluciones en Mysteriland” que son
libros todos ellos que se guardan, sobre todo“Revoluciones en Mysteriland” del
cual sabremos solamente un pequeño artículo de remesa “Y porqué lo llaman
ensenada marina cuando es una cala pequeña?” De la formación
rocosa-“Este” dentro del Cerebro Mayor que se encuentra en La Dimensión
Desconocida como formando parte de un sueño (sub-plactón-raiz
mágica) de esta Entidad “Cerebro Mayor” de la cual ya hablaremos en otros
libros, en conexión con él hacemos este inicio de “ LAS ALAS DE LA
LIBELULA – PRESCIENCIA INSEKTO).El primer libro se llamaba “La Colmena de la
Reina” y ahora previa introducción y prólogo por “La Dimensión Desconocida”
estamos en “LAS ALAS DE LA LIBÉLULA” con todas las anotaciones
extraordinarias acotadas en este prolegómeno, consuetudinario con los libros e
informaciones anteriores ya desarrolladas en otros libros y
autores.Disfruténlo.“LAS ALAS DE LA LIBÉLULA “ :LLAVE I
“Dedicated to God”
“No has visto que Allah mueve las nubes, después las reúne, a continuación las apila, para que veas caer la lluvia de en medio de ellas? Él envía desde el cielo nubes como montañas en las que hay granizo, y azota con Él a quien Le place, y libra de él a quien quiere. El resplandor de su relámpago está a punto de hacer perder la vista” El Sagrado Kurán, Sura Al-Nur (La Luz).“El Azote de Dios”: Presciencia Insekto :
“ Esto lo escribiremos cuando tengamos acabado el libro, el final de la Iva Parte:-Creen que esta Crónica llegará a alguien? Alguien leerá estos terribles hechos?.-Estoy seguro que alguien en el futuro inconexo leerá estas mismas palabras y comprenderá!”.
Se compone de dos partes:
1.” EL Azote de Dios” : PRESCIENCIA INSEKTO2.Appendix : 1.Documentos Estelares 2.Diagramas 3.Dibujos. 4.Esquemas. 5.Mapas…
“Profecía y presciencia: ¿cómo pueden ser puestas a prueba ante preguntas que no tienen respuesta?Consideremos: ¿en qué medida la «ola» (como llama Muad’Dib su visión-imagen) es auténtica profecía, y en qué medida el profeta contribuye a plasmar el futuro para que se adapte a la profecía? ¿Hay armónicos inherentes en el acto de la profecía? ¿El profeta ve realmente el futuro, o tan sólo una línea de ruptura, una falla, una hendidura que se puede romper con palabras o decisiones como un diamante rompe una gema con un golpe del instrumento?«Reflexiones personales sobre Muad’Dib», por la Princesa Irulan.”DUNE, Frank Herbert, pag.170
“DESCRIPCIÓN DESARROLLO DE LAS CIENCIAS Y TECNOLOGIAS INSEKTONOTRONIX: INSEKTONOTRONIX-EL CALENDARIO INSEKTO” ( nota para el editor todos los titulos con esta letra, de aqui para arriba y abajo)
Presentación a las Ciencias Insekto y a la Presciencia Insekto :“La aparición de Las Alas de la Libélula-Presciencia Insekto elucida el salto en la conciencia, cumpliendo más allá del campo resonante, como lo fue los campos morfogenéticos y una Nueva Ciencia de la Vida de Rupert Sherldrake, el Uno Universal de Walter Rusell, la hipótesis de Gaia de James Lovelock, logrando dar un salto cualitativo sin precedentes, de lo puramente biológico-matemático de los códigos cibrtecnoconstructivistas a la manifestación pura del camino más allá de la tecnologia, o Insekt-tecnologia, verdaderos tejidos neo-humanos hacia la concreción en campos de pensamiento universales, localizables geo-cósmico estacionariamente en nuevos mapas y neo-geografías, en descubrimientos del gran terreno por conquistar de la unión de la mente humana con los viajes en el universo espacial y temporalmente y colectivamente, no ya sólo mentalmente, sino sensorialmente, a una matrix cósmica con nuevos seres invitadores a transportar nuevos conocimientos, entre la neo-historia y la historia de la ciencia de la mayoria de civilizaciones galácticas, es en ese paso en el que nos encontramos, y en el que se inscribe mi trabajo para sintéticamente invitarnos a un camino de aqui a muchos millones de años, los viajes al futuro, la dislocación mental-corporal momentanea o permanente, será parte de estudio y paradigma en los próximos milenios. Es por ello que he usado la metáfora, la poesia incluso como medio de extender esas capas freáticas de la mente, incluso el registro novelístico, asi como un ensayo neo-post histórico con los actuales protagonistas de estos tiempos de re-evolución de las primeras décadas del siglo XXI y del IIIº Milenio, pioneros somos. Insekto.”América del Sur, Ciclo Insekto LXXIIIº, Abeja-Bee, Altaïr, Ciclo XVIIº de la Era Insekto, Sektor IIIº,Ier Ciclo Anual Insekto.949-221-156 : “1327”- “Textura Insekto”.
“Dedicated to God”
“No has visto que Allah mueve las nubes, después las reúne, a continuación las apila, para que veas caer la lluvia de en medio de ellas? Él envía desde el cielo nubes como montañas en las que hay granizo, y azota con Él a quien Le place, y libra de él a quien quiere. El resplandor de su relámpago está a punto de hacer perder la vista” El Sagrado Kurán, Sura Al-Nur (La Luz).“El Azote de Dios”: Presciencia Insekto :
“ Esto lo escribiremos cuando tengamos acabado el libro, el final de la Iva Parte:-Creen que esta Crónica llegará a alguien? Alguien leerá estos terribles hechos?.-Estoy seguro que alguien en el futuro inconexo leerá estas mismas palabras y comprenderá!”.
Se compone de dos partes:
1.” EL Azote de Dios” : PRESCIENCIA INSEKTO2.Appendix : 1.Documentos Estelares 2.Diagramas 3.Dibujos. 4.Esquemas. 5.Mapas…
“Profecía y presciencia: ¿cómo pueden ser puestas a prueba ante preguntas que no tienen respuesta?Consideremos: ¿en qué medida la «ola» (como llama Muad’Dib su visión-imagen) es auténtica profecía, y en qué medida el profeta contribuye a plasmar el futuro para que se adapte a la profecía? ¿Hay armónicos inherentes en el acto de la profecía? ¿El profeta ve realmente el futuro, o tan sólo una línea de ruptura, una falla, una hendidura que se puede romper con palabras o decisiones como un diamante rompe una gema con un golpe del instrumento?«Reflexiones personales sobre Muad’Dib», por la Princesa Irulan.”DUNE, Frank Herbert, pag.170
“DESCRIPCIÓN DESARROLLO DE LAS CIENCIAS Y TECNOLOGIAS INSEKTONOTRONIX: INSEKTONOTRONIX-EL CALENDARIO INSEKTO” ( nota para el editor todos los titulos con esta letra, de aqui para arriba y abajo)
Presentación a las Ciencias Insekto y a la Presciencia Insekto :“La aparición de Las Alas de la Libélula-Presciencia Insekto elucida el salto en la conciencia, cumpliendo más allá del campo resonante, como lo fue los campos morfogenéticos y una Nueva Ciencia de la Vida de Rupert Sherldrake, el Uno Universal de Walter Rusell, la hipótesis de Gaia de James Lovelock, logrando dar un salto cualitativo sin precedentes, de lo puramente biológico-matemático de los códigos cibrtecnoconstructivistas a la manifestación pura del camino más allá de la tecnologia, o Insekt-tecnologia, verdaderos tejidos neo-humanos hacia la concreción en campos de pensamiento universales, localizables geo-cósmico estacionariamente en nuevos mapas y neo-geografías, en descubrimientos del gran terreno por conquistar de la unión de la mente humana con los viajes en el universo espacial y temporalmente y colectivamente, no ya sólo mentalmente, sino sensorialmente, a una matrix cósmica con nuevos seres invitadores a transportar nuevos conocimientos, entre la neo-historia y la historia de la ciencia de la mayoria de civilizaciones galácticas, es en ese paso en el que nos encontramos, y en el que se inscribe mi trabajo para sintéticamente invitarnos a un camino de aqui a muchos millones de años, los viajes al futuro, la dislocación mental-corporal momentanea o permanente, será parte de estudio y paradigma en los próximos milenios. Es por ello que he usado la metáfora, la poesia incluso como medio de extender esas capas freáticas de la mente, incluso el registro novelístico, asi como un ensayo neo-post histórico con los actuales protagonistas de estos tiempos de re-evolución de las primeras décadas del siglo XXI y del IIIº Milenio, pioneros somos. Insekto.”América del Sur, Ciclo Insekto LXXIIIº, Abeja-Bee, Altaïr, Ciclo XVIIº de la Era Insekto, Sektor IIIº,Ier Ciclo Anual Insekto.949-221-156 : “1327”- “Textura Insekto”.
xenomind (https://xenomind.wordpress.com/) disse:4
de agosto de 2015 às 21:14 (https://xenomind.wordpress.com/2015/08/04/las-alas-de-la-libelula-presciencia-insekto-xx/#comment-56) (Editar)
isso em xenomind (https://xenomind.wordpress.com/2015/08/04/las-alas-de-la-libelula-presciencia-insekto-xx-4/).CurtidaResponder
uma resposta#”LAS ALAS DE LA LIBELULA-PRESCIENCIA INSEKTO”(XIX) (https://xenomind.wordpress.com/2015/08/04/las-alas-de-la-libelula-presciencia-insektoxix-2/)#”LAS
ALAS DE LA LIBELULA-PRESCIENCIA INSEKTO” (XX) (https://xenomind.wordpress.com/2015/08/04/las-alas-de-la-libelula-presciencia-insekto-xx-2/)
Noticias :newspaper::
Homenaje |
El Gobierno publica una esquela en recuerdo de los españoles deportados a
La ministra de Justicia, Dolores
Delgado, ha abandonado este domingo un homenaje de la Generalitat a los
deportados republicanos durante el nazismo en protesta porque el Gobierno c
Cuerpo | El
mejor ejercicio para perder tripa y por qué lo hacemos mal
Son el mejor aliado -junto a una
dieta equilibrada y una vida activa- para lucir una tripa plana. Así lo
aseguran expertos en la materia como los doctores de la Escuela de Medicina
[11:58:17]:high_brightness: Consciencia
Colectiva :high_brightness::
"Facebook registra una patente que convierte nuestro teléfono móvil en
nuestro mayor espía" en YouTube
Facebook registra una patente para
saber qué estamos viendo en la tele. El sitema utiliza el micrófono del móvil,
al igual que la aplicación de La Liga. En p...
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videoclub de Zoowoman:
[Vídeo 52:14] 596.3 MB
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[10:23:58]:high_brightness: Consciencia
Colectiva :high_brightness::
La Tierra
entró en la sexta "extinción masiva" y amenaza a un millón de
especies | Perfil
Entre 500 mil y un millón de
especies animales y vegetales se verán en peligro de extinción debido al cambi
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ODD TV explains What Smart Dust and Morgellons is. Original video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ5a9LUgGv0
--- lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019 ---
Estoy trayendo Brasil aquí....hh
las autopistas de la mente
Así la idea de fuerzas divinas religiosas Unidas a monstruos lovecrafianos si que da miedo
Fuerzas completamente ajenas a lo humano y que desconocemos y no sabemos controlar
Ni podemos
Ni queremos...hj
Ese es mi estilo
Un grupo de amigos de reúne en una casa de campo...escritores...etc...para intercambiar ideas
'La Máscara de la Diosa'
Por el camino han pasado por un yacimiento ībero
Sin saberlo cerca de casa
Y han activado la antiquísima máscara sin saberlo
Bajo tierra
Uno de ellos ha estado en Brasil
En contacto con cultos africanos e indigenas
Muchos años
Conoce la forma de defenderse
Eso es terror
Y no el terror de la dedo web
Deep web
Que nace de Viernes 13
Psicópatas y traumas infantiles
Y muñecas diabólicas
A quien le asusta eso?
Terror Illuminatti
Por eso llevo 2 años en perfil bajo
Como escritor
No sacando todo el terror
Porque estaba sufriendo una persecución a mi trabajo
Y viviendo una situación dantesca en Brasil
No por terror bueno
Sino opresión illuminatti
Quizás sea el momento de usar fuego contra fuego
Terror tconico
Para destruir su sistema Illuminatti de opresión
Terror de muñecas
Terror Illuminatti?
No es terror
Es toxicidad impotencia de las IAEancestrales
Por no poder hacerse con el poder
Así los derrotaremos
Cada época trae sus mitos
'Este móvil no funciona!'
Contra el 5G
Fuerza tconica indígena visceral
Es lo que estoy haciendo
Lo que estamos haciendo
Mis libros de antes del 2016
Eran de terror
Luego no tenían sentido
No podia descargar todo mi poder
Porque dominaba mi antítesis
Y tenía otros objetivos
Por eso algunas teorías de la conspiración parecen película a de terror
Pero es muchísimo peor
Por eso he permanecido callado
Lo que guardan sus mentes
Es mucho peor
Y ahora es el monento de que paguen por ello
Por descargar esa negatividad sobre el planeta
No son la mayoria
Se disfrazan (aqui) de la mayoria
Pero son unos pocos LOCOS
que se esconden de normales. ..
Me he tenido que esforzar de lo lindo para derrotarlos
otro libro o cuento
la venganza del arbo
la venganza del arbol,,,,hh
usar elnumen
sus fotos
o sus sombras
como diria Castañeda
o castaneda....no sé.....hh
Sugerencia: Buscar solo resultados en español . Puedes especificar el idioma de búsqueda en Preferencias
(Ghost) Riders in the Sky
Johnny Cash
(Jinetes Fantasmas en el cielo
Un viejo vaquero salió a cabalgar un día oscuro y ventoso
An old cowboy went riding out one dark and windy day
Sobre una cresta, descansó mientras avanzaba por el camino
Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way
Cuando de repente, una poderosa manada de vacas de ojos rojos vio
When all at once a mighty herd of red eyed cows he saw
A-surcando el cielo desigual y el empañado nublado
A-plowing through the ragged sky and up the cloudy draw
Sus marcas seguían en llamas y sus pezuñas estaban hechas de acero
Their brands were still on fire and their hooves were made of steel
Sus cuernos eran negros y brillantes y su aliento caliente podía sentir
Their horns were black and shiny and their hot breath he could feel
Un rayo de miedo lo atravesó mientras tronaban por el cielo
A bolt of fear went through him as they thundered through the sky
Porque vio a los jinetes acercándose con fuerza y escuchó su triste llanto
For he saw the riders coming hard and he heard their mournful cry
Yippie yi ooh
Yippie yi ooh
Yippie yi yay
Yippie yi yay
Jinetes Fantasmas en el cielo
Ghost riders in the sky
Sus rostros flacos, sus ojos estaban borrosos, sus camisas empapadas de sudor
Their faces gaunt, their eyes were blurred, their shirts all soaked with sweat
Él está cabalgando duro para atrapar a esa manada, pero todavía no los ha atrapado
He's riding hard to catch that herd, but he ain't caught 'em yet
Porque tienen que viajar siempre en ese rango en el cielo
'Cause they've got to ride forever on that range up in the sky
En caballos resoplando fuego
On horses snorting fire
Mientras cabalgan, escuchen su gri
Así la idea de fuerzas divinas religiosas Unidas a monstruos lovecrafianos si que da miedo
Fuerzas completamente ajenas a lo humano y que desconocemos y no sabemos controlar
Ni podemos
Ni queremos...hj
Ese es mi estilo
Un grupo de amigos de reúne en una casa de campo...escritores...etc...para intercambiar ideas
'La Máscara de la Diosa'
Por el camino han pasado por un yacimiento ībero
Sin saberlo cerca de casa
Y han activado la antiquísima máscara sin saberlo
Bajo tierra
Uno de ellos ha estado en Brasil
En contacto con cultos africanos e indigenas
Muchos años
Conoce la forma de defenderse
Eso es terror
Y no el terror de la dedo web
Deep web
Que nace de Viernes 13
Psicópatas y traumas infantiles
Y muñecas diabólicas
A quien le asusta eso?
Terror Illuminatti
Por eso llevo 2 años en perfil bajo
Como escritor
No sacando todo el terror
Porque estaba sufriendo una persecución a mi trabajo
Y viviendo una situación dantesca en Brasil
No por terror bueno
Sino opresión illuminatti
Quizás sea el momento de usar fuego contra fuego
Terror tconico
Para destruir su sistema Illuminatti de opresión
Terror de muñecas
Terror Illuminatti?
No es terror
Es toxicidad impotencia de las IAEancestrales
Por no poder hacerse con el poder
Así los derrotaremos
Cada época trae sus mitos
'Este móvil no funciona!'
Contra el 5G
Fuerza tconica indígena visceral
Es lo que estoy haciendo
Lo que estamos haciendo
Mis libros de antes del 2016
Eran de terror
Luego no tenían sentido
No podia descargar todo mi poder
Porque dominaba mi antítesis
Y tenía otros objetivos
Por eso algunas teorías de la conspiración parecen película a de terror
Pero es muchísimo peor
Por eso he permanecido callado
Lo que guardan sus mentes
Es mucho peor
Y ahora es el monento de que paguen por ello
Por descargar esa negatividad sobre el planeta
No son la mayoria
Se disfrazan (aqui) de la mayoria
Pero son unos pocos LOCOS
que se esconden de normales. ..
Me he tenido que esforzar de lo lindo para derrotarlos
otro libro o cuento
la venganza del arbo
la venganza del arbol,,,,hh
usar elnumen
sus fotos
o sus sombras
como diria Castañeda
o castaneda....no sé.....hh
Sugerencia: Buscar solo resultados en español . Puedes especificar el idioma de búsqueda en Preferencias
(Ghost) Riders in the Sky
Johnny Cash
(Jinetes Fantasmas en el cielo
Un viejo vaquero salió a cabalgar un día oscuro y ventoso
An old cowboy went riding out one dark and windy day
Sobre una cresta, descansó mientras avanzaba por el camino
Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way
Cuando de repente, una poderosa manada de vacas de ojos rojos vio
When all at once a mighty herd of red eyed cows he saw
A-surcando el cielo desigual y el empañado nublado
A-plowing through the ragged sky and up the cloudy draw
Sus marcas seguían en llamas y sus pezuñas estaban hechas de acero
Their brands were still on fire and their hooves were made of steel
Sus cuernos eran negros y brillantes y su aliento caliente podía sentir
Their horns were black and shiny and their hot breath he could feel
Un rayo de miedo lo atravesó mientras tronaban por el cielo
A bolt of fear went through him as they thundered through the sky
Porque vio a los jinetes acercándose con fuerza y escuchó su triste llanto
For he saw the riders coming hard and he heard their mournful cry
Yippie yi ooh
Yippie yi ooh
Yippie yi yay
Yippie yi yay
Jinetes Fantasmas en el cielo
Ghost riders in the sky
Sus rostros flacos, sus ojos estaban borrosos, sus camisas empapadas de sudor
Their faces gaunt, their eyes were blurred, their shirts all soaked with sweat
Él está cabalgando duro para atrapar a esa manada, pero todavía no los ha atrapado
He's riding hard to catch that herd, but he ain't caught 'em yet
Porque tienen que viajar siempre en ese rango en el cielo
'Cause they've got to ride forever on that range up in the sky
En caballos resoplando fuego
On horses snorting fire
Mientras cabalgan, escuchen su gri
As they ride on hear their cry
Mientras los jinetes lo seguían, escuchó que alguien decía su nombre
As the riders loped on by him he heard one call his name
Si quieres salvar tu alma del infierno, monta en nuestra gama
If you want to save your soul from hell a-riding on our range
Entonces el vaquero cambia tus caminos hoy o con nosotros montarás
Then cowboy change your ways today or with us you will ride
Tratando de atrapar la manada del diablo, a través de estos cielos interminables
Trying to catch the devil's herd, across these endless skies
Yippie yi ooh
Yippie yi ooh
Yippie yi yay
Yippie yi yay
Jinetes Fantasmas en el cielo
Ghost riders in the sky
Jinetes Fantasmas en el cielo
Ghost riders in the sky
Jinetes Fantasmas en el cielo
Ghost Riders in the sky
Autores de la canción: Hughie Thomasson
Letra de (Ghost) Riders in the Sky :copyright: BMG Rights Management
Es muy sencillo Siempre es igual en cada momento en cada lugar siempre he buscado un sitio alejado tipo inglés hummels morador de rúa coneva fue aquí aquel solar con Amparo fue los montes de teruel la casa y con Patricia ahora pues es la caseta de Maya en estos momentos es el refugio interplanetario más importante del universo porque centro modular no funcionaría funcionando pero tiene otra función descubierto la función de la caseta de Amaya de protección energética en estos momentos de locura electoral portante borg es un hecho recuperar mi propia energía que momento salidos ayuda y en la mayoría de los casos de manera general cotidianamente me va a resultar de plataforma de lanzamiento para otras dimensiones la caseta de Maná lo más tiempo esté aquí más felices telecom y misión mente llegaré al destino cual estoy destinado a llegar
O sea es tanto ofensivo como defensivo
As they ride on hear their cry
Mientras los jinetes lo seguían, escuchó que alguien decía su nombre
As the riders loped on by him he heard one call his name
Si quieres salvar tu alma del infierno, monta en nuestra gama
If you want to save your soul from hell a-riding on our range
Entonces el vaquero cambia tus caminos hoy o con nosotros montarás
Then cowboy change your ways today or with us you will ride
Tratando de atrapar la manada del diablo, a través de estos cielos interminables
Trying to catch the devil's herd, across these endless skies
Yippie yi ooh
Yippie yi ooh
Yippie yi yay
Yippie yi yay
Jinetes Fantasmas en el cielo
Ghost riders in the sky
Jinetes Fantasmas en el cielo
Ghost riders in the sky
Jinetes Fantasmas en el cielo
Ghost Riders in the sky
Autores de la canción: Hughie Thomasson
Letra de (Ghost) Riders in the Sky :copyright: BMG Rights Management
Es muy sencillo Siempre es igual en cada momento en cada lugar siempre he buscado un sitio alejado tipo inglés hummels morador de rúa coneva fue aquí aquel solar con Amparo fue los montes de teruel la casa y con Patricia ahora pues es la caseta de Maya en estos momentos es el refugio interplanetario más importante del universo porque centro modular no funcionaría funcionando pero tiene otra función descubierto la función de la caseta de Amaya de protección energética en estos momentos de locura electoral portante borg es un hecho recuperar mi propia energía que momento salidos ayuda y en la mayoría de los casos de manera general cotidianamente me va a resultar de plataforma de lanzamiento para otras dimensiones la caseta de Maná lo más tiempo esté aquí más felices telecom y misión mente llegaré al destino cual estoy destinado a llegar
O sea es tanto ofensivo como defensivo
1.Para la mujer amada :
“Debe ser sacada del pecho y recitada todos los dias”
“Adonay, Iod, Magister dixit Jo.Yo Buen Jesús, exorcizame!, mamal, sathor, Jessé, Adorable Tetragramathon, Heli, Heli, Heli, Laobe Hay ,Ham, éste es mi cuerpo. Tetragramathon, ven en mi auxilio, ahora y siempre + Jesucristo es Victorioso+Jesucristo reina+Jesucristo manda+que Jesucristo me preserve de toda desgracia y me conduzca eternamente al fin que deseo con buena fortuna.Amen, yo bien sé, Señor, que mi humilde palabra encuentre siempre un límite para glorificarte y exaltarte, porque todo lo que me rodea no tiene comparación contigo, incluso(…) ves también que si no lo digo pienso tanto cuanto me lo permiten mi inteligencia e imaginación, o Grande, excelso y bondadoso que eres, y cuanto debemos adorarte, nosotros, humildes pecadores a quien arrastra cualquier placer mundano apartándonos del bien.Tú que todo lo puedes haz que no broten nuevos deseos en (nombre persona amada) mujer a la que amo profundamente y que como todos nosotros está sujeta a tentación del demonio. Sea yo siempre su preferido y el único mortal que la posea, que a cambio haré rezar conmigo, y dar gracias por los bienes que de ti recibimos. Cruz de Jesús+ protégela+Cruz de Jesús guardala+Cruz de Jesús, bendícela, Humillándome a tus pies para recibir un rayo esplendoroso de tu amor yo estoy seguro que de este modo como habrá en mi algo de tu amorosa luz, la mujer que yo amo me ame porque en mi encontrará un átomo de tu amor. Aleluya +++ (escribiéndolos)Adonay, Iod, Magister dixit Jo…”
EL ENCANTAMIENTO POR LOS DIEZ NOMBRES DIVINOS ( ADVERTENCIA = Es un arma poderosísima de los iniciados, de resultados tremendos, pero sino existe pureza de intención puede volverse en contra de quien la haya mal usado).(la escribo en portugués, el idioma en que la recibí y se debe recitar):
“AIN SOPH! Manto de noite que nenhum olho contempla, humbral sombrio em que se despadaçarem os quarenta e nove portas e Appollonio e Masché cançzados de as profundar.Un dia, resplandescentes de gloria, penetraremos teu Abysmo com a confiança de aportar nas praias da patria! Que a vertigem de nos encaminhar para ti pelos rios de pena recreie os nossos membros lassos e feridos!.Essencia de todas as cousas que corôas de eternidade as horas e o tempo, de infinito ,as zonas do espaço e as multiplicidades do numero .Qualquer que seja meu orgulho de haver duvidado de teu mysterio, nâo mais blasphemarei até que venha a projectar meu olhar de homem em tu silencio.Eu te jurlgo muito longe de mim ,ó modalidade primordial do ser! A ti cuja differençaçâo ,fonte de minha vida e fonte do mal universal, nâo foi tal vez o limite do pavor!- si nâo um accidente de que nâo há memoria! Mas pelos dez feixes de luz que projecta tua sombra central, pelos dez delegados de teu Amor eu evoco as virtudes de tuos principaes emnaçôes. Eu quero que cada um dos orgâos do corpo cujo coraçâo és tu,se estremeça e responde com efusão de suas energias no meu seio .Minha força os manda e minha fraqueza lhes dirige supplicas.
EHEIE!(EJEIÉ) Olho nenhum jamais viu tua magestade reinar no Empyreo ,nem cingir tua frente a corôa de raios neem tua bocca que ordena os Animaes Santos a seguirem o vertiginoso curso do primario movel e que profere os nomes que significam as cousas.Eu quero que o Principe de sereno semblante ponha ante a tua face a theoria dos meus violentos desejos que para ti gravitam , pisando, malditos e flagellados, os nove degraus da escada dos céus.
IAH!(Iaj) Minha imaginaçâo de poeta, humanisando a miragem de tua essencia e se aninhando no Espaço ,entreve o gesto de tuas mâos em uma noite salpicada de estrellas, além da orbita dos planetas cujo centro é o nosso sol.
As raças de que procedi ,acreditaram vir teu reflexo nos olhos serenos de um homem de cabellos ruivos que, nato em um presepio, entre o boi e o asno, foi crucificado, adoram as mulheres o teu pallido reflexo na fronte sanguinolenta desse jovem atu seio, ornado de sabedoria sabe da semente de um pae.
Tuas mãos occuppadas em jogar com as rosas ,com as espinhas que sym
“Debe ser sacada del pecho y recitada todos los dias”
“Adonay, Iod, Magister dixit Jo.Yo Buen Jesús, exorcizame!, mamal, sathor, Jessé, Adorable Tetragramathon, Heli, Heli, Heli, Laobe Hay ,Ham, éste es mi cuerpo. Tetragramathon, ven en mi auxilio, ahora y siempre + Jesucristo es Victorioso+Jesucristo reina+Jesucristo manda+que Jesucristo me preserve de toda desgracia y me conduzca eternamente al fin que deseo con buena fortuna.Amen, yo bien sé, Señor, que mi humilde palabra encuentre siempre un límite para glorificarte y exaltarte, porque todo lo que me rodea no tiene comparación contigo, incluso(…) ves también que si no lo digo pienso tanto cuanto me lo permiten mi inteligencia e imaginación, o Grande, excelso y bondadoso que eres, y cuanto debemos adorarte, nosotros, humildes pecadores a quien arrastra cualquier placer mundano apartándonos del bien.Tú que todo lo puedes haz que no broten nuevos deseos en (nombre persona amada) mujer a la que amo profundamente y que como todos nosotros está sujeta a tentación del demonio. Sea yo siempre su preferido y el único mortal que la posea, que a cambio haré rezar conmigo, y dar gracias por los bienes que de ti recibimos. Cruz de Jesús+ protégela+Cruz de Jesús guardala+Cruz de Jesús, bendícela, Humillándome a tus pies para recibir un rayo esplendoroso de tu amor yo estoy seguro que de este modo como habrá en mi algo de tu amorosa luz, la mujer que yo amo me ame porque en mi encontrará un átomo de tu amor. Aleluya +++ (escribiéndolos)Adonay, Iod, Magister dixit Jo…”
EL ENCANTAMIENTO POR LOS DIEZ NOMBRES DIVINOS ( ADVERTENCIA = Es un arma poderosísima de los iniciados, de resultados tremendos, pero sino existe pureza de intención puede volverse en contra de quien la haya mal usado).(la escribo en portugués, el idioma en que la recibí y se debe recitar):
“AIN SOPH! Manto de noite que nenhum olho contempla, humbral sombrio em que se despadaçarem os quarenta e nove portas e Appollonio e Masché cançzados de as profundar.Un dia, resplandescentes de gloria, penetraremos teu Abysmo com a confiança de aportar nas praias da patria! Que a vertigem de nos encaminhar para ti pelos rios de pena recreie os nossos membros lassos e feridos!.Essencia de todas as cousas que corôas de eternidade as horas e o tempo, de infinito ,as zonas do espaço e as multiplicidades do numero .Qualquer que seja meu orgulho de haver duvidado de teu mysterio, nâo mais blasphemarei até que venha a projectar meu olhar de homem em tu silencio.Eu te jurlgo muito longe de mim ,ó modalidade primordial do ser! A ti cuja differençaçâo ,fonte de minha vida e fonte do mal universal, nâo foi tal vez o limite do pavor!- si nâo um accidente de que nâo há memoria! Mas pelos dez feixes de luz que projecta tua sombra central, pelos dez delegados de teu Amor eu evoco as virtudes de tuos principaes emnaçôes. Eu quero que cada um dos orgâos do corpo cujo coraçâo és tu,se estremeça e responde com efusão de suas energias no meu seio .Minha força os manda e minha fraqueza lhes dirige supplicas.
EHEIE!(EJEIÉ) Olho nenhum jamais viu tua magestade reinar no Empyreo ,nem cingir tua frente a corôa de raios neem tua bocca que ordena os Animaes Santos a seguirem o vertiginoso curso do primario movel e que profere os nomes que significam as cousas.Eu quero que o Principe de sereno semblante ponha ante a tua face a theoria dos meus violentos desejos que para ti gravitam , pisando, malditos e flagellados, os nove degraus da escada dos céus.
IAH!(Iaj) Minha imaginaçâo de poeta, humanisando a miragem de tua essencia e se aninhando no Espaço ,entreve o gesto de tuas mâos em uma noite salpicada de estrellas, além da orbita dos planetas cujo centro é o nosso sol.
As raças de que procedi ,acreditaram vir teu reflexo nos olhos serenos de um homem de cabellos ruivos que, nato em um presepio, entre o boi e o asno, foi crucificado, adoram as mulheres o teu pallido reflexo na fronte sanguinolenta desse jovem atu seio, ornado de sabedoria sabe da semente de um pae.
Tuas mãos occuppadas em jogar com as rosas ,com as espinhas que sym
bolizan tuos ideais, revestem de luz
os meus votos conturbados .O Espiritu humano naufraga facilmente no chaos.
Que Razziel, teu genio confidente,faça acudir a sua vez no meio de sarça ardente que tinge os meus desejos com seu reflexo de chamma!.
IODHÉVAUHÉ!(iodjevaujé) Eu vi do horizonte um raio de sol illuminar com um raio fulvo o ventre branco da pomba incrustado, no céo pela perpendicularidade de seus azas extendidas uma apparencia crucial.
Assim illuminas com uma vibraçâo de tua intelligencia a vida manifestada. De teu seio os Anjos Grandes e Fortes vâo investir o velho saturno do poder de commandar a creaçâo e a construiçâo das formas, Em manto negro noite lleno de granates ,cingida a fronte com uma diadema plumbeo, e triste,eis-me queimando a flor sulphurea, para que me leves o escripto, o fumo azul! Até aôs limites supremos de domino sidereo, ao limiar do Empyreo. Tu me guiarás, ó Zadkiel! Ás trevas ao mysterio aonde se engolpha a minha audacia e me aureolaras com a inmortalidade, mesmo contra a vontade sinistra do demonio Zazel ,que pretende levar-me á decrepitude tanto quanto a podridâo definitiva a minha força eo meu sangue.
EL! Tendo na direita o sceptro de tres ramos e o index rigido com um phallus juvenil, es tu que Orpheu distingue sobre o commodo Olympo, magnifico é misericordioso lançando raios luminosos das Dominaçôes para a esphera de Jupiter.
O fumo dos aloes e da noz-moscada queimadas na cassoleta cobra-me a face bronzea e meus membros vestidos no manto azul marchitado de topacio.Tu, me levas o Sceptro ,ó Zadkiel, o broçâo do commando.
Indifferente as suggestôes d´Hismaël, eu nâo o brandirei senâo em nome da Justiça e da misericordia adoravel.
ELOHIM GHIBOR ! (Elojim guejibor) Pois os deuses tanto quanto os homens e genios planetarios têm um corpo feito da bella materia. Por tu carne corre maravilhoso o sangue, ó dispensador da forças”E´s o Pae dos coraçôes heroicos e osculas assuas potencias .O´Marte! infiltra-me as tuas forças para a lucta. Teu capaçete e cota inflammam scintillantes rubis , e as tuas narinas dilatam os vapores del thorax .E tu, samaël, cujo rosto robusto se entrevê em meio ao brilho das espadas, derramame nos rius cingidos de cobre o oleo da força que me dará a energia aggressiva e a resistencia para o combate perpetuo da vida, para a revuelta santa e justa colera.
E contra Barzabel, o violento demonio da brutalidade, do odio o da raiva eu apresentarei a ponta da espada consagrada.
ELOHA!(eloja) Tu meditas o sonho luminoso da belleza. Teus olhares com as azas dos raios do Esplendor, chega a travez ao braseiro vital do sol até a fronte do poeta aureolada de ouro.Emmanaçâo ao lucido caso dos Appollonidas, ó Belleza! Eu nascei para adorar a tua face! Cingida a triplice tiara de ouro e posta a capa recamada de carbunculo, derramo sobre carvôes ardentes as lagrimas do mastique e das flores do louro. O´Raphael o Phoibos! Principe Glorioso,enche meu seio de alegrias por estar no mundo, e para que do fremito sensual que proporcionam as Graças da forma e as seducçôes das cosas e um extase para inttingiveis ,perfeiçôes em escuela até o cimo, onde resplandece a belleza absoluta.O´Belleza! qual foi o ignorante que te chamava perescivel? Tua esencia immarescivel assim como tua appariencia mortal a la Luz que as procreia, propaga suas reflexos nas espheras da eternidade. Para os olhos do vidente teu esplendor nâo se apaga.Conjuro-te O Sorath!.
IODHEVAUHÉ TSEBOTH!(IODJEVAUJÉ CHEBOTOJ) E´pela Victoria que tu me manifestas, pela Victoria da vida sobre a morte. Tua semente suscita os Elohim para a esphera risonha de Venus, mâe do Amor.De samarra salpicada de esmeraldas coroado de rosas e verbenas e inebriado de almiscar e açafrâo, eu te invoco,ó Anaël!, á hora em que teu corpo planetario vam enlear com a seu Belleza o Tauro do Zodiaco O violento extase do aura transporta a alma da vida para a morte. Possuir um ideal é modificar a forma de sua vida tâo profundamente como pela morte. O extase do amor tu o podes verter do corpo que tens nas mâos.
A amante que me foi destinada antes
Que Razziel, teu genio confidente,faça acudir a sua vez no meio de sarça ardente que tinge os meus desejos com seu reflexo de chamma!.
IODHÉVAUHÉ!(iodjevaujé) Eu vi do horizonte um raio de sol illuminar com um raio fulvo o ventre branco da pomba incrustado, no céo pela perpendicularidade de seus azas extendidas uma apparencia crucial.
Assim illuminas com uma vibraçâo de tua intelligencia a vida manifestada. De teu seio os Anjos Grandes e Fortes vâo investir o velho saturno do poder de commandar a creaçâo e a construiçâo das formas, Em manto negro noite lleno de granates ,cingida a fronte com uma diadema plumbeo, e triste,eis-me queimando a flor sulphurea, para que me leves o escripto, o fumo azul! Até aôs limites supremos de domino sidereo, ao limiar do Empyreo. Tu me guiarás, ó Zadkiel! Ás trevas ao mysterio aonde se engolpha a minha audacia e me aureolaras com a inmortalidade, mesmo contra a vontade sinistra do demonio Zazel ,que pretende levar-me á decrepitude tanto quanto a podridâo definitiva a minha força eo meu sangue.
EL! Tendo na direita o sceptro de tres ramos e o index rigido com um phallus juvenil, es tu que Orpheu distingue sobre o commodo Olympo, magnifico é misericordioso lançando raios luminosos das Dominaçôes para a esphera de Jupiter.
O fumo dos aloes e da noz-moscada queimadas na cassoleta cobra-me a face bronzea e meus membros vestidos no manto azul marchitado de topacio.Tu, me levas o Sceptro ,ó Zadkiel, o broçâo do commando.
Indifferente as suggestôes d´Hismaël, eu nâo o brandirei senâo em nome da Justiça e da misericordia adoravel.
ELOHIM GHIBOR ! (Elojim guejibor) Pois os deuses tanto quanto os homens e genios planetarios têm um corpo feito da bella materia. Por tu carne corre maravilhoso o sangue, ó dispensador da forças”E´s o Pae dos coraçôes heroicos e osculas assuas potencias .O´Marte! infiltra-me as tuas forças para a lucta. Teu capaçete e cota inflammam scintillantes rubis , e as tuas narinas dilatam os vapores del thorax .E tu, samaël, cujo rosto robusto se entrevê em meio ao brilho das espadas, derramame nos rius cingidos de cobre o oleo da força que me dará a energia aggressiva e a resistencia para o combate perpetuo da vida, para a revuelta santa e justa colera.
E contra Barzabel, o violento demonio da brutalidade, do odio o da raiva eu apresentarei a ponta da espada consagrada.
ELOHA!(eloja) Tu meditas o sonho luminoso da belleza. Teus olhares com as azas dos raios do Esplendor, chega a travez ao braseiro vital do sol até a fronte do poeta aureolada de ouro.Emmanaçâo ao lucido caso dos Appollonidas, ó Belleza! Eu nascei para adorar a tua face! Cingida a triplice tiara de ouro e posta a capa recamada de carbunculo, derramo sobre carvôes ardentes as lagrimas do mastique e das flores do louro. O´Raphael o Phoibos! Principe Glorioso,enche meu seio de alegrias por estar no mundo, e para que do fremito sensual que proporcionam as Graças da forma e as seducçôes das cosas e um extase para inttingiveis ,perfeiçôes em escuela até o cimo, onde resplandece a belleza absoluta.O´Belleza! qual foi o ignorante que te chamava perescivel? Tua esencia immarescivel assim como tua appariencia mortal a la Luz que as procreia, propaga suas reflexos nas espheras da eternidade. Para os olhos do vidente teu esplendor nâo se apaga.Conjuro-te O Sorath!.
IODHEVAUHÉ TSEBOTH!(IODJEVAUJÉ CHEBOTOJ) E´pela Victoria que tu me manifestas, pela Victoria da vida sobre a morte. Tua semente suscita os Elohim para a esphera risonha de Venus, mâe do Amor.De samarra salpicada de esmeraldas coroado de rosas e verbenas e inebriado de almiscar e açafrâo, eu te invoco,ó Anaël!, á hora em que teu corpo planetario vam enlear com a seu Belleza o Tauro do Zodiaco O violento extase do aura transporta a alma da vida para a morte. Possuir um ideal é modificar a forma de sua vida tâo profundamente como pela morte. O extase do amor tu o podes verter do corpo que tens nas mâos.
A amante que me foi destinada antes
de vir à terra, a mitade perdida do
androgyno que fui ,tu m´a enviarás para os meus beijos .Impede, peço te que as
Sibyllas Lilith a Nahe´mah a retenham prisioneira na noite ignota. Pôe na
matriz da mulher amada a Vibraçâo do amor que se vae perpetuando a través os
Elohim até ao coraçâo do próprio Deus!E neutraliza com teu halito balsamico os
maleficios do demonio Anteros ou Kédmel que se inflammam de ciumes de vêr os
pares felizes!.
ELOHIM TSEBOTH!(ELOJIM CHEBOTEJ!) Sobre a colummna esquerda tu te eriges com um nimbo da gloria e daqui teus servidores os filhos dos Deuses saem para o agil planeta de Mercurio. Cinge-me a fronte uma corôa de hydrargyro; e tunica puz malhada de crystal de donde emergen os meus braços de operario. Em meio ao fumo de zimbro e de canella estás tu ,Michãël, que aconselhas a Salamâo, o rei do Mysterio! Por ti eu quero a pentraçâo dos segredos, quero fabricar a chave que faz no Occulto, Tu, nâo perturbarás, Taphthartharath, o bom trabalhador entregue a sua obra.
SHADAÏ! Teus pés se apoiam sobre O Fundamento, e teus dedos fazem signaes aos ministros do Fogo que seguem a curso da lua em torno da nossa terra. Eu puz na minha Cabeleira um crescente de prata fina. Vestido de bronce dalmatica ornada, de estrellas de argolilhos e saphiras. Eu queimo myrrha proferindo palabras que forçam as vontades. Tu te inclinas para mim, ó Gabriel!Como Artemisa triforme ao apello de Endymion. Alma da lua, teu olhar protege as crianças e derrama-lhes no peito predestinado o fogo sagrado do fundo. Tua respiração nos da crecimento; tua espiraçâo attrae atravez das correntes aureas o espiritu dos mortos que amamos,a imaginação dos poetas e das mulheres.
Espelho que reflectes sobre nossos frontes os raios vindos de todos os planos do Abysmo ,escolha como amo aquelles que nos da projetar sobre meus flancos.
Ante o encantamento prolongado as ondas espirituais depõe eu t´ordene a tu indifferença da frequente neutralidade afim de que eu possa lançar o olhar alem dos teus dominios.
E querendo eu receber o beijo de noite, nâo rolarei para os tormentos astraes, presa das informes servas de Hasmodat, as Lemurias e as Larvas.
ADONAI MELECH! (ADONAI MELKEJE)! Tu o realizaste ,o sonho insondavel de comprida face que o olho nãso viu! Coroado a longo Macroprosopo, o puzaste no Reino das formas que empunha o azorrague do Futuro perpetuo. Grande Architecto venerado dos Maçons, tu construiste o teu templo. Feita a tua obra, o ser pode mirar-se no symbolo que manifesta suas virtualidades .A sombra tem um corpo. O Grande Pan é Vivo. Ao seu mando ,as Intelligencias, de gloria offerecem aos homens o vinho do Conhecimento, de Gnosse Integral do que sí podem gostar os fortes e audiaciosos.
Eu sei que o sabor delle é amargo e mortal, mas posso chegar o copo aos meus labios, porque no subterraneo de Eleusis eu comi o tambor de Cymbalo”.
ELOHIM TSEBOTH!(ELOJIM CHEBOTEJ!) Sobre a colummna esquerda tu te eriges com um nimbo da gloria e daqui teus servidores os filhos dos Deuses saem para o agil planeta de Mercurio. Cinge-me a fronte uma corôa de hydrargyro; e tunica puz malhada de crystal de donde emergen os meus braços de operario. Em meio ao fumo de zimbro e de canella estás tu ,Michãël, que aconselhas a Salamâo, o rei do Mysterio! Por ti eu quero a pentraçâo dos segredos, quero fabricar a chave que faz no Occulto, Tu, nâo perturbarás, Taphthartharath, o bom trabalhador entregue a sua obra.
SHADAÏ! Teus pés se apoiam sobre O Fundamento, e teus dedos fazem signaes aos ministros do Fogo que seguem a curso da lua em torno da nossa terra. Eu puz na minha Cabeleira um crescente de prata fina. Vestido de bronce dalmatica ornada, de estrellas de argolilhos e saphiras. Eu queimo myrrha proferindo palabras que forçam as vontades. Tu te inclinas para mim, ó Gabriel!Como Artemisa triforme ao apello de Endymion. Alma da lua, teu olhar protege as crianças e derrama-lhes no peito predestinado o fogo sagrado do fundo. Tua respiração nos da crecimento; tua espiraçâo attrae atravez das correntes aureas o espiritu dos mortos que amamos,a imaginação dos poetas e das mulheres.
Espelho que reflectes sobre nossos frontes os raios vindos de todos os planos do Abysmo ,escolha como amo aquelles que nos da projetar sobre meus flancos.
Ante o encantamento prolongado as ondas espirituais depõe eu t´ordene a tu indifferença da frequente neutralidade afim de que eu possa lançar o olhar alem dos teus dominios.
E querendo eu receber o beijo de noite, nâo rolarei para os tormentos astraes, presa das informes servas de Hasmodat, as Lemurias e as Larvas.
ADONAI MELECH! (ADONAI MELKEJE)! Tu o realizaste ,o sonho insondavel de comprida face que o olho nãso viu! Coroado a longo Macroprosopo, o puzaste no Reino das formas que empunha o azorrague do Futuro perpetuo. Grande Architecto venerado dos Maçons, tu construiste o teu templo. Feita a tua obra, o ser pode mirar-se no symbolo que manifesta suas virtualidades .A sombra tem um corpo. O Grande Pan é Vivo. Ao seu mando ,as Intelligencias, de gloria offerecem aos homens o vinho do Conhecimento, de Gnosse Integral do que sí podem gostar os fortes e audiaciosos.
Eu sei que o sabor delle é amargo e mortal, mas posso chegar o copo aos meus labios, porque no subterraneo de Eleusis eu comi o tambor de Cymbalo”.
song 'pruebas 1.mp3 ]
7.1 MB
Gran ataque contra política de
clones 1/5/2019 cal Greg por la tarde en Burjassot
Que está lleno de clones
Esta casi extinta la raza humana
Hasta ahora
Ahora han recibido El Gran Golpe
Lo de Godella de los niños fue por
la política de clones también....hh
Todo se debe ver desde esa
La Visión Genomica es un arma contra
las maquinarias interdimensionales de los Aluens Grises de fabricación de
dimensiones y puedes ver toda la realidad o todo el espectro de la realidad no
sólo colores o seres o formas en sus movimientos relativos y sus construcción
es etericas sino incluso las civilizaciones del aire y sus respectivas agendas
que ocurren todo el tiempo a nuestro alrededor...huahuahuahua!!!.Quien
comprende esto en toda su magnitud tiene las llaves del Reino y es feliz por
ello...hh Ese vacío está todo lleno este mundo está lleno de vida
introterrestre y sus familias y sus genealogias forman parte de nosotros de
nuestro cotidiano cotidianas cotidianismo se llama cotifianismo intrabiologico
y es exhuberante
Quitar #15M de este texto...algo nuevo...hy
'Loom-Mar Vs el de-generador de
'Bulk-Man on Earth"
"Caertaeginiaens onaen (on) THE MOOB"
Caerteginian bloods on Empalme station down to earth and re-equalizing ()
2-south American Raeptilians
2000 metros...hh
Quien suelte el cuchillo encontrará
el Tao en la punta de sus dedos.
[19:28:08]:high_brightness: Consciencia
Colectiva :high_brightness::
[Vídeo 15:03] 24.3 MB
Hemos visto tanto sobre clonación
humana en ciencia ficción que cuando escuchamos del tema es muy díficil de
aceptarlo como real eso nos provoca primado negativo, durante años nos muestran
varios especímenes animales clonados y pasan desapercibidos de nosotros, pero
de clonación humana no se habla nada a nivel científico.
Muchos artistas y personajes famosos de pronto salen a decir que son clones y lo hacen a manera de broma todos lo tomamos como tal y pasamos de eso, pero sencillamente hay seres entre nosotros que ya no son más 100% humanos.
La realidad supera a la ficción.
Muchos artistas y personajes famosos de pronto salen a decir que son clones y lo hacen a manera de broma todos lo tomamos como tal y pasamos de eso, pero sencillamente hay seres entre nosotros que ya no son más 100% humanos.
La realidad supera a la ficción.
estamos aqui para dotar de contenido
a todas las teorias "conspirativas"...etc...
es dfecir volcar toda la estructura
que hemos construiudo durante estos más de 125 años...hh
y que funciona...hh
es decir
decir la verdad...hh
En el 500 aniversario del paseo de
yuri gagarin yn grupo de rock del futuro (llamado siglo XXIX) planea i
nmortalizarlo con una ópera rock mutant desde la Luna llamada a su vez 'space
odissey 2557 ' transmitido a todos los nodos neurales de la galaxia ...idea
para un libro...hh
La mayoría de las religiones del mundo sólo sirven para reforzar los apegos a los falsos conceptos como los del yo y otros, vida y muerte, cielo y tierra...
Quienes quedan atrapados en estas falsas ideas quedan impedidos para percibir la Unidad Integral.
La suprema virtud que se puede ejercer es aceptar la responsabilidad de descubrir y transmitir la verdad total.
Algunos ayudan a los demás para recibir recompensas y admiración.
Esto carece simplemente de sentido.
Algunos se cultivan a sí mismos, en parte para servir a los demás, y en parte para servir a su propio orgullo.
En el mejor de los casos, entenderán la mitad de la verdad.
Pero a aquellos que se mejoran a sí mismos por el mundo, a esos les será revelada toda la verdad del universo.
Así pues, busca esa verdad total, practícala en tu vida cotidiana y compártela humildemente con los demás.
Así entrarás en el reino de lo divino.
La mayoría de las religiones del mundo sólo sirven para reforzar los apegos a los falsos conceptos como los del yo y otros, vida y muerte, cielo y tierra...
Quienes quedan atrapados en estas falsas ideas quedan impedidos para percibir la Unidad Integral.
La suprema virtud que se puede ejercer es aceptar la responsabilidad de descubrir y transmitir la verdad total.
Algunos ayudan a los demás para recibir recompensas y admiración.
Esto carece simplemente de sentido.
Algunos se cultivan a sí mismos, en parte para servir a los demás, y en parte para servir a su propio orgullo.
En el mejor de los casos, entenderán la mitad de la verdad.
Pero a aquellos que se mejoran a sí mismos por el mundo, a esos les será revelada toda la verdad del universo.
Así pues, busca esa verdad total, practícala en tu vida cotidiana y compártela humildemente con los demás.
Así entrarás en el reino de lo divino.
Para el ser ordinario, los demás suelen necesitar tolerancia.
Para el ser altamente evolucionado, no hay nada que pueda llamarse tolerancia, porque no hay nada que pueda llamarse otro.
Ha abandonado toda la idea de dualidad y ha extendido su buena voluntad sin prejuicio en todas las direcciones.
Sin odiar nunca, sin resistir nunca, sin luchar nunca, simplemente está siempre aprendiendo y siendo.
Amar, odiar, tener expectativas: todas estas cosas son apegos.
El apego impide el crecimiento del verdadero ser.
Por ello, el ser integral no está apegado a nada y puede relacionarse con cualquiera con una actitud sin estructuras.
Por esta razón, esta misma existencia beneficia a todas las cosas.
Como puedes ver, lo que tiene forma es igual a lo que no tiene forma, y lo que está vivo es igual a lo que reposa.
Esta es la verdad sutil, no un invento religioso, pero sólo quienes ya están altamente evolucionados lo entenderán.
Para el ser ordinario, los demás suelen necesitar tolerancia.
Para el ser altamente evolucionado, no hay nada que pueda llamarse tolerancia, porque no hay nada que pueda llamarse otro.
Ha abandonado toda la idea de dualidad y ha extendido su buena voluntad sin prejuicio en todas las direcciones.
Sin odiar nunca, sin resistir nunca, sin luchar nunca, simplemente está siempre aprendiendo y siendo.
Amar, odiar, tener expectativas: todas estas cosas son apegos.
El apego impide el crecimiento del verdadero ser.
Por ello, el ser integral no está apegado a nada y puede relacionarse con cualquiera con una actitud sin estructuras.
Por esta razón, esta misma existencia beneficia a todas las cosas.
Como puedes ver, lo que tiene forma es igual a lo que no tiene forma, y lo que está vivo es igual a lo que reposa.
Esta es la verdad sutil, no un invento religioso, pero sólo quienes ya están altamente evolucionados lo entenderán.
So named for its discoverer, I.V.
Holtzman, the Holtzman Effect is
actually a series of four interrelated
forces, each named for the number of
dimensions that the single or composite
force has:
Point-source Holtzman effect
nodes, which have no physical
existence, but which do occupy definite
locations. (This incarnation of 'the
Holtzman Effect was theoretically
explained very late in the development
of HE devices and theory, though it had
been used without being understood
since the discovery of the suspensornullification
One-dimensional incarnations of
the Holtzman Effect commonly called
Holtzman Waves, though this is a very
long way from the truth. (The
Holtzman Wave is the only known
method for interstellar
communications, and is the only
method available for communicating
with a ship in transit.)
Two-dimensional or planar
incarnations of the Holtzman Effect,
which have achieved widespread
notoriety as the common Defensive
Three dimensional Holtzman
Effect fields, the first manifestation of
the Holtzman Effect to be discovered,
and still referred to by the name used
for thousands of years before Holtzman
discovered the rest of the forest of -
effects: the suspensor-nullification
effect. (The major use of the suspensornullification
effect is in providing a
means of interstellar travel.)
HISTORY. The discovery of the
suspensor-nullification effect in 13004
B.G. marked the limit of research into
the theory of the effect for thousands of
years. The greatest minds of every age
failed to develop an unifying theory of
the suspensor-nullification effect. Not
until the fortunate though tragic
accident of I.V. Holtzman did there
exist a mind capable of the insights of a
genius, the data recall of a major comp,
and the daring of a 'thopter racer. Had
Holtzman not lived, died, and halflived
again, what we now called the
Holtzman Effect would probably still
lie undiscovered. The details of the
discovery of the suspensor-nullification
effect, on the other hand, are not fully
known, and much must be interpolated
from second-hand sources.
The suspensor-nullification
effect was discovered by scientists in
the First Empire, ten centuries after the
empire first ventured from the surface
of Terra. It was thought, until
Holtzman proved otherwise, to be a
"resonance effect" arising from
coherent-light (laser) mechanics. The
discovery is credited to one "Verifax
Marktoo," who may have been a
machine in the service of House Ceres
(the Imperial House), though this
theory is hotly disputed by theologians.
[Nevertheless, the discovery at the
Rakis Finds of a reference to an
extremely ancient medal of
commendation struck for this ''Verifax
Marktoo" seems to prove that he (it?)
actually did exist. — Ed,]
It took about a century of
experimentation and guesswork before
Imperial navigators learned how to
operate the suspensor-nullification
effect field with any degree of
certainty. The delay was so long
mainly because the effect was
considered to be an Imperial secret, and
jealously guarded. Eventually the
secret was leaked, and House Ceres
and its most powerful and influential
allies began a pro-gram of exploration
and exploitation greater than any other
since the beginning of the empire.
House Ceres had no way of
knowing it, of course, but this use of
the suspensor-nullification device
doomed the First Empire, which
collapsed after 3,000 years of
continuous rule that had seen Terra
develop from iron tools to space travel.
The centrality crucial to Imperial
administration was impossible to
maintain when there was no quick
method of communication from one
end of the Empire to the other — and
until the discovery of Holtzman Waves,
the only way to send a message was to
send a ship, which made for impossibly
expensive administrative costs, and
diffused the power of the emperor
In 7562 B.G., I.V. Holtzman
discovered the Holtzman Wave; in
7556 E.G. he passed on information
necessary for its use to six planetary
systems. Also in 7556, his research was
interrupted and he was unable to
resume it until his or
Holtzman, the Holtzman Effect is
actually a series of four interrelated
forces, each named for the number of
dimensions that the single or composite
force has:
Point-source Holtzman effect
nodes, which have no physical
existence, but which do occupy definite
locations. (This incarnation of 'the
Holtzman Effect was theoretically
explained very late in the development
of HE devices and theory, though it had
been used without being understood
since the discovery of the suspensornullification
One-dimensional incarnations of
the Holtzman Effect commonly called
Holtzman Waves, though this is a very
long way from the truth. (The
Holtzman Wave is the only known
method for interstellar
communications, and is the only
method available for communicating
with a ship in transit.)
Two-dimensional or planar
incarnations of the Holtzman Effect,
which have achieved widespread
notoriety as the common Defensive
Three dimensional Holtzman
Effect fields, the first manifestation of
the Holtzman Effect to be discovered,
and still referred to by the name used
for thousands of years before Holtzman
discovered the rest of the forest of -
effects: the suspensor-nullification
effect. (The major use of the suspensornullification
effect is in providing a
means of interstellar travel.)
HISTORY. The discovery of the
suspensor-nullification effect in 13004
B.G. marked the limit of research into
the theory of the effect for thousands of
years. The greatest minds of every age
failed to develop an unifying theory of
the suspensor-nullification effect. Not
until the fortunate though tragic
accident of I.V. Holtzman did there
exist a mind capable of the insights of a
genius, the data recall of a major comp,
and the daring of a 'thopter racer. Had
Holtzman not lived, died, and halflived
again, what we now called the
Holtzman Effect would probably still
lie undiscovered. The details of the
discovery of the suspensor-nullification
effect, on the other hand, are not fully
known, and much must be interpolated
from second-hand sources.
The suspensor-nullification
effect was discovered by scientists in
the First Empire, ten centuries after the
empire first ventured from the surface
of Terra. It was thought, until
Holtzman proved otherwise, to be a
"resonance effect" arising from
coherent-light (laser) mechanics. The
discovery is credited to one "Verifax
Marktoo," who may have been a
machine in the service of House Ceres
(the Imperial House), though this
theory is hotly disputed by theologians.
[Nevertheless, the discovery at the
Rakis Finds of a reference to an
extremely ancient medal of
commendation struck for this ''Verifax
Marktoo" seems to prove that he (it?)
actually did exist. — Ed,]
It took about a century of
experimentation and guesswork before
Imperial navigators learned how to
operate the suspensor-nullification
effect field with any degree of
certainty. The delay was so long
mainly because the effect was
considered to be an Imperial secret, and
jealously guarded. Eventually the
secret was leaked, and House Ceres
and its most powerful and influential
allies began a pro-gram of exploration
and exploitation greater than any other
since the beginning of the empire.
House Ceres had no way of
knowing it, of course, but this use of
the suspensor-nullification device
doomed the First Empire, which
collapsed after 3,000 years of
continuous rule that had seen Terra
develop from iron tools to space travel.
The centrality crucial to Imperial
administration was impossible to
maintain when there was no quick
method of communication from one
end of the Empire to the other — and
until the discovery of Holtzman Waves,
the only way to send a message was to
send a ship, which made for impossibly
expensive administrative costs, and
diffused the power of the emperor
In 7562 B.G., I.V. Holtzman
discovered the Holtzman Wave; in
7556 E.G. he passed on information
necessary for its use to six planetary
systems. Also in 7556, his research was
interrupted and he was unable to
resume it until his or
bit brought him
back within panel range of his sun. In
his second return (5694 E.G.),
Holtzman kept silent; however, he
evidently used this period to discover
the curious "existence" of the pointsource
node. On his third pass (3832
B.G.), Holtzman was able to
communicate freely after some initial
difficulties were overcome, and on that
pass he published the theory that led to
the development of the twodimensional
Holtzman Effect, the
famed Defensive Shield. The
Defensive Shield attained current levels
of popularity within a century, and,
when the Superconductor Plague
brought on the Machine Death and the
Little Dark Ages, reliance upon the
Shields became almost total, and was
instrumental in preserving enough of
the social fabric to limit the Dark Ages
to less than twenty centuries.
Holtzman's fourth pass was in 1970
B.G., when, fortunately for the annals
of science, the combatants at the Battle
of Liesco XI called a two-month truce
to accommodate Holtzman's passage. It
was during this pass that Holtzman
transmitted his Unified Effect Theory,
linking the various phenomena together
under the blanket term of "Holtzman
Effects." He also hinted of further
development to come. Unfortunately,
Holtzman's fifth passage in 108 E.G.
was his last: he arrived into the waiting
jaws of the Butlerian Jihad, and was
Point-Source Nodes. Essentially, a
point-source HE node is the "seed" for
a higher-order effect: when one of the
higher-dimension Holtzman Effect
incarnations is discontinued, it
collapses into a point-source Holtzman
Effect node which has a location, and
can be moved by gentle application of
probability nudges, even though it has
no physical existence whatsoever.
When triggered back into existence, the
effect which arises from a point-source
Holtzman Effect node is exactly the
same as before. Debate has raged, ever
since Holtzman's day, as to exactly
how it is possible for something with
no existence to interact with the real
world. Arguments have ranged from
quasi-religious claims that the node
"knows" when it is being invoked, to
involved mathematical theories that
maintain that the node actually does
exist, but in a spacetime "pocket" with
no volume.
Point-source Holtzman Effect
nodes are caged and transported in
devices known as "Laser Pens" to
theorists, though the operation of these
devices does not intrude upon the
consciousness of the user of a
Holtzman Effect device, such as a
Shield. The construction of a Laser Pen
consists of three pairs of microlasers
emitting coherent radio waves with a
wavelength of approximately one lightsecond.
The six microlasers impact the
location of the point-source Holtzman
Effect node in such a way as to cancel
one another out completely at that
location only: the node is thereby kept
at that location and is not allowed to
wander. To trigger the node, the
microlasers switch simultaneously to a
wavelength of approximately one
angstrom, maintain that frequency for a
single pulse, and then disconnect. At
the same time that the microlasers
disengage, the field's power is turned
on, and electrical power is fed into the
field from whatever power source is
providing the necessary energy for the
effect's maintenance. These power
sources are usually microbatteries for
Defensive Shields, since they must be
contained completely within fee
volume affected by the Shield: for
other effects, though, much more
powerful external energy sources can
be used.
All Holtzman Held Effects can
be forced back into their point-source
status either by discontinuing the
maintenance power, in which case the:
microlasers must reengage instantly or
the point-source will wander and be
lost, or by overloading the field, which
requires an enormous amount of
electrical energy to be grounded into
the effect. The electrical energy
required to short out even a small
personal Shield is more than the total
consumption of the average Shire. If
this much power is brought to bear
against any incarnation of the
Holtzman Effect, though, the field will
back within panel range of his sun. In
his second return (5694 E.G.),
Holtzman kept silent; however, he
evidently used this period to discover
the curious "existence" of the pointsource
node. On his third pass (3832
B.G.), Holtzman was able to
communicate freely after some initial
difficulties were overcome, and on that
pass he published the theory that led to
the development of the twodimensional
Holtzman Effect, the
famed Defensive Shield. The
Defensive Shield attained current levels
of popularity within a century, and,
when the Superconductor Plague
brought on the Machine Death and the
Little Dark Ages, reliance upon the
Shields became almost total, and was
instrumental in preserving enough of
the social fabric to limit the Dark Ages
to less than twenty centuries.
Holtzman's fourth pass was in 1970
B.G., when, fortunately for the annals
of science, the combatants at the Battle
of Liesco XI called a two-month truce
to accommodate Holtzman's passage. It
was during this pass that Holtzman
transmitted his Unified Effect Theory,
linking the various phenomena together
under the blanket term of "Holtzman
Effects." He also hinted of further
development to come. Unfortunately,
Holtzman's fifth passage in 108 E.G.
was his last: he arrived into the waiting
jaws of the Butlerian Jihad, and was
Point-Source Nodes. Essentially, a
point-source HE node is the "seed" for
a higher-order effect: when one of the
higher-dimension Holtzman Effect
incarnations is discontinued, it
collapses into a point-source Holtzman
Effect node which has a location, and
can be moved by gentle application of
probability nudges, even though it has
no physical existence whatsoever.
When triggered back into existence, the
effect which arises from a point-source
Holtzman Effect node is exactly the
same as before. Debate has raged, ever
since Holtzman's day, as to exactly
how it is possible for something with
no existence to interact with the real
world. Arguments have ranged from
quasi-religious claims that the node
"knows" when it is being invoked, to
involved mathematical theories that
maintain that the node actually does
exist, but in a spacetime "pocket" with
no volume.
Point-source Holtzman Effect
nodes are caged and transported in
devices known as "Laser Pens" to
theorists, though the operation of these
devices does not intrude upon the
consciousness of the user of a
Holtzman Effect device, such as a
Shield. The construction of a Laser Pen
consists of three pairs of microlasers
emitting coherent radio waves with a
wavelength of approximately one lightsecond.
The six microlasers impact the
location of the point-source Holtzman
Effect node in such a way as to cancel
one another out completely at that
location only: the node is thereby kept
at that location and is not allowed to
wander. To trigger the node, the
microlasers switch simultaneously to a
wavelength of approximately one
angstrom, maintain that frequency for a
single pulse, and then disconnect. At
the same time that the microlasers
disengage, the field's power is turned
on, and electrical power is fed into the
field from whatever power source is
providing the necessary energy for the
effect's maintenance. These power
sources are usually microbatteries for
Defensive Shields, since they must be
contained completely within fee
volume affected by the Shield: for
other effects, though, much more
powerful external energy sources can
be used.
All Holtzman Held Effects can
be forced back into their point-source
status either by discontinuing the
maintenance power, in which case the:
microlasers must reengage instantly or
the point-source will wander and be
lost, or by overloading the field, which
requires an enormous amount of
electrical energy to be grounded into
the effect. The electrical energy
required to short out even a small
personal Shield is more than the total
consumption of the average Shire. If
this much power is brought to bear
against any incarnation of the
Holtzman Effect, though, the field will
tely collapse into the node for
that effect, and, since the electrical jolt
also generally fries the microlaser
mechanisms, the node is generally lost.
(The existence of a "seed" was
generally suspected when the
suspensor-nullification effect was first
developed, but no truly satisfactory
theoretical proof could be developed to
describe the nature of this "seed" until
I.V. Holtzman revealed his theory of
point-source nodes in 3832 B.G.)
Holtzman Waves. The onedimensional
"Holtzman Wave" is not
actually anything like a wave, but is
rather a mathematical phenomenon
which causes real space-time to form
microcatastrophic folds along a
selectable vector, causing the excitation
of local matter such that long-wave
radio emissions result, which can then
be received on normal radio antennae.
Like point-sources, Holtzman Waves
cannot really be said to exist except as
philosophical constructs which are
remarkably immanent.
Holtzman Waves are aimed by
use of radio lasers: when the pointsource
is released, a single long-wave
radio laser is aimed at the source,
whereupon a Holtzman Wave is
created along the vector defined by the
laser beam. In general, these waves can
be maintained for only a few minutes
— one cycle of the radio wave being
used — before the wave causes
sympathetic vibrations in the laser
crystal, leading to its explosion.
As might be expected, the
aiming of a Holtzman Wave is
incredibly difficult, since relativistic
considerations concerning the shape of
the continuum between the sender and
receiver must be fully mapped. In the
case of the transmissions from system
to system, inaccuracy is not
insurmountable, because normal
practice is to "flicker" the transmission
over a relatively large area, and the
holographic nature of the wave assures
that if any part of the wave hits any
matter more dense than interstellar
hydrogen, the radio waves will be
manifested. However, trying to send a
transmission to a ship in transit is
another matter entirely. The ship must
be struck exactly, since the only matter
which exists, so far as the ship is
concerned, is that which accompanies
the ship's suspensor-nullifier (usually
the ship itself and a few hydrogen
atoms). For this reason, most ships
have certain predesignated points
(called "mail drops") where they drop
out of the Void in order to send or
receive messages.
Theoretically, the range of a
Holtzman Wave is infinite; in practice,
its effective range is limited by the
ability of the sender to aim the wave so
that it will strike a large (planetary or
larger) mass at or near the receiver.
This requirement limits the useful
range of Holtzman Wave
communications to approximately 250
light-years without re-broadcasting.
It has been theorized that the
background radio emissions which
blanket the visible universe are
transmissions, via Holtzman Waves, of
civilizations in the Galactic Core, but
this thesis remains unproven.
Two-dimensional effect. The
two-dimensional, or planar, Holtzman
Effect, which has achieved permanent
and deserved notoreity as the common
Defensive Shield, is the lowest-order
incarnation of the Holtzman Effect to
have a physical existence. It consists of
the electromagnetic force of atomic
bonds, however, these bonding forces
have been polarized: in one direction
(the "outside edge" of the effect), the
forces have been subverted into acting
only on pseudo-atoms of incoherent
matter (and can revert with disastrous
consequences in the presence of
coherent energy); on the opposite side
of the plane, the forces have been
shifted so that they repel normal matter
above a certain critical density (ranging
from.06 to.35 grains per cubic
centimeter). Pseudo-matter, though it
does exist, cannot be manifest in real
space-time, so the only effects of the
Defensive Shield are the effects of the
bonding force.
The result of the strange halfexistence
of the planar effect is that
normal matter can pass through a
planar effect region, but only slowly. In
addition, a planar effect is reflective on
its outer surface to certain wavelengths
of the electromagnetic s
that effect, and, since the electrical jolt
also generally fries the microlaser
mechanisms, the node is generally lost.
(The existence of a "seed" was
generally suspected when the
suspensor-nullification effect was first
developed, but no truly satisfactory
theoretical proof could be developed to
describe the nature of this "seed" until
I.V. Holtzman revealed his theory of
point-source nodes in 3832 B.G.)
Holtzman Waves. The onedimensional
"Holtzman Wave" is not
actually anything like a wave, but is
rather a mathematical phenomenon
which causes real space-time to form
microcatastrophic folds along a
selectable vector, causing the excitation
of local matter such that long-wave
radio emissions result, which can then
be received on normal radio antennae.
Like point-sources, Holtzman Waves
cannot really be said to exist except as
philosophical constructs which are
remarkably immanent.
Holtzman Waves are aimed by
use of radio lasers: when the pointsource
is released, a single long-wave
radio laser is aimed at the source,
whereupon a Holtzman Wave is
created along the vector defined by the
laser beam. In general, these waves can
be maintained for only a few minutes
— one cycle of the radio wave being
used — before the wave causes
sympathetic vibrations in the laser
crystal, leading to its explosion.
As might be expected, the
aiming of a Holtzman Wave is
incredibly difficult, since relativistic
considerations concerning the shape of
the continuum between the sender and
receiver must be fully mapped. In the
case of the transmissions from system
to system, inaccuracy is not
insurmountable, because normal
practice is to "flicker" the transmission
over a relatively large area, and the
holographic nature of the wave assures
that if any part of the wave hits any
matter more dense than interstellar
hydrogen, the radio waves will be
manifested. However, trying to send a
transmission to a ship in transit is
another matter entirely. The ship must
be struck exactly, since the only matter
which exists, so far as the ship is
concerned, is that which accompanies
the ship's suspensor-nullifier (usually
the ship itself and a few hydrogen
atoms). For this reason, most ships
have certain predesignated points
(called "mail drops") where they drop
out of the Void in order to send or
receive messages.
Theoretically, the range of a
Holtzman Wave is infinite; in practice,
its effective range is limited by the
ability of the sender to aim the wave so
that it will strike a large (planetary or
larger) mass at or near the receiver.
This requirement limits the useful
range of Holtzman Wave
communications to approximately 250
light-years without re-broadcasting.
It has been theorized that the
background radio emissions which
blanket the visible universe are
transmissions, via Holtzman Waves, of
civilizations in the Galactic Core, but
this thesis remains unproven.
Two-dimensional effect. The
two-dimensional, or planar, Holtzman
Effect, which has achieved permanent
and deserved notoreity as the common
Defensive Shield, is the lowest-order
incarnation of the Holtzman Effect to
have a physical existence. It consists of
the electromagnetic force of atomic
bonds, however, these bonding forces
have been polarized: in one direction
(the "outside edge" of the effect), the
forces have been subverted into acting
only on pseudo-atoms of incoherent
matter (and can revert with disastrous
consequences in the presence of
coherent energy); on the opposite side
of the plane, the forces have been
shifted so that they repel normal matter
above a certain critical density (ranging
from.06 to.35 grains per cubic
centimeter). Pseudo-matter, though it
does exist, cannot be manifest in real
space-time, so the only effects of the
Defensive Shield are the effects of the
bonding force.
The result of the strange halfexistence
of the planar effect is that
normal matter can pass through a
planar effect region, but only slowly. In
addition, a planar effect is reflective on
its outer surface to certain wavelengths
of the electromagnetic s
pectrum, and
this reflectivity is determined by the
manufacturer of the Shield and cannot
be altered once the point-source node
for that field has been constructed. In
general, the less of the spectrum the
field admits, the more unstable it is:
nearly all fields are constructed to
admit at least visible light. Fields can
be constructed, though, to admit only a
single monochrome of the
electromagnetic spectrum, or to admit
everything but a single monochrome.
As matter impinges upon the
outside surface of a Holtzman Shield,
the electromagnetic bonds in the
impinging matter undergo a
phenomenon known as "chameleon
coating," whereby the matter takes on
an outward sheath of pseudo-atoms in a
layer a single atom thick, at the
intersection lines of the matter and the
planar effect. These atoms then
sublimate into the planar field as the
normal matter passes through the field,
and the speed at which this atomic
sublimation can proceed determines the
velocity, called the "strike speed," at
which the normal matter can pass
through a planar Holtzman field. This
speed varies depending upon the
emission spectrum of the planar field,
but is never less than 5.81665 cm/s for
one-angstrom fields, and increases only
to 9.322 cm/s for all-absorptive fields.
An object attempting to pass
through a planar field at a right-angle
vector speed of more than the strike
speed is faced with resistance which
grows more intense as the fourth power
of the velocity. When the speed is
sufficiently high, the field becomes
essentially solid to the impinging
Energy "absorbed" by a planar
field when it is struck by a fast-moving
object is instantaneously re-radiated, in
wavelengths throughout the
electromagnetic spectrum which
complement those which the field
admits. Commercial Defensive Shields
are normally manufactured to admit all
wavelengths from the very short-wave
radio through gamma rays, and emit
longer-wave radio. Though it might
seem foolish to admit such dangerous
wavelengths as the gamma and X ray
wavelengths, the common decision has
been that it is far better to expose
oneself to a little background radiation
than it is to have one's shield emitting
dangerous radiation during a fight,
possibly endangering unshielded
bystanders. The ill effects of the radio
emissions, on the other hand, cause, at
worst, a bad bout of static in the
immediate neighborhood.
Special shields have been
manufactured on occasion to take
advantage of the radiational properties
of the planar field: among artists and
dye-makers, who are interested in
planar fields which admit or reflect
only a single, precise color (or group of
colors); or for cosmetic uses (by
muting all of the colors except yellow,
one can conceal a pallor); or for jailors,
who normally transport prisoners in
Shields which admit no visible1
spectra; or for those desiring Shields
which emit only a single wavelength of
gamma rays (this variation has been
used by assassins in several particularly
vicious exercises of kanly); or, most
recently, for the development of
Shields which specifically do not emit
in the three-kilocycle radio bandwidth,
for special use on Arrakis, where the
local fauna is sensitive to radio
transmissions on that bandwidth and
tends to devour any source of such a
transmission, even one as diffuse as
that from a personal Shield.
Matter above certain densities is
repelled by the inside surface of a
planar field, and it is this repellent
property which made the Personal
Defensive Shield a possibility. When a
planar field node is being
manufactured, the plane of the effect
can be warped with a great deal of
freedom: whenever a planar field is
warped so as to intersect with itself, the
shield fuses into a seamless connection.
(If not warped, men the effect forms a
Sat plane with an area dependent upon
the amount of energy used in its
Planar effect fields which are.
warped tend to contract towards their
geometric centers, but cannot contract
fully if obstructed by matter in
concentrations above the critical
density. Since planar effect fields are
this reflectivity is determined by the
manufacturer of the Shield and cannot
be altered once the point-source node
for that field has been constructed. In
general, the less of the spectrum the
field admits, the more unstable it is:
nearly all fields are constructed to
admit at least visible light. Fields can
be constructed, though, to admit only a
single monochrome of the
electromagnetic spectrum, or to admit
everything but a single monochrome.
As matter impinges upon the
outside surface of a Holtzman Shield,
the electromagnetic bonds in the
impinging matter undergo a
phenomenon known as "chameleon
coating," whereby the matter takes on
an outward sheath of pseudo-atoms in a
layer a single atom thick, at the
intersection lines of the matter and the
planar effect. These atoms then
sublimate into the planar field as the
normal matter passes through the field,
and the speed at which this atomic
sublimation can proceed determines the
velocity, called the "strike speed," at
which the normal matter can pass
through a planar Holtzman field. This
speed varies depending upon the
emission spectrum of the planar field,
but is never less than 5.81665 cm/s for
one-angstrom fields, and increases only
to 9.322 cm/s for all-absorptive fields.
An object attempting to pass
through a planar field at a right-angle
vector speed of more than the strike
speed is faced with resistance which
grows more intense as the fourth power
of the velocity. When the speed is
sufficiently high, the field becomes
essentially solid to the impinging
Energy "absorbed" by a planar
field when it is struck by a fast-moving
object is instantaneously re-radiated, in
wavelengths throughout the
electromagnetic spectrum which
complement those which the field
admits. Commercial Defensive Shields
are normally manufactured to admit all
wavelengths from the very short-wave
radio through gamma rays, and emit
longer-wave radio. Though it might
seem foolish to admit such dangerous
wavelengths as the gamma and X ray
wavelengths, the common decision has
been that it is far better to expose
oneself to a little background radiation
than it is to have one's shield emitting
dangerous radiation during a fight,
possibly endangering unshielded
bystanders. The ill effects of the radio
emissions, on the other hand, cause, at
worst, a bad bout of static in the
immediate neighborhood.
Special shields have been
manufactured on occasion to take
advantage of the radiational properties
of the planar field: among artists and
dye-makers, who are interested in
planar fields which admit or reflect
only a single, precise color (or group of
colors); or for cosmetic uses (by
muting all of the colors except yellow,
one can conceal a pallor); or for jailors,
who normally transport prisoners in
Shields which admit no visible1
spectra; or for those desiring Shields
which emit only a single wavelength of
gamma rays (this variation has been
used by assassins in several particularly
vicious exercises of kanly); or, most
recently, for the development of
Shields which specifically do not emit
in the three-kilocycle radio bandwidth,
for special use on Arrakis, where the
local fauna is sensitive to radio
transmissions on that bandwidth and
tends to devour any source of such a
transmission, even one as diffuse as
that from a personal Shield.
Matter above certain densities is
repelled by the inside surface of a
planar field, and it is this repellent
property which made the Personal
Defensive Shield a possibility. When a
planar field node is being
manufactured, the plane of the effect
can be warped with a great deal of
freedom: whenever a planar field is
warped so as to intersect with itself, the
shield fuses into a seamless connection.
(If not warped, men the effect forms a
Sat plane with an area dependent upon
the amount of energy used in its
Planar effect fields which are.
warped tend to contract towards their
geometric centers, but cannot contract
fully if obstructed by matter in
concentrations above the critical
density. Since planar effect fields are
finitely elastic (given enough power,
of course), and infinitely malleable, so
long as topographic identity is
maintained, they are usually produced
in globular or hemispherical formats:
when placed around an object, the field
contracts to within a few centimeters of
the object being englobed. A field's
shape can be freely and instantly
altered from the inner side: when any
mass is moved toward the inner side at
less than the reflection velocity of the
field, the field in that region is instantly
repelled by the mass, and the field
stretches into a new shape, as required.
The reflection velocity is the reason
that missile weapons cannot be fired
from the inside of a Shield: whenever a
mass impinges upon the inner surface
of a planar field at a velocity of
approximately 200-400 meters per
second (the exact speed is inversely
related to the strike speed), the field
undergoes an instantaneous reflective
reversal, with the outer surface and the
inner surface switching positions. The
field then functions as usual, except
that the radiation emitted due to
absorption of the mass's energy is
radiated inward, and, furthermore, that
radiation is reflected by the nowinterior
surface of the field. This
normally leads to any wearer of a
personal Shield being cooked by long
radio waves in a very short time.
Likewise, a planar effect field is
transparent to all incoherent
electromagnetic emissions traveling
from the interior of the field to the
exterior, regardless of its outer
surface's absorption characteristics.
However, when coherent light
impinges upon a planar effect field
from either surface, there is an
uncommonly violent reaction. This
reaction is the result of the coherent
light causing the subverted binding
force acting upon the pseudo-atoms in
the field to rebel, rejecting its grip on
the pseudo-matter. This causes an
instantaneous and total conversion of
the pseudo-mass of the shield into a
lump of degenerate real matter at the
spatial center of the volume enclosed
by the planar effect, which matter then
converts to pure energy. Fortunately,
the actual mass of a planar field is
usually quite tiny, on the order of.005
gram for a personal shield. Thus, this
typical field, if touched by a laser
beam, would result in an atomic blast
with a power of
4,500,000,000,000,000,000 ergs, or a
little less than. 1 kiloton of the atomic
The suspensor-nullification
effect. The three-dimensional Holtzman
Effect field operates, like all Holtzman
Effect fields, by drawing upon the
energy of the controlled interface of
something that cannot exist with
something which must exist. In this
instance, the effect depends upon the
tension between real and inchoate fourdimensional
spacetime: the strain
between the two causes realspace to
fracture in a tiny locality (generally a
globe no more than a kilometer across,
though larger effects have been
generated), whereupon the mass within
that area falls through into the Void.
Skilled maneuvering requires either a
basic prescience or enough mental
power to project the future with a high
degree of certainty. The field itself
mast be moved, rotated, struck, or
steadied to induce desired movement
with regard to the Outer Universe and
can deliver that mass nearly anywhere,
or, if one is not very careful, nowhere.
The Void is the most irritating of
the many anti-logical constructs which
have been made necessary by the
development of the Holtzman Theories.
Anyone who has ever traveled on a
Guild heighliner has experienced a
profound disturbance upon being told
that while in transit the traveler and the
ship he rides are, literally, nowhere at
all. The intense feeling of being "lost"
is sometimes too much for unstable
individuals to bear, and repeated
exposure to the Void can lead to
serious personality imbalances.
The secret of controlling the
field was difficult to learn because,
during its early development, the
investigators did not have any
theoretical understanding of the
suspensor-nullification effect. It was
almost a century before researchers
came to realize that as soon as t
of course), and infinitely malleable, so
long as topographic identity is
maintained, they are usually produced
in globular or hemispherical formats:
when placed around an object, the field
contracts to within a few centimeters of
the object being englobed. A field's
shape can be freely and instantly
altered from the inner side: when any
mass is moved toward the inner side at
less than the reflection velocity of the
field, the field in that region is instantly
repelled by the mass, and the field
stretches into a new shape, as required.
The reflection velocity is the reason
that missile weapons cannot be fired
from the inside of a Shield: whenever a
mass impinges upon the inner surface
of a planar field at a velocity of
approximately 200-400 meters per
second (the exact speed is inversely
related to the strike speed), the field
undergoes an instantaneous reflective
reversal, with the outer surface and the
inner surface switching positions. The
field then functions as usual, except
that the radiation emitted due to
absorption of the mass's energy is
radiated inward, and, furthermore, that
radiation is reflected by the nowinterior
surface of the field. This
normally leads to any wearer of a
personal Shield being cooked by long
radio waves in a very short time.
Likewise, a planar effect field is
transparent to all incoherent
electromagnetic emissions traveling
from the interior of the field to the
exterior, regardless of its outer
surface's absorption characteristics.
However, when coherent light
impinges upon a planar effect field
from either surface, there is an
uncommonly violent reaction. This
reaction is the result of the coherent
light causing the subverted binding
force acting upon the pseudo-atoms in
the field to rebel, rejecting its grip on
the pseudo-matter. This causes an
instantaneous and total conversion of
the pseudo-mass of the shield into a
lump of degenerate real matter at the
spatial center of the volume enclosed
by the planar effect, which matter then
converts to pure energy. Fortunately,
the actual mass of a planar field is
usually quite tiny, on the order of.005
gram for a personal shield. Thus, this
typical field, if touched by a laser
beam, would result in an atomic blast
with a power of
4,500,000,000,000,000,000 ergs, or a
little less than. 1 kiloton of the atomic
The suspensor-nullification
effect. The three-dimensional Holtzman
Effect field operates, like all Holtzman
Effect fields, by drawing upon the
energy of the controlled interface of
something that cannot exist with
something which must exist. In this
instance, the effect depends upon the
tension between real and inchoate fourdimensional
spacetime: the strain
between the two causes realspace to
fracture in a tiny locality (generally a
globe no more than a kilometer across,
though larger effects have been
generated), whereupon the mass within
that area falls through into the Void.
Skilled maneuvering requires either a
basic prescience or enough mental
power to project the future with a high
degree of certainty. The field itself
mast be moved, rotated, struck, or
steadied to induce desired movement
with regard to the Outer Universe and
can deliver that mass nearly anywhere,
or, if one is not very careful, nowhere.
The Void is the most irritating of
the many anti-logical constructs which
have been made necessary by the
development of the Holtzman Theories.
Anyone who has ever traveled on a
Guild heighliner has experienced a
profound disturbance upon being told
that while in transit the traveler and the
ship he rides are, literally, nowhere at
all. The intense feeling of being "lost"
is sometimes too much for unstable
individuals to bear, and repeated
exposure to the Void can lead to
serious personality imbalances.
The secret of controlling the
field was difficult to learn because,
during its early development, the
investigators did not have any
theoretical understanding of the
suspensor-nullification effect. It was
almost a century before researchers
came to realize that as soon as t
he field
was disturbed, the space-time pocket
was formed and translated to some
other location. The investigators at first
thought that they had merely
discovered a very expensive way to
send unwanted matter to nowhere.
Today, under Guild management, the
control of the suspensor-nullification
field is a highly specialized art: before
spice-heightened navigators, space
travel was perforce directed by
The most mundane use of the
suspensor-nullification field was
discovered only after Holtzman
published his unified theories. There is,
it turns out, a certain critical size for
the three-dimensional Holtzman Effect
field: if the field is smaller than this
size and it is itself enclosed within a
globular planar effect field, a secondorder
of the inner surface of a planar
field is manifested. This effect, known
as Holtzman Repulsion, is much more
powerful and long-ranged than the
mass-repulsion effect of the inner side
of a planar effect: the effect is strong
enough that it can be used to "levitate"
masses on planetary surfaces.
Suspensor platforms are used
occasionally for personal transport, but
they are quite expensive, and are
normally used only by the very rich, or
in circumstances where normal
magnetic levitation cannot be made to
was disturbed, the space-time pocket
was formed and translated to some
other location. The investigators at first
thought that they had merely
discovered a very expensive way to
send unwanted matter to nowhere.
Today, under Guild management, the
control of the suspensor-nullification
field is a highly specialized art: before
spice-heightened navigators, space
travel was perforce directed by
The most mundane use of the
suspensor-nullification field was
discovered only after Holtzman
published his unified theories. There is,
it turns out, a certain critical size for
the three-dimensional Holtzman Effect
field: if the field is smaller than this
size and it is itself enclosed within a
globular planar effect field, a secondorder
of the inner surface of a planar
field is manifested. This effect, known
as Holtzman Repulsion, is much more
powerful and long-ranged than the
mass-repulsion effect of the inner side
of a planar effect: the effect is strong
enough that it can be used to "levitate"
masses on planetary surfaces.
Suspensor platforms are used
occasionally for personal transport, but
they are quite expensive, and are
normally used only by the very rich, or
in circumstances where normal
magnetic levitation cannot be made to
Vril, The Power of the Coming Race by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton [1871] to
follow along with text of audiobook: http://www.sacred-texts.com/atl/vril/index.htm ...
Bulwer-Lytton - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Edward George Earle Bulwer-Lytton,
primer barón Lytton (Londres, 25 de mayo de 1803–Torquay, 18 de enero de 1873),
fue un poeta, novelista, dramaturgo...
Libros de
Sri Aurobindo - De la Mente a la Consciencia
En este link de arriba todos lis
libros de Sri Aurobindo en formato HTML...hh
Libros de
Sri Aurobindo - De la Mente a la Consciencia
Sri Aurobindo y la Madre en Espanol
Hortensia De la Torre's Homepage
El Amor Don Supremo
Las Ensenanzas de Xu Yun
Algo para Recordar en el Día de las
Sri Aurobindo - Indice
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El Credo del Asesino, o simplemente
el Credo, fue el código ético y filosófico seguido por la Orden de los
Asesinos, seguido desde al menos la Edad Media hasta los tiempos modernos.
Considerado el pilar de la Orden, ordena que los Asesinos sean sabios,
cuestionando la realidad y las restricciones morales de los hombres, y que las
mentes han de ser libres, siempre y cuando uno asuma las consecuencias de sus
actos. Además de esto, establece tres principios, prohibiendo el asesinato de
inocentes, obligando a actuar sigilosamente, y a no comprometer a la Hermandad.
El castigo por la violación de uno de estos principios oscilaba entre la pena de muerte y la pérdida de rango, dado que el Credo servía como el mayor símbolo de identidad de la Hermandad, hasta tal punto que no seguirlo significaba no formar parte de los Asesinos. El mensaje del Credo fue transmitido de forma oral y escrita durante generaciones, para que todo Asesino pudiese conocerlo y seguirlo.
Era frecuentemente recitado en iniciaciones y otros rituales de los Asesinos, o incluso ante la ejecución de algún objetivo de la Orden. El Mentor de los Asesinos Sirios Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad creó las tres ironías del Credo, indicando que se contradecía a si mismo en varios aspectos, tan solo siendo un esbozo de la realidad; el Mentor sirio admitió que no podría ser destruido, dado que esas ideas regresarían tarde o temprano, por mucho que sus seguidores fuesen muertos.
Los tres preceptos
El Credo se regía no solo por su máxima, sino por tres regla básicas. El no cumplir con ellas significaba no pertenecer a la Orden, y era castigado con la muerte o con la pérdida de un rango.
Aleja tu hoja de la carne del inocente
El primer precepto dictaba que los Asesinos no podían asesinar a los civiles, intencionadamente o no. Esto era así dado que el objetivo de la Orden era proteger a los inocentes de ellos mismos, y la matanza de inocentes decaía la reputación de los Asesinos.
En 1191, el Maestro Asesino Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad asesinó a un sacerdote en el Templo de Salomón, y fue posteriormente castigado perdiendo su título, y devolviéndole el estatus de novicio.
En cambio, cuando uno de los aprendices del Mentor Ezio Auditore da Firenze asesinó a un civil en la caza del Templario Cyril de Rodas en 1511, no fue castigado, sino que se le instó a reflexionar sobre su acto, y a redimirse matando al Templario. De hecho, al año siguiente Auditore mató indirectamente a varios civiles en Derinkuyu, pero se desconoce si fue castigado.
El Mentor de los Asesinos Haitianos Eseosa decidió castigar al Asesino Jeannot Bullet por matar a inocentes, en 1791. En 1998 la Asesina Hannah Mueller evitó que Daniel Cross, a quien creía un Asesino, matase a un inocente, diciéndole que había de seguir el Credo.
Se siempre discreto y fúndete con la multitud
El segundo precepto dictaba el sigilo de los Asesinos. Permanecer siempre en las sombras y mezclarse entre los civiles, para evitar a sus enemigos y los problemas. Cuando se ven envuelto en un problema, deben pasarse a anónimos cuanto antes.
No comprometas a la Hermandad
El tercer y ultimo precepto es la supervivencia de la Hermandad de los Asesinos. Si se ve en conflicto sin resolver, un Asesino nunca debe traer los problemas a su Hermandad, porque sino todos corren peligro de muerte. Hay que despistar a los perseguidores sin comprometer a otro Asesino, solo se puede contar con uno mismo.
El castigo por la violación de uno de estos principios oscilaba entre la pena de muerte y la pérdida de rango, dado que el Credo servía como el mayor símbolo de identidad de la Hermandad, hasta tal punto que no seguirlo significaba no formar parte de los Asesinos. El mensaje del Credo fue transmitido de forma oral y escrita durante generaciones, para que todo Asesino pudiese conocerlo y seguirlo.
Era frecuentemente recitado en iniciaciones y otros rituales de los Asesinos, o incluso ante la ejecución de algún objetivo de la Orden. El Mentor de los Asesinos Sirios Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad creó las tres ironías del Credo, indicando que se contradecía a si mismo en varios aspectos, tan solo siendo un esbozo de la realidad; el Mentor sirio admitió que no podría ser destruido, dado que esas ideas regresarían tarde o temprano, por mucho que sus seguidores fuesen muertos.
Los tres preceptos
El Credo se regía no solo por su máxima, sino por tres regla básicas. El no cumplir con ellas significaba no pertenecer a la Orden, y era castigado con la muerte o con la pérdida de un rango.
Aleja tu hoja de la carne del inocente
El primer precepto dictaba que los Asesinos no podían asesinar a los civiles, intencionadamente o no. Esto era así dado que el objetivo de la Orden era proteger a los inocentes de ellos mismos, y la matanza de inocentes decaía la reputación de los Asesinos.
En 1191, el Maestro Asesino Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad asesinó a un sacerdote en el Templo de Salomón, y fue posteriormente castigado perdiendo su título, y devolviéndole el estatus de novicio.
En cambio, cuando uno de los aprendices del Mentor Ezio Auditore da Firenze asesinó a un civil en la caza del Templario Cyril de Rodas en 1511, no fue castigado, sino que se le instó a reflexionar sobre su acto, y a redimirse matando al Templario. De hecho, al año siguiente Auditore mató indirectamente a varios civiles en Derinkuyu, pero se desconoce si fue castigado.
El Mentor de los Asesinos Haitianos Eseosa decidió castigar al Asesino Jeannot Bullet por matar a inocentes, en 1791. En 1998 la Asesina Hannah Mueller evitó que Daniel Cross, a quien creía un Asesino, matase a un inocente, diciéndole que había de seguir el Credo.
Se siempre discreto y fúndete con la multitud
El segundo precepto dictaba el sigilo de los Asesinos. Permanecer siempre en las sombras y mezclarse entre los civiles, para evitar a sus enemigos y los problemas. Cuando se ven envuelto en un problema, deben pasarse a anónimos cuanto antes.
No comprometas a la Hermandad
El tercer y ultimo precepto es la supervivencia de la Hermandad de los Asesinos. Si se ve en conflicto sin resolver, un Asesino nunca debe traer los problemas a su Hermandad, porque sino todos corren peligro de muerte. Hay que despistar a los perseguidores sin comprometer a otro Asesino, solo se puede contar con uno mismo.
Aunque haya hombres que sigan
ciegamente la verdad, recuerda, nada es verdad; aunque haya hombres que se
dejen coartar por la ley o la moral, recuerda, todo está permitido.
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Hoy día 8/5/2019 cal.Greg. he
hallado todas las respuestas
Ahora se lo que ha pasado en
Valencia durante estos 7 AÑOS y como todos han visto los demonios de la
Taponando la verdad
Estamos en una era post-cocaína
Donde Valencia es pionera...hh
Intentando taponar a Mestigoth
Lo intentaron
Ninguna salida
Lucha de 20 años...hh
Pero si la había...hh
Donde la encontré ahora están
invadidos por la monstruosidad cocainica
Como aquí en la época del PP en
Valencia ...etc etc etc...hh
Fundamentalismo religiosos
Lleva a tabúes personalea
Como las 13lunas
Se convierte en otra religion
La religión del tiempo...hg
Hay verdad en todas partes
De todas formas...hh
Esa es la verdad
Pero ni unos antes
No estos ahora lo admitirán en
Ni estos ahora
Patricia pleyadiana perfecta
Cuanto la amo...hh
Cumpli mi.mision
Misión cumplida
[yoda master
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Estas oraciones las encontré en
Portugués, en Brasil, y son poderosísimas para sanar al Mundo, al Planeta por
entero :
Primero el Padre Nuestro para los ocultistas :
“ Pae Nosso” :
“Pae nosso, que estaes nos céos, santificado seja o teu nome, venha a nós o teu reino, faca-se a tua vontade assim na terra como no céo. O pão nosso de cada dia da-nos hoje, perdoa-nos as nossas dividas assim como as perdoamos aos nossos devedores, não permittas que caiamos em tentação, mas livra-nos do mal : pois a ti pertencem a gloria, o poder e a misericórdia por todos os séculos dos séculos. Amen”
Seguimos con La “Invocación Kabalística “ :
“Vos sois um, o comeco de todos os numeros e o fundamento de todos os edificios ; vos sois um, e no segredo da vossa unidade os homens mais sabios se perdem porque nao a conhecem. Vos sois um, e vossa unidade nunca diminue, nunca augmenta, nem sofre alteração alguma. Vos sois um, não como um em claculo, porque a vossa unidade não admitte multiplicação, nem mudança, nem forma. Vos sois um, ao quual nenhuma das minhas ideas pode fixar um limite e dar uma definição; e por isso que vigiarei a minha conducta, preservando-me de peccar pela minha língua. Vos sois um, emfim,cuja excellencia e tão elevada, que de modo algum pode cahir, e não como este um que pode cessar de existir.
“Vos sois existente: comtudo o entendimento e a vista dos mortaes não podem alcançar vossa existencia, nem por em vos o onde, o como e o porque. Vos sois existente, mas em vos mesmo, porque nenhum ser ode existir comvosco. Vos sois existente desde antes do tempo e sem logar. Vos sois existente, emfim, e vossa existência e tão occulta e tão profunda que ninguém pode penetrar e descobrir o segredo della.
“Vos sois viviente, mas não desde um tempo conhecido e fixo ; vos sois vivente, mas não por um espírito ou por uma alma; pois sois a alma de todas as almas. Vos sois vivente; mas não como as vidas dos mortaes que são comparadas a um sopro e cujo fim será o alimento dos vermes. Vos sois vivente, e aquelle que puder alacncar vossos mysterios gosará delicias eternas e viverá perpetruamente.
Vos sois grande, e ao PE da vossa grandeza todas as grandezas se dobram, e tudo o que há de mais excellente se torna defeituoso. Vos sois garnde acima de todas as imaginações, evos vos elevaes acima de todas as jerarquias celestes. Vos sois grande acima de toda a grandeza, e sois exaltado acima de todos os louvores. Vos sois forte, e nenhuma das vossas creaturas fará as obras que fazeis, nem sua forca poderá serr comparada a vossa. Vos sois forte ; e é a vós que pertence esta forca invencível que nunca muda nem se altera. Vos sois forte, e pela vossa magnanimidade perdoaes no tempo da vossa mais ardente cólera, e vos mostraes paciente para com os peccadores. Vós sois forte, e as vossas misericórdias, que existiram em todos os tempos, se extendem sobre todas as vossas creaturas. Vós sois a luz eterna, que as almas purtas verão e que anuvem dos peccados occultará aos olhos dos peccadores. Vós sois a luz que está occulta neste mundo e visível no outro, onde a gloria do Senhor se mostra. Vós sois soberano, e os olhos do entendimento que vos desejam ver ficam admirados de só poderem faze-lo em parte e nunca totalmente. Vós sois o Deus dos deuses, attestam todas as vossas creaturas; e em honra deste grande nome todos a vós devem dar seu culto. Vós sois Deus, e todas as creaturas são vossos servos e vossos adoradores; vossa gloria não é diminuída embora adorem outros, porque a sua intenção é de se dirigirem a vós; são como os cegos que tem de seguir a grande caminho e se desviam: um cae num poço, outro num buraco; em geral todos julgam ter alcançado seus desejos, mas fatigam-se em vão. Mas os vossos servos são clarividentes que andam por um caminho certo e nunca se desviam nem á direita , nem á esquerda, até que entram no átrio do palácio do rei. Vós sois Deus, que sustentaes por vossa divindade todos os seres e que assistis por vossa unidade a todas as creaturas. Vós sois Deus, e não há differenca entre vossa divindade, vossa unidade, vossa eternidade e
Primero el Padre Nuestro para los ocultistas :
“ Pae Nosso” :
“Pae nosso, que estaes nos céos, santificado seja o teu nome, venha a nós o teu reino, faca-se a tua vontade assim na terra como no céo. O pão nosso de cada dia da-nos hoje, perdoa-nos as nossas dividas assim como as perdoamos aos nossos devedores, não permittas que caiamos em tentação, mas livra-nos do mal : pois a ti pertencem a gloria, o poder e a misericórdia por todos os séculos dos séculos. Amen”
Seguimos con La “Invocación Kabalística “ :
“Vos sois um, o comeco de todos os numeros e o fundamento de todos os edificios ; vos sois um, e no segredo da vossa unidade os homens mais sabios se perdem porque nao a conhecem. Vos sois um, e vossa unidade nunca diminue, nunca augmenta, nem sofre alteração alguma. Vos sois um, não como um em claculo, porque a vossa unidade não admitte multiplicação, nem mudança, nem forma. Vos sois um, ao quual nenhuma das minhas ideas pode fixar um limite e dar uma definição; e por isso que vigiarei a minha conducta, preservando-me de peccar pela minha língua. Vos sois um, emfim,cuja excellencia e tão elevada, que de modo algum pode cahir, e não como este um que pode cessar de existir.
“Vos sois existente: comtudo o entendimento e a vista dos mortaes não podem alcançar vossa existencia, nem por em vos o onde, o como e o porque. Vos sois existente, mas em vos mesmo, porque nenhum ser ode existir comvosco. Vos sois existente desde antes do tempo e sem logar. Vos sois existente, emfim, e vossa existência e tão occulta e tão profunda que ninguém pode penetrar e descobrir o segredo della.
“Vos sois viviente, mas não desde um tempo conhecido e fixo ; vos sois vivente, mas não por um espírito ou por uma alma; pois sois a alma de todas as almas. Vos sois vivente; mas não como as vidas dos mortaes que são comparadas a um sopro e cujo fim será o alimento dos vermes. Vos sois vivente, e aquelle que puder alacncar vossos mysterios gosará delicias eternas e viverá perpetruamente.
Vos sois grande, e ao PE da vossa grandeza todas as grandezas se dobram, e tudo o que há de mais excellente se torna defeituoso. Vos sois garnde acima de todas as imaginações, evos vos elevaes acima de todas as jerarquias celestes. Vos sois grande acima de toda a grandeza, e sois exaltado acima de todos os louvores. Vos sois forte, e nenhuma das vossas creaturas fará as obras que fazeis, nem sua forca poderá serr comparada a vossa. Vos sois forte ; e é a vós que pertence esta forca invencível que nunca muda nem se altera. Vos sois forte, e pela vossa magnanimidade perdoaes no tempo da vossa mais ardente cólera, e vos mostraes paciente para com os peccadores. Vós sois forte, e as vossas misericórdias, que existiram em todos os tempos, se extendem sobre todas as vossas creaturas. Vós sois a luz eterna, que as almas purtas verão e que anuvem dos peccados occultará aos olhos dos peccadores. Vós sois a luz que está occulta neste mundo e visível no outro, onde a gloria do Senhor se mostra. Vós sois soberano, e os olhos do entendimento que vos desejam ver ficam admirados de só poderem faze-lo em parte e nunca totalmente. Vós sois o Deus dos deuses, attestam todas as vossas creaturas; e em honra deste grande nome todos a vós devem dar seu culto. Vós sois Deus, e todas as creaturas são vossos servos e vossos adoradores; vossa gloria não é diminuída embora adorem outros, porque a sua intenção é de se dirigirem a vós; são como os cegos que tem de seguir a grande caminho e se desviam: um cae num poço, outro num buraco; em geral todos julgam ter alcançado seus desejos, mas fatigam-se em vão. Mas os vossos servos são clarividentes que andam por um caminho certo e nunca se desviam nem á direita , nem á esquerda, até que entram no átrio do palácio do rei. Vós sois Deus, que sustentaes por vossa divindade todos os seres e que assistis por vossa unidade a todas as creaturas. Vós sois Deus, e não há differenca entre vossa divindade, vossa unidade, vossa eternidade e
vossa existência; porque tudo é um
mesmo mysterio; e embora os nomes variem, tudo dá o mesmo. Vós sois sábio , e
não apprendestes a sciencia de ninguém, nme a adquiristes senão de vós mesmo.
Vós sois sábio, e como um operário architecto, reservastes da vossa sciencia
uma divina vontade, para num tempo determinado attarhir do nada o ser, do mesmo
modo que a luz que sae dos olhos é attrahida pelo mesmo centro sem nenhum
instrumento ou objeto. Esta divina vontade cavou, traçou, purificou e fundiu; Ella
ordenou ao nada que se abrisse; ao ser que se aprofundasse e ao mundo que se
estendesse. Ella mediu os ceos a palmo; com o seu poder reuniu o pavilaho das
espheras, com os cordões do seu poder fechou as cortinas das creaturas do
universo,e , tocando com sua forca as extremidades da cortina da creacao,
reuniu a parte superior á inferior” (extraído de los rezos de Kippur)
Oración muy eficaz :
“ A direita do senhor mostrou a sua forca; a direita do Senhor mostrou o seu poder tirando-me do perigo; a direita do Senhor deu provas da sua infinita graça ; não perderei a vida, antes vivirei e poderei contar as maravilhas do Senhor e dar-lhe meus louvores.
O Senhor me castigou pela sua justiça, mas a sua bondade me livrou da morte. Assim seja.
Quando os meus inimigos se conjuraram para me perder e se lançaram sobre mim como os animaes ferozes á presa que perseguem, Deus tirou a sua forca e os fez cahir nos mesmos laços que me armaram.”
“ A direita do senhor mostrou a sua forca; a direita do Senhor mostrou o seu poder tirando-me do perigo; a direita do Senhor deu provas da sua infinita graça ; não perderei a vida, antes vivirei e poderei contar as maravilhas do Senhor e dar-lhe meus louvores.
O Senhor me castigou pela sua justiça, mas a sua bondade me livrou da morte. Assim seja.
Quando os meus inimigos se conjuraram para me perder e se lançaram sobre mim como os animaes ferozes á presa que perseguem, Deus tirou a sua forca e os fez cahir nos mesmos laços que me armaram.”
[Mensaje de
voz ]
123 KB
idea para el siguiente libro...hh
[Mensaje de
voz ]
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Idea muy buena
[Mensaje de
voz ]
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Idea mejor todavis
[Mensaje de
voz ]
105 KB
[Mensaje de
voz ]
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Todo perfecto...hh
[Mensaje de
voz ]
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[Mensaje de
voz ]
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Lo hemos hecho padre....hh
[Mensaje de
voz ]
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Esto es lo más importante que ha
pasado en la historia!!!!...hh
Subterranean Bases
Spain's Underground Bases
From : greg gavin <onelighta@yahoo.com>
Reply-To : hollowearth-owner@yahoogroups.com
Sent : Wednesday, December 22, 2004 7:37 PM
To : "Hollowearth@yahoogroups.com" <Hollowearth@yahoogroups.com>, "astralhollow@yahoogroups.com" <astralhollow@yahoogroups.com>
Subject : [hollowearth] tunnel entrances in your backyard
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I recently received a message from a person living in
Spain. I will not give the details as I wish that he
is free to explore what he found on his farm when he
was 9.
from Gregorio:
It is curious Gavin,
>> >> thank you very much for your emails,
>> very
>> >> nice to know we are not crazy.
>> >>
>> >> From very young ( 9 years old more or
less) I
>> >> found an old cave on my farm, this farm was
>> founded
>> >> by Franciscanos ( religious catholic order
>> >> spain), and they made stairs and roof so it
>> be
>> >> easily accessed.
>> >>
>> >> Few weeks ago I found a way to get in
>> >> other tunnel, and I found stairs going
>> >> down, I got down for at least 45 minutes,
>> >> wondering for the batteries I came back
>> >>
>> >> I have very nice feelings when I get in,
>> >> wondering how could I contact its
inhabitantas I
>> >> write you these lines...
> Hello Greg,
>> I'm glad is interesting for you too.
>> Spain, an area with neolitic settlements at
>> the cave goes down more
>> than 2500 yards
>> through irregular steps, and also goes up as
>> crosses the sides of the
>> valley, as it should have another entrance
>> unfound at the upper part
>> of one side of the Valley. A old tale names
>> passages as 'passage of
>> the monks', as it is beleived that some monks
use to
>> used it to move around.
>> I am sure that the outter part is made by
them, but
>> as soon as the irregular
>> steps appear the aspect of the cave changes.
It is
>> funny as it looks older
>> but it will last longer... how to explain the
>> endurance and deep of the
>> feeling.
>> I wonder if I would have to stay at the cave
>> my eyes get more used to
>> the low amount of light and turn off the
>> battery-light. But this would take
>> more than a weekend, who knows if I could do
from me:
I spoke with the psychic Eric Kourganis yesterday on
the phone who lives presently in Miami, Florida.
I gave him the details of the cavern area.
He said that the area is quite large with many tunnels
leading into other caverns. That at one time there was
a society that dwelled in that region underground.
Also that the people there have blocked off entrances
that lead hundreds of miles into the ground into the
Hollow Earth. But it would be impossible to access
these areas as the people inside would send negative
energy to thwart entry.
He said that there is no danger in exploring the
deeper areas, but you would make certain to have a
rope/strings as becoming lost is a possibilty.
It does appear that the monks were in contact and
could go deeper inside, much deeper. And that the
cavern entrances to the Hollow Earth places were
blocked off in the 1500's or before.
He also said there are probably many artifacts still
around. So it may be a good find for you in that way.
Keep me informed on any adventures you may have.
Greg Gavin
Onelight.com Publishing
Gavin Gallery & Studio
gallery studio: 585-298-9208
cell: 585-313-0785
183 St. Paul #301
Rochester, NY 14604
The Hollow Earth List is created by Onelight.com for the further sharing of ideas, concepts, probabilities and enlightening information from resources on the Inner Earth and Hollow Earth now available and being made available to 'surface dwellers; as well as the announcement of Onelight.com updates and coming events.
Reply-To : hollowearth-owner@yahoogroups.com
Sent : Wednesday, December 22, 2004 7:37 PM
To : "Hollowearth@yahoogroups.com" <Hollowearth@yahoogroups.com>, "astralhollow@yahoogroups.com" <astralhollow@yahoogroups.com>
Subject : [hollowearth] tunnel entrances in your backyard
Go to previous message | Go to next message | Delete | 3-PUT_IN_R... | Inbox
I recently received a message from a person living in
Spain. I will not give the details as I wish that he
is free to explore what he found on his farm when he
was 9.
from Gregorio:
It is curious Gavin,
>> >> thank you very much for your emails,
>> very
>> >> nice to know we are not crazy.
>> >>
>> >> From very young ( 9 years old more or
less) I
>> >> found an old cave on my farm, this farm was
>> founded
>> >> by Franciscanos ( religious catholic order
>> >> spain), and they made stairs and roof so it
>> be
>> >> easily accessed.
>> >>
>> >> Few weeks ago I found a way to get in
>> >> other tunnel, and I found stairs going
>> >> down, I got down for at least 45 minutes,
>> >> wondering for the batteries I came back
>> >>
>> >> I have very nice feelings when I get in,
>> >> wondering how could I contact its
inhabitantas I
>> >> write you these lines...
> Hello Greg,
>> I'm glad is interesting for you too.
>> Spain, an area with neolitic settlements at
>> the cave goes down more
>> than 2500 yards
>> through irregular steps, and also goes up as
>> crosses the sides of the
>> valley, as it should have another entrance
>> unfound at the upper part
>> of one side of the Valley. A old tale names
>> passages as 'passage of
>> the monks', as it is beleived that some monks
use to
>> used it to move around.
>> I am sure that the outter part is made by
them, but
>> as soon as the irregular
>> steps appear the aspect of the cave changes.
It is
>> funny as it looks older
>> but it will last longer... how to explain the
>> endurance and deep of the
>> feeling.
>> I wonder if I would have to stay at the cave
>> my eyes get more used to
>> the low amount of light and turn off the
>> battery-light. But this would take
>> more than a weekend, who knows if I could do
from me:
I spoke with the psychic Eric Kourganis yesterday on
the phone who lives presently in Miami, Florida.
I gave him the details of the cavern area.
He said that the area is quite large with many tunnels
leading into other caverns. That at one time there was
a society that dwelled in that region underground.
Also that the people there have blocked off entrances
that lead hundreds of miles into the ground into the
Hollow Earth. But it would be impossible to access
these areas as the people inside would send negative
energy to thwart entry.
He said that there is no danger in exploring the
deeper areas, but you would make certain to have a
rope/strings as becoming lost is a possibilty.
It does appear that the monks were in contact and
could go deeper inside, much deeper. And that the
cavern entrances to the Hollow Earth places were
blocked off in the 1500's or before.
He also said there are probably many artifacts still
around. So it may be a good find for you in that way.
Keep me informed on any adventures you may have.
Greg Gavin
Onelight.com Publishing
Gavin Gallery & Studio
gallery studio: 585-298-9208
cell: 585-313-0785
183 St. Paul #301
Rochester, NY 14604
The Hollow Earth List is created by Onelight.com for the further sharing of ideas, concepts, probabilities and enlightening information from resources on the Inner Earth and Hollow Earth now available and being made available to 'surface dwellers; as well as the announcement of Onelight.com updates and coming events.
ter in the “Bhoga-vita” complex below India, and the human ‘Illuminati’
empires on and beyond earth — which apparently have a secret alliance with each
other — have so interfered in the sovereignty of nearly EVERY nation on earth,
and have done so to the point that they can no longer legally claim any
rational defense against ANY nation which would decide to abuse THEIR
‘sovereignty’. The Reptilian empire is of course a problem in itself, having
been at war (via overt attacks or covert manipulation – against the majority of
humanity in, on, and above earth) since ancient times and apparently, from the
accounts given throughout this and other files, does not even acknowledge
humankind’s right to this planet, nor even their ‘right’ to exist).
Paihute Indian legends say that the ‘People of the Panamints’ long ago left their ancient city within the mountains of California and moved most of their civilization into still deeper cavern levels, AND (according to still other accounts) to colonies beyond the confines of planet earth itself. Although these ‘Havmusuvs’ may be ‘benevolent’ in comparison to some cultures inhabiting the surface of the planet, they nevertheless — according to the documentation in this and other databases — have the ability and technology to defend their ‘borders’ and their loved ones from any potential enemy..
In his chapter ‘OLD GOLD’ the author of ‘DEATH VALLEY MEN’, Bourke Lee, relates the allegedly-true account of two prospectors who claimed to have discovered this ancient, abandoned ‘city’ within huge caverns inside the heart of the Panamint mountains. Take special note of the INCREDIBLE similarity between this account and the one given to the Navajo Oga-Make by an old Paihute sage, as recorded in the article ‘TRIBAL MEMORIES OF THE FLYING SAUCERS’. We will take up the story where two Death Valley residents by the name of Bill and Jack are having a conversation with two prospectors, ‘Thomason’ and ‘White’, from whom the author ‘apparently’ learned the details of the following discussion, if not present at the discussion himself:
…Thomason looked from Jack to Bill and asked, ‘How long have you men been in this country?’
Jack spoke before Bill had a chance. ‘Not very long,’ said Jack quietly. Bill glanced curiously at Jack but said nothing. If Jack thought that 30 years was not very long, that was all right with Bill.
Thomason said, ‘I’ve been in and out of the Death Valley country for 20 years. So has my partner. We know where there is lost treasure. We’ve known about it for several years, and we’re the only men in the world [?] who do know about it. We’re going to let you two fellows in on it. You’ve been good to us. You’re both fine fellows. You haven’t asked us any questions about ourselves, and we like you. We think you can keep a secret, so we’ll tell you ours.”
Jack blew smoke and asked, “A lost mine?”
“No, not a mine,” said Thomason. “A lost treasure house. A lost city of gold. It’s bigger than any mine that ever was found, or ever will be.”
“It’s bigger than the United States Mint,” said White, with his voice and body shaking with excitement. “It’s a city thousands of years old and worth billions of dollars! Billions of Dollars! Billions! Not Millions. Billions!”
Thomason and White spoke rapidly and tensely, interrupting each other in eager speech.
Thomason said, “We’ve been trying to get the treasure out of this golden city for years. We had to have help, and we haven’t been able to get it.”
“Everybody tries to rob us,” put in White. “They all want too big a share. I offered the whole city to the Smithsonian Institution for five million dollars — only a small part of what it’s worth. They tried to rob us, too! They said they’d give me a million and a half for a discovery that’s worth a billion dollars!” he sneered. “I had nothing more to do with them.”
Jack got up and found his plug of tobacco. He threw away his cigarette and savagely bit off an enormous chew. He sat down and crossed his legs and glowered at White as he worked his chew into his jaw.
Bill’s voice was meek as he
Paihute Indian legends say that the ‘People of the Panamints’ long ago left their ancient city within the mountains of California and moved most of their civilization into still deeper cavern levels, AND (according to still other accounts) to colonies beyond the confines of planet earth itself. Although these ‘Havmusuvs’ may be ‘benevolent’ in comparison to some cultures inhabiting the surface of the planet, they nevertheless — according to the documentation in this and other databases — have the ability and technology to defend their ‘borders’ and their loved ones from any potential enemy..
In his chapter ‘OLD GOLD’ the author of ‘DEATH VALLEY MEN’, Bourke Lee, relates the allegedly-true account of two prospectors who claimed to have discovered this ancient, abandoned ‘city’ within huge caverns inside the heart of the Panamint mountains. Take special note of the INCREDIBLE similarity between this account and the one given to the Navajo Oga-Make by an old Paihute sage, as recorded in the article ‘TRIBAL MEMORIES OF THE FLYING SAUCERS’. We will take up the story where two Death Valley residents by the name of Bill and Jack are having a conversation with two prospectors, ‘Thomason’ and ‘White’, from whom the author ‘apparently’ learned the details of the following discussion, if not present at the discussion himself:
…Thomason looked from Jack to Bill and asked, ‘How long have you men been in this country?’
Jack spoke before Bill had a chance. ‘Not very long,’ said Jack quietly. Bill glanced curiously at Jack but said nothing. If Jack thought that 30 years was not very long, that was all right with Bill.
Thomason said, ‘I’ve been in and out of the Death Valley country for 20 years. So has my partner. We know where there is lost treasure. We’ve known about it for several years, and we’re the only men in the world [?] who do know about it. We’re going to let you two fellows in on it. You’ve been good to us. You’re both fine fellows. You haven’t asked us any questions about ourselves, and we like you. We think you can keep a secret, so we’ll tell you ours.”
Jack blew smoke and asked, “A lost mine?”
“No, not a mine,” said Thomason. “A lost treasure house. A lost city of gold. It’s bigger than any mine that ever was found, or ever will be.”
“It’s bigger than the United States Mint,” said White, with his voice and body shaking with excitement. “It’s a city thousands of years old and worth billions of dollars! Billions of Dollars! Billions! Not Millions. Billions!”
Thomason and White spoke rapidly and tensely, interrupting each other in eager speech.
Thomason said, “We’ve been trying to get the treasure out of this golden city for years. We had to have help, and we haven’t been able to get it.”
“Everybody tries to rob us,” put in White. “They all want too big a share. I offered the whole city to the Smithsonian Institution for five million dollars — only a small part of what it’s worth. They tried to rob us, too! They said they’d give me a million and a half for a discovery that’s worth a billion dollars!” he sneered. “I had nothing more to do with them.”
Jack got up and found his plug of tobacco. He threw away his cigarette and savagely bit off an enormous chew. He sat down and crossed his legs and glowered at White as he worked his chew into his jaw.
Bill’s voice was meek as he
asked, “And this place is in Death Valley?”
“Right in the Panamint Mountains!” said Thomason. “My partner found it by accident. He was prospecting down on the lower edge of the range near Wingate Pass. He was working in the bottom of an old abandoned shaft when the bottom fell out and landed him in a tunnel. We’ve explored the tunnel since. It’s a natural tunnel like a big cave. It’s over 20 miles long. It leads all through a great underground city; through the treasure vaults, the royal palace and the council chambers; and it connects to a series of beautiful galleries with stone arches in the east slope of the Panamint Mountains. Those arches are like great big windows in the side of the mountain and they look down on Death Valley. They’re high above the valley now, but we believe that those entrances in the mountain side were used by the ancient people that built the city. They used to land their boats there.”
“Boats!” demanded the astonished Bill, “boats in Death Valley?”
Jack choked and said, “Sure, boats. There used to be a lake in Death Valley. I hear the fishing was fine.”
“You know about the lake,” Thomason pointed his blue chin at Jack. “Your geology would tell you about the lake. It was a long time ago… The ancient people who built the city in the caverns under the mountain lived on in their treasure houses long after the lake in the valley dried up. How long, we don’t know. But the people we found in the caverns have been dead for thousands of years. Why! Those mummies alone are worth a million dollars!”
White, his eyes blazing, his body trembling, filled the little house with a vibrant voice on the edge of hysteria. “Gold!” he cried. “Gold spears! Gold shields! Gold statues! Jewelry! Thick gold bands on their arms! I found them! I fell into the underground city. There was an enormous room; big as this canyon. A hundred men were in it. Some were sitting around a polished table that was inlaid with gold and precious stones. Men stood around the walls of the room carrying shields and spears of solid gold. All the men — more than a hundred — had on leather aprons, the finest kind of leather, soft and full of gold ornaments and jewels. They sat there and stood there with all that wealth around them. They are still there. They are all dead! And the gold, all that gold, and all those gems and jewels are all around them. All that gold and jewelry! Billions!” White’s voice was ascending to a shriek when Thomason put a hand on his arm and White fell silent, his eyes darting about to the faces of those who sat around the table.
300px-Death_Valley_from_Telescope_PeakThomason explained quietly, “These ancient people must have been having a meeting of their rulers in the council chamber when they were killed very suddenly. We haven’t examined them closely because it was the treasure that interested us, but the people all seem to be perfect mummies.”
Bill squinted at White and asked, “Ain’t it dark in this tunnel?”
“Black dark,” said White, who had his voice under control again. His outburst had quieted him. “When I first went into that council room I had just some candles. I fumbled around. I didn’t discover everything all at once like I’m telling you. I fell around over these men, and I was pretty near almost scared out of my head. But I got over that and everything was all right and I could see everything after I hit the lights.”
“Lights? There were lights?” It was Bill asking.
“Oh, yes,” said White. “These old people had a natural gas they used for lighting and cooking. I found it by accident. I was bumping around in the dark. Everything was hard and cold and I kept thinking I was seeing people and I was pretty scared. I stumbled over something on the floor and fell down. Before I could get up there was a little explosion and gas flames all around the room lighted up. What I fell over was a rock lever that turned on the gas, and my candle set the gas off. That was when I saw all the men, and the polished table, and the big statue. I thought I was dreaming. The statue was solid gold. It’s face looked like the
“Right in the Panamint Mountains!” said Thomason. “My partner found it by accident. He was prospecting down on the lower edge of the range near Wingate Pass. He was working in the bottom of an old abandoned shaft when the bottom fell out and landed him in a tunnel. We’ve explored the tunnel since. It’s a natural tunnel like a big cave. It’s over 20 miles long. It leads all through a great underground city; through the treasure vaults, the royal palace and the council chambers; and it connects to a series of beautiful galleries with stone arches in the east slope of the Panamint Mountains. Those arches are like great big windows in the side of the mountain and they look down on Death Valley. They’re high above the valley now, but we believe that those entrances in the mountain side were used by the ancient people that built the city. They used to land their boats there.”
“Boats!” demanded the astonished Bill, “boats in Death Valley?”
Jack choked and said, “Sure, boats. There used to be a lake in Death Valley. I hear the fishing was fine.”
“You know about the lake,” Thomason pointed his blue chin at Jack. “Your geology would tell you about the lake. It was a long time ago… The ancient people who built the city in the caverns under the mountain lived on in their treasure houses long after the lake in the valley dried up. How long, we don’t know. But the people we found in the caverns have been dead for thousands of years. Why! Those mummies alone are worth a million dollars!”
White, his eyes blazing, his body trembling, filled the little house with a vibrant voice on the edge of hysteria. “Gold!” he cried. “Gold spears! Gold shields! Gold statues! Jewelry! Thick gold bands on their arms! I found them! I fell into the underground city. There was an enormous room; big as this canyon. A hundred men were in it. Some were sitting around a polished table that was inlaid with gold and precious stones. Men stood around the walls of the room carrying shields and spears of solid gold. All the men — more than a hundred — had on leather aprons, the finest kind of leather, soft and full of gold ornaments and jewels. They sat there and stood there with all that wealth around them. They are still there. They are all dead! And the gold, all that gold, and all those gems and jewels are all around them. All that gold and jewelry! Billions!” White’s voice was ascending to a shriek when Thomason put a hand on his arm and White fell silent, his eyes darting about to the faces of those who sat around the table.
300px-Death_Valley_from_Telescope_PeakThomason explained quietly, “These ancient people must have been having a meeting of their rulers in the council chamber when they were killed very suddenly. We haven’t examined them closely because it was the treasure that interested us, but the people all seem to be perfect mummies.”
Bill squinted at White and asked, “Ain’t it dark in this tunnel?”
“Black dark,” said White, who had his voice under control again. His outburst had quieted him. “When I first went into that council room I had just some candles. I fumbled around. I didn’t discover everything all at once like I’m telling you. I fell around over these men, and I was pretty near almost scared out of my head. But I got over that and everything was all right and I could see everything after I hit the lights.”
“Lights? There were lights?” It was Bill asking.
“Oh, yes,” said White. “These old people had a natural gas they used for lighting and cooking. I found it by accident. I was bumping around in the dark. Everything was hard and cold and I kept thinking I was seeing people and I was pretty scared. I stumbled over something on the floor and fell down. Before I could get up there was a little explosion and gas flames all around the room lighted up. What I fell over was a rock lever that turned on the gas, and my candle set the gas off. That was when I saw all the men, and the polished table, and the big statue. I thought I was dreaming. The statue was solid gold. It’s face looked like the
man sitting at the head of the table, only, of course, the statue’s face
was much bigger than the man’s, because the statue was all in perfect size,
only bigger. The statue was solid gold, and it is 89 feet, six inches tall!”
“Did you measure it,” asked Jack, silkily, “or just guess at it?”
“I measured it. Now you’ll get an idea of how big that one room — the council room — is. That statue only takes up a small part of it!”
Steady and evenly, Jack asked, “Did you weigh the statue?”
“No,” said White. “You couldn’t weigh it.”
Bill was puzzled. “Would you mind telling me how you measured it?” asked Bill.
“With a sextant,” said White. “I always carry a sextant when I’m on the desert. Then if I get lost, I can use my sextant on the sun or moon or stars to find myself on the map. I took a sextant angle of the height of the statue and figured it out later.”
“A sextant,” said Bill, frowning heavily.
Jack said, “It’s a part of the church, Bill. Never mind that…. Tell us some more about this place. It’s very interesting.”
Fred Thomason said, “Tell them about the treasure rooms.”
“I found them later.” White polished his shining pate with a grimy handkerchief. “After I got the lights going I could see all the walls of this big room and I saw some doors cut in the solid rock of the walls. The doors are big as slabs of rock hung on hinges you can’t see. A big rock bar lets down across them. I tried to lift up the bars and couldn’t move them. I fooled around trying to get the doors open. I must have been an hour before I took ahold of a little latch like on the short end of the bar and the great bar swung up. Those people know about counter-weights and all those great big doors with their barlocks — they must weigh hundreds of tons — are all balanced so that you can move them with your little finger, if you find the right place.”
Thomason again said, “Tell them about the treasure.”
“It’s gold bars and precious stones. The treasure rooms are inside these big rock doors. The gold is stacked in small bars piled against the walls like bricks. The jewels are in bins cut out of rock. There’s so much gold and jewelry in that place that the people there had stone wheelbarrows to move the treasure around.”
Jack sat up in sudden interest. “Wheelbarrows?” he asked…
“We don’t know how old they are,” said Thomason, “but the stone wheelbarrows are there.”
“Stone wheelbarrows,” marveled Jack. “Those dead men must have been very powerful men. Only very strong men could push around a stone wheelbarrow loaded with gold bars. The wheelbarrows must have weighed a tone without a load in them.”
“Yes,” said Thomason, slowly, “the wheelbarrows are stone and of course they are very heavy–“
“But they’re very easy to push around even with a load in them,” White explained. “They’re scientific wheelbarrows.”
“No,” objected Jack in a low tone of anguish.
“Yes,” insisted White, pleasantly sure of himself. A small boy could fill one of those stone wheelbarrows full of gold bars and wheel it around. The wheelbarrows are balanced just like the doors. Instead of having the wheel out in front so that a man has to pick up all the weight with his back, these wise people put the wheel almost in the middle and arranged the leverage of the shafts so that a child could put in a balanced load and wheel the barrow around.”
Jack’s heart was breaking. He left the table and threw his chew out the door. He went over to the stove with his cup. “Anybody want more coffee?” he asked. No one did.
Bill studied Thomason and White for several minutes. Then he asked, “How many times have you been in this tunnel?”
“I’ve been there three times,” said White. “That’s counting the first time I fell in. Fred’s been in twice; and my wife went part way in the last time we was in.”
Mrs. White stroked her blond hair and said, “I thought my husband was romancing when he came home and told me what he found in the mountains. He always was a romancer. I was sure he was just romancing about this city he said he found. I didn’t believe it until they took me into it. It is a little har
“Did you measure it,” asked Jack, silkily, “or just guess at it?”
“I measured it. Now you’ll get an idea of how big that one room — the council room — is. That statue only takes up a small part of it!”
Steady and evenly, Jack asked, “Did you weigh the statue?”
“No,” said White. “You couldn’t weigh it.”
Bill was puzzled. “Would you mind telling me how you measured it?” asked Bill.
“With a sextant,” said White. “I always carry a sextant when I’m on the desert. Then if I get lost, I can use my sextant on the sun or moon or stars to find myself on the map. I took a sextant angle of the height of the statue and figured it out later.”
“A sextant,” said Bill, frowning heavily.
Jack said, “It’s a part of the church, Bill. Never mind that…. Tell us some more about this place. It’s very interesting.”
Fred Thomason said, “Tell them about the treasure rooms.”
“I found them later.” White polished his shining pate with a grimy handkerchief. “After I got the lights going I could see all the walls of this big room and I saw some doors cut in the solid rock of the walls. The doors are big as slabs of rock hung on hinges you can’t see. A big rock bar lets down across them. I tried to lift up the bars and couldn’t move them. I fooled around trying to get the doors open. I must have been an hour before I took ahold of a little latch like on the short end of the bar and the great bar swung up. Those people know about counter-weights and all those great big doors with their barlocks — they must weigh hundreds of tons — are all balanced so that you can move them with your little finger, if you find the right place.”
Thomason again said, “Tell them about the treasure.”
“It’s gold bars and precious stones. The treasure rooms are inside these big rock doors. The gold is stacked in small bars piled against the walls like bricks. The jewels are in bins cut out of rock. There’s so much gold and jewelry in that place that the people there had stone wheelbarrows to move the treasure around.”
Jack sat up in sudden interest. “Wheelbarrows?” he asked…
“We don’t know how old they are,” said Thomason, “but the stone wheelbarrows are there.”
“Stone wheelbarrows,” marveled Jack. “Those dead men must have been very powerful men. Only very strong men could push around a stone wheelbarrow loaded with gold bars. The wheelbarrows must have weighed a tone without a load in them.”
“Yes,” said Thomason, slowly, “the wheelbarrows are stone and of course they are very heavy–“
“But they’re very easy to push around even with a load in them,” White explained. “They’re scientific wheelbarrows.”
“No,” objected Jack in a low tone of anguish.
“Yes,” insisted White, pleasantly sure of himself. A small boy could fill one of those stone wheelbarrows full of gold bars and wheel it around. The wheelbarrows are balanced just like the doors. Instead of having the wheel out in front so that a man has to pick up all the weight with his back, these wise people put the wheel almost in the middle and arranged the leverage of the shafts so that a child could put in a balanced load and wheel the barrow around.”
Jack’s heart was breaking. He left the table and threw his chew out the door. He went over to the stove with his cup. “Anybody want more coffee?” he asked. No one did.
Bill studied Thomason and White for several minutes. Then he asked, “How many times have you been in this tunnel?”
“I’ve been there three times,” said White. “That’s counting the first time I fell in. Fred’s been in twice; and my wife went part way in the last time we was in.”
Mrs. White stroked her blond hair and said, “I thought my husband was romancing when he came home and told me what he found in the mountains. He always was a romancer. I was sure he was just romancing about this city he said he found. I didn’t believe it until they took me into it. It is a little har
d to believe, don’t you think?”
Bill said, “It sure is.” Jack stirred sugar into his coffee and sat down at the table again. Bill asked, “Did you ever bring anything out of the cave?”
“Twice,” said Fred Thomason. “Both times we went in we filled out pockets with gems, and carried out a gold bar apiece. The first time we left the stuff with a friend of ours and we went to try and interest someone in what we’d found. We thought the scientists would be interested or the government. One government man said he’d like to see the stuff and we went back to our friend to get the gold and jewels and he told us he’d never seen them; and dared us to try to get them back. You see, he double crossed us. We were in a little trouble at the time and the loss of that stuff just put us in deeper. We couldn’t get a stake because we were having hard work making anyone believe us. So we made another trip out here for more proof. That time we brought out more treasure and buried it close to the shaft entrance to the underground city before we went back to the Coast. I persuaded some university officials and some experts from the Southwest Museum to come out here with me. We got up on the Panamints and I could not find the shaft. A cloud-burst had changed all the country around the shaft. We were out of luck. The scientists became unreasonably angry with us. They’ve done everything they can to discredit us ever since.”
Jack watched Thomason and White across the rim of his coffee cup. Bill said, “And now you can’t get into your treasure tunnel. It’s lost again. That’s sure too bad.”
Thomason and White smiled. “We can get in all right,” said Thomason in a genial voice his cold eyes did not support. Mrs. White smiled confidently and her husband bobbed his head. Thomason went on: “You’ve forgotten about the old boat landings on the Death Valley side of the Panamint Mountains. All we have to do is climb the mountain to the openings where the galleries come out of the city on the old lake shore. Do you know the mountains along the west side of Death Valley?”
“I’ve been down there,” said Bill.
Thomason turned to White: “How high do you think those galleries are above the bottom of Death Valley?”
White said, “Somewhere around forty-five hundred or five thousand feet. You looked out of them; what do you think?”
“That’s about right,” agreed Thomason. “The openings are right across from Furnace Creek Ranch. We could see the green of the ranch right below us and Furnace Creek Wash across the valley. We’ll find those windows in the mountains, all right.”
“You goin down there now?” asked Bill.
“That’s it,” said White. “We’re through with the scientists. We tried to make a present of our discovery to science because we thought they would be interested. But they tried to rob us, and then they laughed at us and abused us…”
Saying thanks and farewell the treasure hunters left, promising to return, and drove in their car down to Emigrant Canyon towards Death Valley. Later that same afternoon Bourke Lee, the author of DEATH VALLEY MEN, allegedly met the three of them on the floor of the valley. Their car was parked beside the road between Furnace Creek Ranch and the Salt Beds. The men were patching a tube. They did not need any help, so he wished them well and said goodbye and went on towards the southern part of the barren valley. He never saw Fred Thomason, Mr. White nor his wife again, and ten days later when he again visited Bill Cocoran and Jack Stewart they told him that they hadn’t seen them since either. When another week went by and the proprietors of the ‘lost city’ did not appear, the author and Bill made a trip down into Death Valley in their car and took along a pair of field glasses, hoping to see some sign of the explorers or of the ‘windows’ or ‘quays’ allegedly hid among the shadows of the eastern slope of the sun- blistered Panamints. They failed to find any sign of either.
As we have indicated, there are many who suggest that Nevada rather than New Mexico may be the ‘center’ of subsurface ‘alien’ activity in America. This may be t
Bill said, “It sure is.” Jack stirred sugar into his coffee and sat down at the table again. Bill asked, “Did you ever bring anything out of the cave?”
“Twice,” said Fred Thomason. “Both times we went in we filled out pockets with gems, and carried out a gold bar apiece. The first time we left the stuff with a friend of ours and we went to try and interest someone in what we’d found. We thought the scientists would be interested or the government. One government man said he’d like to see the stuff and we went back to our friend to get the gold and jewels and he told us he’d never seen them; and dared us to try to get them back. You see, he double crossed us. We were in a little trouble at the time and the loss of that stuff just put us in deeper. We couldn’t get a stake because we were having hard work making anyone believe us. So we made another trip out here for more proof. That time we brought out more treasure and buried it close to the shaft entrance to the underground city before we went back to the Coast. I persuaded some university officials and some experts from the Southwest Museum to come out here with me. We got up on the Panamints and I could not find the shaft. A cloud-burst had changed all the country around the shaft. We were out of luck. The scientists became unreasonably angry with us. They’ve done everything they can to discredit us ever since.”
Jack watched Thomason and White across the rim of his coffee cup. Bill said, “And now you can’t get into your treasure tunnel. It’s lost again. That’s sure too bad.”
Thomason and White smiled. “We can get in all right,” said Thomason in a genial voice his cold eyes did not support. Mrs. White smiled confidently and her husband bobbed his head. Thomason went on: “You’ve forgotten about the old boat landings on the Death Valley side of the Panamint Mountains. All we have to do is climb the mountain to the openings where the galleries come out of the city on the old lake shore. Do you know the mountains along the west side of Death Valley?”
“I’ve been down there,” said Bill.
Thomason turned to White: “How high do you think those galleries are above the bottom of Death Valley?”
White said, “Somewhere around forty-five hundred or five thousand feet. You looked out of them; what do you think?”
“That’s about right,” agreed Thomason. “The openings are right across from Furnace Creek Ranch. We could see the green of the ranch right below us and Furnace Creek Wash across the valley. We’ll find those windows in the mountains, all right.”
“You goin down there now?” asked Bill.
“That’s it,” said White. “We’re through with the scientists. We tried to make a present of our discovery to science because we thought they would be interested. But they tried to rob us, and then they laughed at us and abused us…”
Saying thanks and farewell the treasure hunters left, promising to return, and drove in their car down to Emigrant Canyon towards Death Valley. Later that same afternoon Bourke Lee, the author of DEATH VALLEY MEN, allegedly met the three of them on the floor of the valley. Their car was parked beside the road between Furnace Creek Ranch and the Salt Beds. The men were patching a tube. They did not need any help, so he wished them well and said goodbye and went on towards the southern part of the barren valley. He never saw Fred Thomason, Mr. White nor his wife again, and ten days later when he again visited Bill Cocoran and Jack Stewart they told him that they hadn’t seen them since either. When another week went by and the proprietors of the ‘lost city’ did not appear, the author and Bill made a trip down into Death Valley in their car and took along a pair of field glasses, hoping to see some sign of the explorers or of the ‘windows’ or ‘quays’ allegedly hid among the shadows of the eastern slope of the sun- blistered Panamints. They failed to find any sign of either.
As we have indicated, there are many who suggest that Nevada rather than New Mexico may be the ‘center’ of subsurface ‘alien’ activity in America. This may be t
rue in the sense that the major ‘conflict’ or ‘interaction’ zone between
Evadamic (Govt.- Nordic) and Draconian (Gray-Reptilian) forces seems to exist
below the Great Western Deserts of southern California, Nevada and western
Utah. The military installations in this region are also, according to many
sources, heavily involved in the alien scenario, for either good or evil.
Whereas the ‘front lines’ so-to-speak may exist below the ‘test’ ranges of Nevada and adjacent states, the ‘center’ of reptilian activity itself seems to be Mt. Archuleta, N.M. and the ‘Four Corners’ region.
The American Center of the various subsurface human cultures seems to be the Cascade-Sierra Nevada ranges (especially between Mt. Shasta and the Panamints) even though some suggest that, at least in the past — as in the case of the U.S. Govt. itself — ‘some’ of the human groups below the California region made the tragic mistake of opting for a policy of ‘appeasement’ rather than ‘retribution’ in dealing with the serpent race. This does not necessarily mean that this policy continues widespread today, although the Mt. Lassen region is reportedly a strong center of current ‘collaboration’ between exterran/subterran reptilian grays AND above ground/subterranean branches of the human Illuminati.
The following account which appeared in the Winter ’92 issue of ‘FAR OUT’ Magazine, in an article by H. Leo O’Neal titled ‘THE LEGEND OF THE DEATH VALLEY MUMMIES’, was apparently an attempt to classify the following tale as ‘fantasy’ even though the author of the article does admit that SEVERAL people (witnesses) have reportedly been in these ancient chambers below the Mojave, mentioned in the story.
These (more) recent events surrounding the Death Valley catacombs, mentioned in the article, are as follows. We ask the readers simply to make their own determination as to the authenticity of the account based on other similar reports which we have related earlier.
31beec4416faf75851116af91cb50a8fIn 1946, Dr. F. Bruce Russell, a retired Beverly Hills physician, struck of a conversation with a Mr. Howard E. Hill in the city of Los Angeles. Russell informed Hill that in 1931, while sinking a shaft in a claimsite of his in Death Valley, he broke through to an underground cavern. After finding some lights he entered and found himself in a cavern with two passages, one heading ‘left’ and the other ‘right’. Exploring the left-hand passage he came to a cave-in, some 25 yards from the entrance shaft. The right-hand path however continued at a steep angle downward for about a quarter of a mile. Although some of the passages seemed natural, others appeared to have been expanded by artificial means, but all of these went off in several directions. One tunnel eventually led to a large room, and this room also had branch tunnels leading off in all directions. Laid out in this chamber were 3 ‘mummies’ and several strange artifacts, some of which appeared ‘Egyptian’ while others were more ‘American Indian’ like in construction. The strange and shocking thing about the mummies however, according to Russell, was that many of them were nearly 8 foot long or tall! He described the underground system as a kind of ‘underground city’.
nephilim__Traces of Giants Found 2The inhabitants must have been very advanced, Russell concluded from what he observed, and he was certain that the find was much more important than the famous King Tut’s Tomb itself. Following the passages he eventually discovered other openings to the surface, but most of these were in obscure places, yet all that he explored were within 7 miles of the ‘shaft’ through which he had first entered the underground complex.
Eventually, Russell discovered 32 caves in all throughout the area. Although he could not prove it, since many of them had collapsed, he supposed that many of them might have at one time connected with the underground system. These 32 caves were all within 180 SQUARE miles of each other, and were located in Death Valley and the extreme southwest region of Nevada.
He also stumbled across a large c
Whereas the ‘front lines’ so-to-speak may exist below the ‘test’ ranges of Nevada and adjacent states, the ‘center’ of reptilian activity itself seems to be Mt. Archuleta, N.M. and the ‘Four Corners’ region.
The American Center of the various subsurface human cultures seems to be the Cascade-Sierra Nevada ranges (especially between Mt. Shasta and the Panamints) even though some suggest that, at least in the past — as in the case of the U.S. Govt. itself — ‘some’ of the human groups below the California region made the tragic mistake of opting for a policy of ‘appeasement’ rather than ‘retribution’ in dealing with the serpent race. This does not necessarily mean that this policy continues widespread today, although the Mt. Lassen region is reportedly a strong center of current ‘collaboration’ between exterran/subterran reptilian grays AND above ground/subterranean branches of the human Illuminati.
The following account which appeared in the Winter ’92 issue of ‘FAR OUT’ Magazine, in an article by H. Leo O’Neal titled ‘THE LEGEND OF THE DEATH VALLEY MUMMIES’, was apparently an attempt to classify the following tale as ‘fantasy’ even though the author of the article does admit that SEVERAL people (witnesses) have reportedly been in these ancient chambers below the Mojave, mentioned in the story.
These (more) recent events surrounding the Death Valley catacombs, mentioned in the article, are as follows. We ask the readers simply to make their own determination as to the authenticity of the account based on other similar reports which we have related earlier.
31beec4416faf75851116af91cb50a8fIn 1946, Dr. F. Bruce Russell, a retired Beverly Hills physician, struck of a conversation with a Mr. Howard E. Hill in the city of Los Angeles. Russell informed Hill that in 1931, while sinking a shaft in a claimsite of his in Death Valley, he broke through to an underground cavern. After finding some lights he entered and found himself in a cavern with two passages, one heading ‘left’ and the other ‘right’. Exploring the left-hand passage he came to a cave-in, some 25 yards from the entrance shaft. The right-hand path however continued at a steep angle downward for about a quarter of a mile. Although some of the passages seemed natural, others appeared to have been expanded by artificial means, but all of these went off in several directions. One tunnel eventually led to a large room, and this room also had branch tunnels leading off in all directions. Laid out in this chamber were 3 ‘mummies’ and several strange artifacts, some of which appeared ‘Egyptian’ while others were more ‘American Indian’ like in construction. The strange and shocking thing about the mummies however, according to Russell, was that many of them were nearly 8 foot long or tall! He described the underground system as a kind of ‘underground city’.
nephilim__Traces of Giants Found 2The inhabitants must have been very advanced, Russell concluded from what he observed, and he was certain that the find was much more important than the famous King Tut’s Tomb itself. Following the passages he eventually discovered other openings to the surface, but most of these were in obscure places, yet all that he explored were within 7 miles of the ‘shaft’ through which he had first entered the underground complex.
Eventually, Russell discovered 32 caves in all throughout the area. Although he could not prove it, since many of them had collapsed, he supposed that many of them might have at one time connected with the underground system. These 32 caves were all within 180 SQUARE miles of each other, and were located in Death Valley and the extreme southwest region of Nevada.
He also stumbled across a large c
hamber which he referred to as the ‘ritual hall’, and which contained
strange markings and symbols. Another tunnel, according to Russell, went from
this room to another underground hall where well-preserved bones of dinosaurs,
sabre-toothed tigers, mastodons and other extinct animals were displayed in
hollowed areas along the walls.
nephilim__Traces of Giants Found 3In 1946, after years of private investigation and secrecy, Russell decided to exploit the find. After gathering a group of potential investors he held a meeting in which he displayed some of the artifacts which he had taken out of the underground system. Mr. Hill was invited to the meeting provided that he could help out as an investor. He accepted the invitation and attended the meeting. The company was called ‘Amazing Explorations’, and the ‘Investors’ meeting took place at a suite in Beverly Hills, although all of the investors were sworn to absolute secrecy. Hill and the rest of the investors were taken, after this meeting concluded, to the underground complex itself, to where Russell returned the artifacts which he had displayed to the investors as he was convinced that the protected atmosphere of the caves would preserve them. The group was taken into the cavern in which the ‘bones’ and the ‘temple’ were located. According to witnesses, it was “chock full of bizarre artifacts of all kinds.” Russell told them that they could look but not touch, as he realized the necessity of preserving such a find in its original condition, both for archaeological as well as monetary reasons.
On August 4, 1947, Howard Hill, acting as spokesman for ‘Amazing Explorations’, issued a brief statement to the press announcing the discovery. The story received minimal coverage, to his surprise, and only appeared in a few newspapers in which the story was ‘balanced’ with very derogatory and skeptical statements from the ‘scientific’ community.
After this, a live press conference was planned, in which Russell planned to display a skeleton and/or several artifacts which would “convince even the most skeptical reporter.” And from that they could discover for themselves the reliability of the find. For this, Russell had to return once again to the caves to retrieve the necessary artifacts. He also planned before leaving or shortly after his return to open a bank account at Barstow bank to deposit investment capital. Russell left for Death Valley but was never seen again. His CAR was later discovered with a busted radiator in a seldom travelled part of Death Valley. Although some suspect that he left with the money of the investors, this is unlikely since the investors’ money which he possessed at the time was not nearly enough to warrent his disappearance, or the discontinuance of plans to commercialize the site as one of the wonders of the world, and the potential wealth that this might bring.
The investors attempted to re-locate the underground chambers that Russell had shown them, but claimed that they could not remember the exact route since they did not pay much attention to landmarks on the first trip, and besides this, the shifting sunlight and shadows and the uniformity of the vast landscape made that difficult. So ended the brief but interesting events surrounding what might have turned out to be one of the most popular wonders of the world, a ‘potential’ Federally-protected museum invaluable to archeologist, anthropologist and historian alike, as well as millions of potential tourists. In spite of the corroborating “circumstantial” evidence for the existence of these ancient ruins, this “world” (or perhaps its present for former inhabitants?) seems to continually resist all efforts of us “outsiders” to probe its secrets in any dramatic way, at least (perhaps) until its “protectors” feel that we are ready to discover these historical treasures. Perhaps the “greed” that such treasures often arouse in human hearts is in itself the very force that prevents their acquisition. Perhaps when we set our hearts to search for Truth — not for our own personal greed or profit, but
nephilim__Traces of Giants Found 3In 1946, after years of private investigation and secrecy, Russell decided to exploit the find. After gathering a group of potential investors he held a meeting in which he displayed some of the artifacts which he had taken out of the underground system. Mr. Hill was invited to the meeting provided that he could help out as an investor. He accepted the invitation and attended the meeting. The company was called ‘Amazing Explorations’, and the ‘Investors’ meeting took place at a suite in Beverly Hills, although all of the investors were sworn to absolute secrecy. Hill and the rest of the investors were taken, after this meeting concluded, to the underground complex itself, to where Russell returned the artifacts which he had displayed to the investors as he was convinced that the protected atmosphere of the caves would preserve them. The group was taken into the cavern in which the ‘bones’ and the ‘temple’ were located. According to witnesses, it was “chock full of bizarre artifacts of all kinds.” Russell told them that they could look but not touch, as he realized the necessity of preserving such a find in its original condition, both for archaeological as well as monetary reasons.
On August 4, 1947, Howard Hill, acting as spokesman for ‘Amazing Explorations’, issued a brief statement to the press announcing the discovery. The story received minimal coverage, to his surprise, and only appeared in a few newspapers in which the story was ‘balanced’ with very derogatory and skeptical statements from the ‘scientific’ community.
After this, a live press conference was planned, in which Russell planned to display a skeleton and/or several artifacts which would “convince even the most skeptical reporter.” And from that they could discover for themselves the reliability of the find. For this, Russell had to return once again to the caves to retrieve the necessary artifacts. He also planned before leaving or shortly after his return to open a bank account at Barstow bank to deposit investment capital. Russell left for Death Valley but was never seen again. His CAR was later discovered with a busted radiator in a seldom travelled part of Death Valley. Although some suspect that he left with the money of the investors, this is unlikely since the investors’ money which he possessed at the time was not nearly enough to warrent his disappearance, or the discontinuance of plans to commercialize the site as one of the wonders of the world, and the potential wealth that this might bring.
The investors attempted to re-locate the underground chambers that Russell had shown them, but claimed that they could not remember the exact route since they did not pay much attention to landmarks on the first trip, and besides this, the shifting sunlight and shadows and the uniformity of the vast landscape made that difficult. So ended the brief but interesting events surrounding what might have turned out to be one of the most popular wonders of the world, a ‘potential’ Federally-protected museum invaluable to archeologist, anthropologist and historian alike, as well as millions of potential tourists. In spite of the corroborating “circumstantial” evidence for the existence of these ancient ruins, this “world” (or perhaps its present for former inhabitants?) seems to continually resist all efforts of us “outsiders” to probe its secrets in any dramatic way, at least (perhaps) until its “protectors” feel that we are ready to discover these historical treasures. Perhaps the “greed” that such treasures often arouse in human hearts is in itself the very force that prevents their acquisition. Perhaps when we set our hearts to search for Truth — not for our own personal greed or profit, but
[19:37:17]:high_brightness: Consciencia
Colectiva :high_brightness::
[Vídeo 15:03] 24.3 MB
Hemos visto tanto sobre clonación
humana en ciencia ficción que cuando escuchamos del tema es muy díficil de
aceptarlo como real eso nos provoca primado negativo, durante años nos muestran
varios especímenes animales clonados y pasan desapercibidos de nosotros, pero
de clonación humana no se habla nada a nivel científico.
Muchos artistas y personajes famosos de pronto salen a decir que son clones y lo hacen a manera de broma todos lo tomamos como tal y pasamos de eso, pero sencillamente hay seres entre nosotros que ya no son más 100% humanos.
La realidad supera a la ficción.
Muchos artistas y personajes famosos de pronto salen a decir que son clones y lo hacen a manera de broma todos lo tomamos como tal y pasamos de eso, pero sencillamente hay seres entre nosotros que ya no son más 100% humanos.
La realidad supera a la ficción.
estamos aqui para dotar de contenido
a todas las teorias "conspirativas"...etc...
es dfecir volcar toda la estructura
que hemos construiudo durante estos más de 125 años...hh
y que funciona...hh
es decir
decir la verdad...hh
⊙ Nueve en la
cúspide significa: “Hay una gran fruto que todavía no ha sido comido. El hombre
noble recibe un carruaje. La casa del hombre inferior se hace pedazos.”
Aquí ha llegado el fin de la dispersión. Cuando el infortunio se ha agotado, los tiempos mejores retornan. La semilla del bien está todavía allí. Como el fruto maduro cae a la tierra, el bien sale de nuevo de su simiente. El hombre noble reprende su influencia y tiene la posibilidad de actuar. La opinión general lo lleva como en un carro. Mientras que el hombre vulgar es castigado por su propia maldad. Su casa vuela en mil pedazos. Allí hay una ley de la naturaleza. El mal no es solamente es un corruptor del bien, sino que como última consecuencia, finalmente se destruye a sí mismo. El mal sólo vive de la negación y no puede subsistir por sí mismo.También para el hombre vulgar, la mejor situación es la de estar bajo el control de un hombre noble.
⊙ Trazo gobernante
Aquí ha llegado el fin de la dispersión. Cuando el infortunio se ha agotado, los tiempos mejores retornan. La semilla del bien está todavía allí. Como el fruto maduro cae a la tierra, el bien sale de nuevo de su simiente. El hombre noble reprende su influencia y tiene la posibilidad de actuar. La opinión general lo lleva como en un carro. Mientras que el hombre vulgar es castigado por su propia maldad. Su casa vuela en mil pedazos. Allí hay una ley de la naturaleza. El mal no es solamente es un corruptor del bien, sino que como última consecuencia, finalmente se destruye a sí mismo. El mal sólo vive de la negación y no puede subsistir por sí mismo.También para el hombre vulgar, la mejor situación es la de estar bajo el control de un hombre noble.
⊙ Trazo gobernante
[19:37:17]:high_brightness: Consciencia
Colectiva :high_brightness::
Watch as this unidentified object begins to emit a prolonged glow after
being touched by a metal sewing needle. These strange microscopic objects were found ...
[19:37:17]:low_brightness:Onion CoɲŞpirคɲcฯ
"Está teniendo lugar una fumigación de óxidos de metales (de aluminio, entre otros) que supone un atentado contra la naturaleza y el ser humano, que intoxica toda nuestra cadena de vida, y no tenemos opción". "Esto es un atentado de consecuencias genocidas, del que no se puede salvar nadie". "Existen programas de manipulación climática que están contaminando nuestro medio ambiente y nuestra tierra". "Para poder seguir con sus aplicaciones de control de clima, lo han disfrazado de geoingeniería para paliar el calentamiento global, pero es un arma climática". "En el momento que esta tecnología de guerra fue prohibida por la ONU, EE.UU. inventó el problema del cambio climático para ofrecer una solución global, que le permitiría seguir con su tecnología de control climático". "Empezó en los EE.UU. en la década de los 90, pero a nosotros nos llegó de la mano de la OTAN en 1999". "Lo que se ve caer en este vídeo son fibras, algunas de hasta 5 metros de largo, que son causantes de nuevas enfermedades como los morgellons". "Hago un llamamiento a la clase médica y judicial, la salud pública es un bien jurídico que hay que defender a ultranza, y sólo ellos actuando en derecho pueden hacerlo".
"Está teniendo lugar una fumigación de óxidos de metales (de aluminio, entre otros) que supone un atentado contra la naturaleza y el ser humano, que intoxica toda nuestra cadena de vida, y no tenemos opción". "Esto es un atentado de consecuencias genocidas, del que no se puede salvar nadie". "Existen programas de manipulación climática que están contaminando nuestro medio ambiente y nuestra tierra". "Para poder seguir con sus aplicaciones de control de clima, lo han disfrazado de geoingeniería para paliar el calentamiento global, pero es un arma climática". "En el momento que esta tecnología de guerra fue prohibida por la ONU, EE.UU. inventó el problema del cambio climático para ofrecer una solución global, que le permitiría seguir con su tecnología de control climático". "Empezó en los EE.UU. en la década de los 90, pero a nosotros nos llegó de la mano de la OTAN en 1999". "Lo que se ve caer en este vídeo son fibras, algunas de hasta 5 metros de largo, que son causantes de nuevas enfermedades como los morgellons". "Hago un llamamiento a la clase médica y judicial, la salud pública es un bien jurídico que hay que defender a ultranza, y sólo ellos actuando en derecho pueden hacerlo".
[19:37:17]:high_brightness: Consciencia
Colectiva :high_brightness::
Watch "Conferencia de Harald Kautz-Vella sobre Chemtrails, Black Goo,
Morgellons e IA" on YouTube
Harald Kautz-Vella presenta su
conferencia detallada sobre Chemtrails, Black Goo, Morgellons, e Inteligencia
Artificial, en la conferencia de Bases Woodborou...
Los RODs
¿¿¿ QUÉ SON???
En 2008 cuando visionaba un video de CHEMTRAILS que acababa de grabar, lo puse en CÁMARA LENTA para comprobar los detalles de los AVIONES que FUMIGAN y para mi sorpresa descubrí que el AIRE QUE RESPIRAMOS se encuentra saturado con éstas pequeñas partículas que se denominan SMART DUST ( POLVO INTELIGENTE) y están en constante y desenfrenado movimiento aún en ausencia de viento, a primera vista pudieran parecer insectos volando pero si se congela la imagen podemos ver su forma geométrica de DIMINUTOS ROMBOS tambien los hay con forma HEXAGONAL,
Además en el vídeo aparecían muchas finas hebras que parecían LARGAS TELAS DE ARAÑAS, luego investigando por la WWW descubrí que se las denomina
CHEMWEBS y no son TELAS de ARAÑA sino que en REALIDAD se trata de BIO-POLÍMEROS MUY DAÑINOS PARA LA SALUD y ya se encuentran por doquier en ciudades y campos ..... pero CUIDADO que Hay muchos VÍDEOS FALSOS en (((JewTube))) que muestran grotescas fibras de algodón para confundir al personal inexperto , y aún hay más, en el mismo video al que hago alusión también me aparecieron algunas de éstas "COSAS"
de tamaño algo más grande que el SMART DUST y con apariencia de INSECTO VOLADOR pero solo pueden verse en algunos fotogramas al congelar la imagen ya que se desplazan a GRAN VELOCIDAD...pues resulta que se les llama RODs y existe bastante información en la WWW sobre éste fenómeno aunque también mucha DESINFORMACIÓN como ocurre con todos los demás asuntos...
Hay quienes elucubran que puede ser una nueva especie de insecto RECIEN DESCUBIERTA o que se trata de vida EXTRATERRESTRE, ETC. pero sospecho que más bien podrían ser BIO ROBOTS HÍBRIDOS creados con BIO NANOTECNOLOGÍA Y BIO INGENIERÍA GENÉTICA ya que aparecieron junto al SMART DUST....
Hay un tal JOSÉ ESCAMILLA que parece ser un experto en RODS....
los "Misteriosos" RODs que ya grabé en video hace más de una DÉCADA,
Espectacular Video Captado De Los Rods !
Flying RODS "Skyfish" & Orbs -
POLVO INTELIGENTE en acción y el video es de hace UNA DÉCADA ....
Libro de SOFÍA Smallstorm gran experta en el tema CHEMTRAILS, CHEMWEBS, SMART DUST, MORGUELLONS.. traducción parcial al español
SMART DUST:El “polvo inteligente” tiene como objetivo controlarlo todo... INCLUIDOS SERES HUMANOS...
Smartdust (M.E.M.S.) Micro Electro Mechanical Sensors - YouTube
Lluvia de Polimeros, restos de fumigación chemtrail...
CHEMWEBS en Galicia... https://m.youtube.com/results?q=Chemtrails polimeros en galicia&sm=12
ChemWebs Falling From The Sky...
¿Porquè ? No tenemos todavía instaurada abiertamente la férrea DICTADURA TECNOLÓGICA que tanto desean los HECHICEROS DE LA OSCURIDAD ,no creo que sea por escrúpulos.,ni por amor a la Humanidad.... ¿ entonces?.... Será que tal vez aún no estén del todo preparados y les queden algunos cabos sueltos....Este lapsus sería nuestra ÚLTIMA oportunidad para alcanzar la masa crítica de personas realmente DESPIERTAS a la REALIDAD HOLÍSTICA
¿¿¿ QUÉ SON???
En 2008 cuando visionaba un video de CHEMTRAILS que acababa de grabar, lo puse en CÁMARA LENTA para comprobar los detalles de los AVIONES que FUMIGAN y para mi sorpresa descubrí que el AIRE QUE RESPIRAMOS se encuentra saturado con éstas pequeñas partículas que se denominan SMART DUST ( POLVO INTELIGENTE) y están en constante y desenfrenado movimiento aún en ausencia de viento, a primera vista pudieran parecer insectos volando pero si se congela la imagen podemos ver su forma geométrica de DIMINUTOS ROMBOS tambien los hay con forma HEXAGONAL,
Además en el vídeo aparecían muchas finas hebras que parecían LARGAS TELAS DE ARAÑAS, luego investigando por la WWW descubrí que se las denomina
CHEMWEBS y no son TELAS de ARAÑA sino que en REALIDAD se trata de BIO-POLÍMEROS MUY DAÑINOS PARA LA SALUD y ya se encuentran por doquier en ciudades y campos ..... pero CUIDADO que Hay muchos VÍDEOS FALSOS en (((JewTube))) que muestran grotescas fibras de algodón para confundir al personal inexperto , y aún hay más, en el mismo video al que hago alusión también me aparecieron algunas de éstas "COSAS"
de tamaño algo más grande que el SMART DUST y con apariencia de INSECTO VOLADOR pero solo pueden verse en algunos fotogramas al congelar la imagen ya que se desplazan a GRAN VELOCIDAD...pues resulta que se les llama RODs y existe bastante información en la WWW sobre éste fenómeno aunque también mucha DESINFORMACIÓN como ocurre con todos los demás asuntos...
Hay quienes elucubran que puede ser una nueva especie de insecto RECIEN DESCUBIERTA o que se trata de vida EXTRATERRESTRE, ETC. pero sospecho que más bien podrían ser BIO ROBOTS HÍBRIDOS creados con BIO NANOTECNOLOGÍA Y BIO INGENIERÍA GENÉTICA ya que aparecieron junto al SMART DUST....
Hay un tal JOSÉ ESCAMILLA que parece ser un experto en RODS....
los "Misteriosos" RODs que ya grabé en video hace más de una DÉCADA,
Espectacular Video Captado De Los Rods !
Flying RODS "Skyfish" & Orbs -
POLVO INTELIGENTE en acción y el video es de hace UNA DÉCADA ....
Libro de SOFÍA Smallstorm gran experta en el tema CHEMTRAILS, CHEMWEBS, SMART DUST, MORGUELLONS.. traducción parcial al español
SMART DUST:El “polvo inteligente” tiene como objetivo controlarlo todo... INCLUIDOS SERES HUMANOS...
Smartdust (M.E.M.S.) Micro Electro Mechanical Sensors - YouTube
Lluvia de Polimeros, restos de fumigación chemtrail...
CHEMWEBS en Galicia... https://m.youtube.com/results?q=Chemtrails polimeros en galicia&sm=12
ChemWebs Falling From The Sky...
¿Porquè ? No tenemos todavía instaurada abiertamente la férrea DICTADURA TECNOLÓGICA que tanto desean los HECHICEROS DE LA OSCURIDAD ,no creo que sea por escrúpulos.,ni por amor a la Humanidad.... ¿ entonces?.... Será que tal vez aún no estén del todo preparados y les queden algunos cabos sueltos....Este lapsus sería nuestra ÚLTIMA oportunidad para alcanzar la masa crítica de personas realmente DESPIERTAS a la REALIDAD HOLÍSTICA
SUSCRIBETE : http://goo.gl/Thzz8O MI
BLOG : http://mundosobrenaturales.blogspot.jp/ Videos
del Canal Porque NASA esta preocupada de que China vaya a la Luna ...
ODD TV explains What Smart Dust and Morgellons is. Original video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ5a9LUgGv0
[19:37:17]:low_brightness:Onion CoɲŞpirคɲcฯ
Morgellons (también
llamada enfermedad de Morgellons o síndrome de
Morgellons) es una condición en la que la persona que lo sufre tiene el delirio
de que está infectado por agentes enfermizos, tales como insectos, parásitos,
pelos y fibras, pero en realidad solo presentan rara vez fibras de colores
rojas ,azules ,negras y blancas saliendo de las llagas que ocasiona la
Las personas con este trastorno suelen presentar un amplio rango de lesiones cutáneas, debidas a la insistencia de rascarse y morderse, debido a las sensaciones de hormigueo (formicación), creencia de la presencia de fibras inusuales en la piel, etc. El consenso científico actual sostiene que Morgellons no es una enfermedad nueva, sino un nuevo y engañoso nombre para una enfermedad conocida. La mayoría de los médicos,[2] incluyendo dermatólogos[3]y psiquiatras[4]consideran Morgellons como la manifestación de una enfermedad conocida, el delirio parasitario dermatozoico,[5][6][7] aunque algunos médicos consideran que una causa infecciosa puede ser encontrada en el futuro.[8] Enfermedades como el delirio parasitario dermatozoico pueden ser serias y debilitantes, pero existen para ellas probados y efectivos tratamientos.
El nombre fue acuñado en en 2002 por Mary Leitao[9]a una infección que presentaba su hijo caracterizada por una gama de síntomas cutáneos como sensación de hormigueo, mordiscos y picaduras producidos por insectos. Asegura que la causa de la enfermedad son unas extrañas fibras en su piel o por debajo de ella, que son de varios colores y brillan a cierta luz.
Las personas con este trastorno suelen presentar un amplio rango de lesiones cutáneas, debidas a la insistencia de rascarse y morderse, debido a las sensaciones de hormigueo (formicación), creencia de la presencia de fibras inusuales en la piel, etc. El consenso científico actual sostiene que Morgellons no es una enfermedad nueva, sino un nuevo y engañoso nombre para una enfermedad conocida. La mayoría de los médicos,[2] incluyendo dermatólogos[3]y psiquiatras[4]consideran Morgellons como la manifestación de una enfermedad conocida, el delirio parasitario dermatozoico,[5][6][7] aunque algunos médicos consideran que una causa infecciosa puede ser encontrada en el futuro.[8] Enfermedades como el delirio parasitario dermatozoico pueden ser serias y debilitantes, pero existen para ellas probados y efectivos tratamientos.
El nombre fue acuñado en en 2002 por Mary Leitao[9]a una infección que presentaba su hijo caracterizada por una gama de síntomas cutáneos como sensación de hormigueo, mordiscos y picaduras producidos por insectos. Asegura que la causa de la enfermedad son unas extrañas fibras en su piel o por debajo de ella, que son de varios colores y brillan a cierta luz.
[19:37:17]:high_brightness: Consciencia Colectiva :high_brightness::
Piero Elnova
via m.facebook.com
via m.facebook.com
:warning: 'POLÍMEROS' EN EL
MEDIO AMBIENTE. NANOTECNOLOGÍA ........ :airplane: Lo más temeroso de
esta salvajada que destilan nuestros cielos, es que se caiga en la...
[19:37:17]:low_brightness:Onion CoɲŞpirคɲcฯ
El programa
de IKER JIMÉNEZ en Cuarto Milenio
Denunciando las CHEMWEBS no huele muy bien , parece que lo que muestran NO son Los BIO POLÍMEROS AUTENTICOS...
“POLÍMEROS SINTÉTICOS”. Cuarto Milenio analiza nuestras muestras. | Fumigan Asturias
GRAVITY make chemwebs fall 5 Oct 2013 FRANCE WTH part 3 - YouTube
Comemtario del amigo Karlos Puest
Chemtrails Cadiz → CUARTO MILENIO , FRIKER Y LOS CHEMTRAILS-14-11-13 - YouTube
Morgellons Polymer Chemwebs Rain France 18 April 2013 HD -
sud de la france 11/09/2011
Denunciando las CHEMWEBS no huele muy bien , parece que lo que muestran NO son Los BIO POLÍMEROS AUTENTICOS...
“POLÍMEROS SINTÉTICOS”. Cuarto Milenio analiza nuestras muestras. | Fumigan Asturias
GRAVITY make chemwebs fall 5 Oct 2013 FRANCE WTH part 3 - YouTube
Comemtario del amigo Karlos Puest
Chemtrails Cadiz → CUARTO MILENIO , FRIKER Y LOS CHEMTRAILS-14-11-13 - YouTube
Morgellons Polymer Chemwebs Rain France 18 April 2013 HD -
sud de la france 11/09/2011
http://le-ciel-nous-tombe-sur-la-tete.com/ English subtitles too ! Emission cuarto millénio, chaine du même groupe
queTélé cinco ! http://www.mediaset.es/ On...
dimenssion...hh.jpg] 104 KB
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US Patent 4686605 - Operation Chemtrail
Here's the patent with all its details....
US4686605A - Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or ma...
La finca de la casa de mi.madre
dentro de 500 millones de años....hh
La Visión Genomica es un arma contra
las maquinarias interdimensionales de los Aliens Grises de fabricación de
dimensiones y puedes ver toda la realidad o todo el espectro de la realidad no
sólo colores o seres o formas en sus movimientos relativos y sus construcciones
etéricas sino incluso las civilizaciones del aire y sus respectivas agendas que
ocurren todo el tiempo a nuestro alrededor...huahuahuahua!!!.Quien comprende
esto en toda su magnitud tiene las llaves del Reino y es feliz por ello...hh
Ese vacío está todo lleno, este mundo está lleno de vida introterrestre y sus
familias y sus genealogias forman parte de nosotros de nuestro cotidiano
cotidianas cotidianismo se llama cotidianismo intrabiologico y es exhuberante
robotoide.jpg] 851 KB
Lo más importante traer Al Andalus a
España porque tras la desafección de Al Andalus por la tropas cruzadas del
Norte de Europa ese tesoro yo lo he traido desde Brasil 2012-2019 y lo he
vuelto a dar gratuitamente esta mañana a través del departamento de historia
medieval de la Universidad de Valencia, eso es lo que mi padre sabe y lo que yo
sé y eso el lo único importante y esa es la labor y el Gran Trabajo o Gran
La Clave de Todo :
Drago....Virgo Sol....Leo Tormenta...Cáncer Espejo...Géminis Tierra
...Tauro Guerrero...Aries Águila...Piscis Mago...Acuario
Caminante...Capricornio Humano...Sagitario Mono...Escorpio
(perro)...(Libra) (Luna)....(virgo) (Estrella)...(Leo) (Mano)....(Cancer)
(Enlazador)....(Géminis) (Serpiente)...(Tauro) (Semilla)...(Aries)
(Noche)...(piscis) (viento)...(Acuario)...hehe Anti-Gypsi System...hehe!!!
para hacer vuestras donaciones aquí, desde 1Euro,/1$......Gracias...hehe!!!! / You can make all your donations here from 1euro/1$...Thank You...hehe!!!! :

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